#indieweb 2021-04-24

2021-04-24 UTC
timculverhouse, [tw2113_Slack_], [snarfed], __minoru__shirae, neshpion, [tantek], opal, loicm, smacko[m], BinyaminGreen[m], Paul[m]7, kensp, anotheryou, dhanesh, [girrodocus], nertzy, [manton], [kimberlyhirsh], KartikPrabhu, plainoldcheese[m, JackyAlcin[m], cbradford[m], Salt[m], minoru_shiraeesh, kensp1, Seirdy, barnabywalters, alex11, [KevinMarks], enpo, jacky, AkyRhO, vilhalmer, micro, brown121407, Kaja, mavidser, Ruxton, aaronpk, geman, Janky, koddsson, yar, alxd, zazazoom, sam[m]2, jgee, rinfo, sivoais, selectric, JasonO, beko, rsheftel, timotimo, Saphire, uncle_0gre, andersju, jeremycherfas, edsu, nekr0z, jimpick, astrojl_matrix, Caleb[m], kolaente, perflyst[m], PaulB[m], Matthew[m], IRCsum, joshproehl, micahrl, omz13, kevinsan, __number5__, ned0, globbot, njd, batkin[m], reed, dghelm[m], iwnxaj[m], Joachim[m]1, benpa[m]1, numro6[m], robla, lionirdeadman, astronavt, rknLA_, saptaks_znc, awolf, petermolnar, strugee, Seich, Bitweasil, wagle, segnior, fredcy_, jamietanna[m], mikael[m]1, pauho[m], j4yav, MylesBraithwaite, ChrisMeyer[m], ramsey, jbove, danyao, thebigfrog, petermolnar_, nolith3, ecobos, ehmry, astroanax__, peterrother, jjuran, treora, doosboox, deathrow1, BigShip, bdeshi, [chrisaldrich], SumnerEvans[m], Mikaela[meow], Paul[m]5, Caleb[m]1, sknebel[m], sam[m]4, Guest71736 and Salt joined the channel