#indiewebcamp 2012-07-12

2012-07-12 UTC
tantek and dreeves joined the channel
2012/Own Your Comments http://t.co/Lq3WIwZ2
dascher, dascher_, brennannovak and tantek joined the channel
Rédaction compte-rendu #indieweb & #crowfunding á venir… Qqes images amateurs libres/besoin de tags http://t.co/D6XwvO9W #cfcp #cfcp1
tantek, brennannovak, voxpelli, borior, mime, mime_ and xtof_fr_ joined the channel
mentioned in #indiewebcamp 2012-07-04 http://t.co/G7WrEk2g [Google Alerts]
josephboyle1, spinnerin, brennannovak, josephboyle, dreeves, dascher, tilgovi, dascher_, danbri, mime and mime_ joined the channel