barnabywaltersI was thinking about brian suda's crazy abc font idea — surely if ligatures can be nested then a simple declarative programming language could be built where the font is the compiler+runtime environment
Loqitantek: barnabywalters left you a message 3 hours, 6 minutes ago: There's a broken link in your Web Actions blog post. First paragraph under the aside, should link to 2011/Demos#web_intents_user_experience
singpolymathough, it's kinda weird, I mostly don't even use social bookmarking anymore. I have a xapian index of everything I've tweeted or that people I follow have tweeted that I can search for links, but even then, DuckDuckGo usually finds the thing. My memory for keywords has just improved and/or the number of sites I need has grown too big for a management system anyway