aaronpk!tell barnabywalters thanks for the tip! Looks like my feed broke when I posted an image in a note! Should be fixed now, but everything is wrapped in an extra <p> tag
Loqibarnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message 11 hours, 23 minutes ago: thanks for the tip! Looks like my feed broke when I posted an image in a note! Should be fixed now, but everything is wrapped in an extra <p> tag
barnabywaltersI'll add to the wiki that dumb truncation and html preprocessors which don't produce valid XML are the biggest error-causers when it comes to feeds
barnabywaltersI just made a screencase trying to show end-to-end use of PuSH. Did a clear explanation, then it failed on me :| Not sure whether to post it out of honesty or make one which works
tantektommorris, I think I'd rather contribute to an article on NASCAR on the IndieWebCamp wiki which has less chance of being deleted (and is reasonably topical, since UI for login etc. is something essential to a good IndieWeb experience)
tantekhuh - copying the file from WP to IndieWebCamp doesn't really work due to license differences (IndieWebCamp is PD). We have to only copy from original author (Brian's intent) and anybody else who contributes to PD regularly (e.g. on microformats.org)
tantek.comdeleted /NASCAR_problem "content was copy from WP article. deleting to start fresh from original contributions from Brian Suda, Tantek Çelik, Chris Messina"
barnabywalterstantek: how would you rather structure things? My intention was really just to have generic entry points for people interested in a certain area, so they can instantly get a feel for what work has been/is being done and who's working on it
barnabywaltersokay, on the main page, 'what' is a slightly expanded version of the top section, and the second paragraph (IWC is an annual gathering…) is inaccurate as there've been two this year
tantekoften surfacing "redundant" information on higher level pages (e.g. main, event home page etc.) is better for usability though - not having to click through multiple pages to find common information needs
tantektommorris - are there places where WP-like articles on more obscure/arcane subjects are first developed (while they would get deleted on WP due to not be relevant/prominent enough) ?
tommorrismost of wikia, wikinfo. sometimes we shunt stuff between the wikimedia projects. I'm an admin on wikiqueer which hosts LGBT related material that's outside of Wikipedia's scope
tantekbut it looks like if (most of?) a page has a (just one?) simple table on it with a row of <th> header cells and the rest with <td>s, Google will use that to build the rich snippet.
tantekin using the rich snippets test, I noticed that it now parses out hAtom (hfeed, hentry) and shows you the results (including warnings for anything that it thinks is wrong)