#indiewebcamp 2012-07-14

2012-07-14 UTC
tantek and tantek_ joined the channel
created /irc-people (+24) "r"
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edited /IRC_People (+12) "resorted, put nicks in the visible section of the template"
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brennannovak, tilgovi, geoid, zztr, singpolyma, tantek, BjornW, borior, josephboyle, josephboyle1 and dascher joined the channel
@daltonc I've pledged to http://t.co/t5Twdy7w, but you must federate to build incorruptible infrastructure: http://t.co/xjAY6Acs #indieweb
dascher, brennannovak, spinnerin, zztr, dascher_, josephboyle, BjornW, donpdonp and mime joined the channel
mime: yooooo!
zztr joined the channel
photo: @t @evanpro @aaronpk @erinjo on Rise of the Indie Web session @osbridge #osb12 #indieweb http://t.co/WnfMtN7T