#indiewebcamp 2011-08-01
2011-08-01 UTC
# brennannovak w00t!!!!!!
brennannovak and tantek joined the channel
# tantek aaronpk - sounds like you should add that Indieweb-messaging github to http://indiewebcamp.com/Projects :)
tantek joined the channel
# aaronpk edited /Special:Log/upload () "uploaded a new version of "[[File:aaronpk.jpg]]"" (view diff)
tantek joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# aaronpk alright got a writeup http://aaronparecki.com/IndieWeb_Messaging
# brennannovak very nice writeup aaronpk: great job!
peck_lx and gazoombo joined the channel
# singpolyma aaronpk: Reading http://aaronparecki.com/IndieWeb_Messaging. (1) If you use HTTP you should use Salmon (2) Why are you using HTTP?
spinnerin and quartzjer joined the channel
# brennannovak oh this is a cute use of the GItHub API... nerd awards http://coderwall.com
quartzjer and tantek joined the channel
# singpolyma tantek: uh... Salmon is also HTTP :)
# singpolyma and it's basically just atompub with some discovery... so... not really that complex, but whatever
# singpolyma tantek: because POST to the root domain (ie: well-known URIs instead of discovery) has shown to be fragile in the past
# singpolyma favicon.ico / robots.txt are the historical ones
# singpolyma Ok, I'll accept that
# tantek no /magic-path.xml etc.
# singpolyma using raw POST, though, means that URL can't possible accept POST for any other purpose except this particular protocol
# singpolyma Well, on my site I have used it for "trackback to main page" or alternately a way to get replies/comments in the past
# singpolyma could use alternate verb or mime-type maybe. I'm not sure the body params are sufficiently unique to do that by themselves, but maybe they are
# singpolyma also: salmon has been implemented. there's at least status.net, rstatus, cliqset, and a wordpress plugin
# singpolyma aaronpk: if the POST body were Atom instead, that would make it much more flexible / detectable
# singpolyma lol. anyway, my original argument was against HTTP (which I realise this community won't go for, but I feel I have to make it anyway)
# singpolyma And in favour of something actually good at this. The historical example being SMTP
# singpolyma The dialback thing is a seperate issue. It's "fine", but there are obviously problems with it :)
# singpolyma aaronpk: that sounds like a technical problem. technical problems are the easy part :)
# singpolyma Really? I see technical problems solved all the time. In multiple years of discussions on this, though, most people haven't even *gotten* to the use cases or UI problems
# singpolyma Things like "why do we want this" / "what is it for" / "what does it look like to use it"
# singpolyma really? because all that's on that wiki page is a protocol spec... an new one, that invents stuff
# singpolyma So, the goal is a bit unclear. It seems to be "replace IM with HTTP"
# singpolyma :)
# aaronpk ok well that's a start http://aaronparecki.com/IndieWeb_Messaging#Goals
# singpolyma aaronpk: ok, so what about those goals is not solved my hCard?
# singpolyma s/my/by
# singpolyma well, that's all you've got here, it's just that you've invented a new communication channel for that other channel to be
# singpolyma which I would be fine with if we didn't already have several standard ones and many more snowflakes like this :)
# singpolyma aaronpk: but that's the case anyway :) it's just a new communication channel from the sender's perspective. and from a reply perspective
# singpolyma I get SMTP messages over XMPP all the time, etc. frontend != backend anyway
# singpolyma which I why I suggested hCard
# singpolyma get an SMTP (or other) address from URL, use that
# singpolyma contact@, me@, fancy-protocol@
# singpolyma I happen to use singpolyma@singpolyma.net because I like it. I don't have to
# singpolyma I'm 99% sure SMTP allows singpolyma.net as an email address, but lots of stuff refuses that
# singpolyma hmm, my mailserver seems to be rejecting that, so maybe no
# singpolyma but the point is that humans shouldn't type that anyway. they should type my URL and their client should figure out my address from my hCard
# singpolyma then your server sends it to you via SMS...
# singpolyma changing the sender protocol should not affect the recipient
# singpolyma you still choose what you want there
# singpolyma because people are all on shared hosting without procmail?
# singpolyma could use POP-based script
# singpolyma for those people
# singpolyma which I realise is slightly more complex than inventing something brand new
# singpolyma So: switching gears. How do replies work in your proposed system?
# singpolyma no, I mean in the UI
# singpolyma since you're getting an XMPP, SMTP, or SMS message
# singpolyma how do you reply?
# singpolyma tantek: from memory. I can add something to indiewebcamp wiki if you like
# singpolyma oh... there probably is. I could look
# singpolyma http://code.google.com/p/salmon-protocol/wiki/SalmonLibraries << libraries (not all implementations, just libraries) on the Salmon wiki
# singpolyma aaronpk: on replies: right, so you can just use this new protocol to send a message back to them. for which you need a new client of some kind. This is quickly sounding like yet another communications channel
tantek, quartzjer, peck_lx and MarkDilley joined the channel
# tantek btw IndieWeb folks, here's a reference for the 2011-05-31 death of Friendster as a social network: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/27/technology/27friendster.html
tantek, spinnerin and spinnerin_ joined the channel