dbounds, spinnerin_, sivy, MarkDilley, tantek, josephboyle1 and peck_lx joined the channel
#tantekdbounds what's your personal site that's using ooava? (I'm updating the projects page so we can look at active real-world personal example uses of each project)
#tantekand aaronpk - next time you see Brennan Novak, could you ask him what's his personal site that's using Social Igniter?
#tantekdo glow instances have to be at glow.io, or have you considered running one at your own personal domain (rather as a subdomain of the project domain of glowio) ?
#dboundsthe idea was to start off by restricting it to a glow.io host and then once stable opening it up to any host/domain.
#dboundslimiting it to glow.io (allowing me to control DNS) gave me more control over who and what was part of the beta group.
#tantekedited /projects (+1176) "clarify active usage/development by indie web attendees, separate experimental (live usage) vs hacks (test usage or in development), and other (no known current indie web users)" (view diff)
#dboundsHas anyone ever tried to build a modern federated network that leveraged IRC (RFC 1459 and related) as the communication architecture? Been pondering the good and bad of something like that recently.
#dboundss/federated network/federated social network/
#Loqidbounds meant to say: Has anyone ever tried to build a modern federated social network that leveraged IRC (RFC 1459 and related) as the communication architecture? Been pondering the good and bad of something like that recently.