2011-07-01 UTC
brennannovak, ccauthen, MarkDilley and beaulebens joined the channel
beaulebens, beaulebens_ and DawnFoster joined the channel
voxpelli, tantek, abki_, DawnFoster, ccauthen and lmorchard joined the channel
danbri joined the channel
MarkDilley, quartzjer, abki_ and shaners joined the channel
voxpelli joined the channel
# 17:27 voxpelli What would the best practise be to add discoverability of a ActivityStream (not using WebFinger)? link-tag in head? a visible a-tag of some kind?
brennannovak joined the channel
# 18:08 brennannovak I totes wanna make a Social-Igniter theme that looks like Google+
shaners joined the channel
# 18:56 aaronpk also, you should talk to the phpfog guys about making a one-click install on their platform
ccauthen joined the channel
# 19:19 brennannovak aaronpk: yah I had a meeting with the PHPFog guys... they are into the idea, but as of a month ago their infrastructure was not easy to implement yet other install apps yet... I do need to follow up!
# 19:20 aaronpk pretty sure they're farther along now, I know someone there who they hired to make a bunch of apps one-click
shaners joined the channel
# 19:30 brennannovak aaronpk: ah rad, I'll send Lucas an email right now ;)
# 19:31 brennannovak their platform actually is quit ideal for SI it makes so many steps of installer script not needed
# 19:36 brennannovak niceness!
shaners joined the channel
ccauthen joined the channel
devinrolsen joined the channel
dbounds, ccauthen, devinrolsen_, brennannovak, danbri, josephboyle, quartzjer and shaners joined the channel