#indieweb 2024-10-15

2024-10-15 UTC
athan and glacier joined the channel
Not sure which mastodon ones still work
stormyyy, troojg and evanescence joined the channel
I don’t think they work very well anymore.
[snarfed], [morganm] and bterry joined the channel; toastal left the channel
Wayback machine works for me
I'll ask more specifically, any folks here have experience with Movetodon, Debirdify, Twitodon, Fedifinder, or Crossposter tools?
GuestZero, toastal, BigShip, wobbol, lockywolf, rvalue, slow99, snoreboar, OLGA39, [jeremycherfas]1, [snarfed]1, [morganm]1, [KevinMarks]1, [Joe_Crawford]1, IWSlackGateway2, Oclair, athan and laker joined the channel; toastal left the channel
srazkvt, klymilark and athan joined the channel
Why does someone want something that looks like Wordpress comments? What about them is appealing in party?
appealing in particular*? 😂
Do they just mean local comments? Like old school comment forms not tied to an account
Maybe the way they are threaded one level deep? Or that the replies from the original author get a different styling?
They mean straightforward to administer.
WordPress comments work simply out of the box. But if you want just one level of threading, you can have that if you want multiple levels of spreading, you can have that. You can decide what prerequisites to allow before someone comments. If you wanna give people subscriptions to new comments it’s straightforward to add that. There’s an RSS feed for comments.
The comment system is so flexible it’s what underpins indieweb webmention display.
That’s my guess as to what that particular rant is praising Wordpress about.
also it sounded like the point was maybe less wordpress specifically and more that traditional blogs/CMSes had local commenting built in that Just Works. static sites got popular for good reasons, but rarely have built in, easily usable local commenting, often they takes extra setup that's difficult and brittle
I think local comments are a bit of a moderation trap. They seem great while you're small but eventually if your site grows you start to get into the "too big a public" problem (see /publics)
sure! they may work out of the box on many blogs/CMSes, unlike on static sites, but they still have issues
“Comments are a pain in the ass” on a website is the same as “parties of 10 or more people are a pain in the ass for a restaurant.” I mean, sure, yes, these are correct. But depending on the site and the restaurant they might be made to be good problems. But yes, it requires moderation. Everything good does.
spew joined the channel
Not sure about that "everything good does"
Everything good with more than one person involved.
I feel like there are quite a few IRL "public" spaces that need little to no actual "moderation"
Nevermind personal spaces
It's been a LONG time since I've had to moderate someone out of a house party or even ask someone to "cut it out"
sounds like those are pre-moderated spaces? not public free for alls
ie who was invited in the first place, vs what they did or said
I think that should be a bar for comments too. default moderation-labor zero. people need to earn the trust required to leave a comment, and should have enough of a "social stake" that they have built in incentive to behave
unrelated, [KevinMarks] you got a shout out on the latest vergecast on the history of podcasting! https://www.theverge.com/c/24238422/podcast-etymology-term-history-tech-vergecast , 17:15
My point is that local comments are designed in all CMSs to create increasing (non linear?) labor proportionally with growth of your website
I think that question of “how many bouncers are needed per 25 customers” is an interesting one. At a bar. In a comments section, at a concert venue.
GuestZero joined the channel
And the world now knows that without moderation, bad things can be made catastrophically worse. I think of Myanmar.
GuestZero_ joined the channel
Did the progress bar in huffduff video get broken?
Achylles joined the channel
If you don't have local comments, how do people comment?
I've used Disqus for that. Add JavaScript. Outsourced.
Mozilla had a thing for that at one point.
and on social media
that was the big shift, right? definitely inspired Bridgy
There was a vogue for allowing users to comment with Facebook sign in.
[KevinMarks] it's been inconsistent, not sure why. I see it sometimes but not always
I think the HTML itself is fine, but the browser handling of the streaming response varies
academic though sadly, I'll probably turn huffduff-video down soon, https://github.com/snarfed/huffduff-video/issues/52
[preview] [FlocktimusPrime] #52 YouTube Returning Bot Error
(thank you again for the progress bar, it was great for a long time!)
GuestZero joined the channel
I would personally moderate any comment system on my website, whether it's local comments or somehow remote
Like I do moderation before comments are even shown
spew, [Murray] and bret joined the channel
Whenever I think about comments on my site, I remember that John Gruber takes comments via social media and email and anything he thinks is particularly noteworthy gets folded into a future post.
A lot of conversation is throwaway, really. Stimulating in the moment but not every bit of it needs recorded.
GuestZero, gRegor and tanoolh joined the channel
The rules said there is a bridge with Matrix how do I add it to my Element app. I'm new to most of these topics
The rules said there is a bridge with Matrix how do I add it to my Element app. I'm new to most of these topics
I'm unsure if the Matrix bridge still works?
According to https://indieweb.org/discuss -- _https://indieweb.org/Matrix used to be supported until the bridge hosted by http://element.io_ _https://indieweb.org/discuss#Matrix, and there is no known effort to restore it._
what a rules
yeah scojjac, that model of doing conversations via other channels is a common one
what are rules
It looks like we don't have a page for "rules" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "rules is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tanok111 welcome and apologies for the Matrix bridge being down/unsupported. There's an opportunity there if someone wants to code something up (follow-up in #indieweb-dev or #indieweb-meta!)
Twitter << https://xcancel.com/ is a service that mimics the Twitter/X URL structure and provides a captcha-d no JS required minimal reading experience of Twitter profiles (e.g. https://xcancel.com/t) and tweet permalinks (click on any datestamps in an xcancel profile view for example).
ok, I added "https://xcancel.com/ is a service that mimics the Twitter/X URL structure and provides a captcha-d no JS required minimal reading experience of Twitter profiles (e.g. https://xcancel.com/t) and tweet permalinks (click on any datestamps in an xcancel profile view for example)." to the "See Also" section of /Twitter https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=97709&oldid=97460
GuestZero, lazcorp and toastal joined the channel
Thank you
And welcome 👋
[aciccarello], seryndelle, toastal, bterry, to2ds, spew and [jamietanna] joined the channel
Hey friends! It's been a while 👋
What's the policy for creating an event on http://events.indieweb.org - which links through to https://www.meetup.com/openuk/events/303912333/ - if appropriate?
A meetup I co-organise is having the wonderful [Ana_R] and [calumryan] speaking next month about, you guessed it, the IndieWeb!
[jamietanna] seems appropriate
Please do!
Go for it!
also [jamietanna] note the new #indieweb-events channel for discussing all things events and chats during events!
Awesome, thanks folks, and TIL re #indieweb-events!
mdemo2 joined the channel; toastal left the channel