brennannovak, davida and tantek joined the channel
#Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 4 hours, 50 minutes ago: I fixed the IndieWebCamp wiki logins! Now when you log in it'll find the account that the openID plugin created
#aaronpkit appears that the "recentchanges" table stores the user *name*, but the other table stores the ID
#aaronpkso one list queries based on your logged-in ID, the other based on the name, so you get different lists
#aaronpkthe user merge plugin should fix that when we combine the accounts
davida, davida_ and brennannovak joined the channel
#tantekarronpk - ok cool. so the combination of accounts is a two step process then? partially automatic upon login with IndieAuth, and then there's a manual step after that with the user merge plugin?
#aaronpkyea, we'll need to merge the few accounts that are duplicates. I tried installing the plugin yesterday but the mediawiki extension site was down