#LoqiA story is a singular (one per profile) time stream collection post, that consists of ephemeral photo and video posts that are shown in sequence one at a time and disappear from the collection some time after being added, usually 24 hours https://indieweb.org/story
#[schmarty]capjamesg: you and aaronpk were the only IndieWeb examples noted on that page. 😮
#capjamesg[d]I'm not thinking of building anything right now, but musing on whether I should explore it.
ttybitnik, [pfefferle], khrome, klymilark, GuestZero and corlaez joined the channel
#carrvo[d]That sounds like the heart of what I have setup: every page gets a list of people that can access it, or explicitly made anonymous. It might be easier for your setup to add access restrictions to a webspace path.
#carrvo[d]I am not referring to the story because mine stick around.
bterry1, _justin_kelly71, GuestZero, klymilark and oodani joined the channel
#[tantek]We've also used the term protected post right?
#[tantek]I’m still mixed on what to call "private" like should it only apply to "private messages" for example, or even truly "private" only for you posts?
#carrvo[d]Probably a bad name propagated by examples like "use example.com/public and example.com/private" in tutorials.
#[tantek]I also think services have an incentive to "blur" the meaning of "private" because they consider it still ok to share that information with advertisers
#[tantek]Like a "private" post to 50 people is not really "private"
#jak2kHi, the IndieAuth specs mentioned a `<link rel"indieauth-metadata" href="...">`. Is there an example for it in the wild?
#[tantek]hi jak2k and welcome! we tend to discuss protocols, formats, and other standards in the #indieweb-dev channel to keep this channel more user-features and services focused. Also more likely to get better answers there!