2011-07-06 UTC
brennannovak, MarkDilley and brennannovak_ joined the channel
brennannovak, wajiii-afk, brennannovak_, tantek, shaners, voxpelli, tpod, danbri and danbri_ joined the channel
# 11:53 voxpelli Anyone able to tell why Web Intents is better than eg registerProtocolHandler()? Or whether they are not dealing with the same issue?
danbri, voxpelli, spinnerin, evanpro, quartzjer, DawnFoster and brennannovak joined the channel
MarkDilley joined the channel
# 17:31 tantek voxpelli could you provide a user scenario overview of what registerProtocolHandler() does?
# 17:39 spinnerin Yes, wordpress charges an annual fee for that.
# 17:40 beaulebens tantek: yes, you need to pay for the domain mapping upgrade
# 17:52 tantek thanks for the confirmation. just checking because I noticed on Tumblr that they don't charge for domain mapping.
# 17:58 spinnerin I hadn't realized they have that for free. I should set it up.
# 18:00 tantek yup - added the instructions to the Getting Started page
shaners joined the channel
# 18:51 evanpro spinnerin: what do you mean?
# 18:52 spinnerin I can't reach the page, so I wondered if it moved.
tantek joined the channel
# 19:22 reidab it might be a URI identifying the schema, instead of a URL that actually goes somewhere
# 19:47 tantek reidab - spinnerin - I'm curious - what user-scenarios are you solving / running into that require the use of a URI identifying a schema?
# 19:47 reidab tantek: we were looking at the XRD file provided when doing webfinger lookups on diaspora users, which referenced that schema
simonjb joined the channel
# 19:49 tantek what's the scenario where you're doing a lookup (of any kind) on a Diaspora user?
# 19:50 spinnerin tantek: I'm trying to figure out ways my indie web site might share posts to a defined list of friends.
# 19:51 tantek that would be a great user scenario to document on the indiewebcamp.com wiki
# 19:51 tantek and see which pieces work today and which pieces need to get built
# 19:51 spinnerin Yep. I wondered what the indie version of the google circles concept would be.
# 19:51 tantek have to run - bbiab - feel free to add your thoughts / explorations to indiewebcamp.com and I'll take a look
simonjb joined the channel
# 19:56 spinnerin Hmm, is there a top page to link scenarios from?
# 20:03 aeschright created /SharingWithCircles (+628) "Created page with ''''Scenario:''' I have a circle of contacts or friends I would like to see a post from my personal site. I want to have control over whether my post is public, and who can have a…'" (
view diff )
abki__ joined the channel
tantek and brennannovak joined the channel
# 21:13 spinnerin I wonder if anyone has a good reference on discovery methods currently in use.
DawnFoster1 and DawnFoster joined the channel
devinrolsen, DawnFoster and tantek joined the channel
shaners and devinrolsen_ joined the channel
quartzjer and tantek joined the channel