#indiewebcamp 2012-06-15

2012-06-15 UTC
tantek, tilgovi, dascher, spinnerin_, barnabywalters, voxpelli, brennannovak and josephboyle joined the channel
@textfiles know a better list than this one? http://t.co/jwCLS3XW (time to add Wakoopa)
@indiewebcamp I love the idea of indieauth, but it's conflicting with OpenID for me: I can't convince it to use a rel="me" instead.
brennannovak and dascher joined the channel
edited /Events (+555) "Rise of the Indie Web at PDF2012"
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brennann_, barnabywalters, tilgovi and jancborchardt joined the channel
Not gonna make it to IndieWebCamp / OSBridge this year, but you should.
borior joined the channel
elf-pavlik: well hello there
tilgovi: lordy, and you're here too =)
borior: :)
met tantek at Personal Democracy Forum and he cajoled me into joining in the fun here
@indiewebcamp so... this http://t.co/VJwqIA3A Are the instructions somewhere else?
tantek joined the channel
edited /2012/Guest_List (+285) "/* Creators */"
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tantek: hey there. just to say I found my way here — Nick from PDF
borior - oh great! welcome!
tantek: was thinking about different ways of going about personalised 2FA. I'm kind of a fan of the approach Google has taken with the Authenticator app, but another interesting option is this thing: http://www.yubico.com/
for which (afaict) the validation server and client libraries are open source