2011-05-25 UTC
josephboyle joined the channel
# 00:50 josephboyle tantek - is your stuff like falcon, whistle etc. open source? looking at your pbworks pages but haven't found links to source
# 00:50 tantek Whistle is all open source and included as part of cassis.js
# 00:50 tantek Falcon is *partially* open source (the cleaned up parts), and also included in cassis.js
# 00:51 tantek a lot of Falcon was/is written *very* hastily just to get UI functionality up and running
# 00:51 tantek and as I iterate on Falcon, I try to clean up more and share more
# 00:54 josephboyle thanks, have pulled it. lots of js - do you have any interest in node.js stuff?
# 01:04 tantek I like the approach of node.js and prefer it long term.
# 01:04 tantek However I've decided to focus on writing code which can be trivially deployed on any web hosting service - all of which support PHP by default these days.
# 01:05 tantek Hopefully in ~5 or so years, web hosting services will have JS on the server or maybe even Node by default.
# 01:05 tantek But until then, it's too hard on too many services to require Node and/or JS on the server.
# 01:05 tantek so yes, CASSIS is JS written in a PHP-compatible way, so that you can natively execute it *today* in PHP on web servers.
# 01:11 josephboyle PHP hosting is most common - though bare linux virtual hosting is very accessible too
# 01:12 josephboyle If you want to integrate with ubiquitous PHP apps like wordpress, drupal etc. then PHP sounds like a necessity
# 01:13 josephboyle gotta run - ttys
shaners, josephboyle, dbounds, tantek and dbounds1 joined the channel