#brennannovakbarnabywalters: did you change anything in SI that would affect routes? None of the routes work and return 404 now unless there is /index.php
#barnabywaltersbrennannovak: I didn’t change anything in routes, although I did add the docs folder to .htaccess
#brennannovakI looked at that, nothing was changed that would affect this
#barnabywaltershm, I’ll check my local install and the history for routes on GH
#brennannovakdid you update any of the libraries or anything?
#barnabywaltersI made one actual code change which was an extremely minor refactor and shouldn’t have changed anyhting. the rest was just docblocks and adding /docs
#brennannovakIf I enabled the debugging class it might give me more clues. I haven't investigated very much yet, I just wanted to ask if you consciously did anything off the top of your head
#barnabywaltersbrennannovak: I can’t think of anything, apart from the .htaccess change, which would have caused this
#barnabywaltersbrennannovak: note that CI’s rewrite code includes fallback for servers without mod_rewrite, increasing the ease of installation and the number of supported hosting providers, too!
#barnabywaltersis signing off due to lateness and tiredness. Goodnight all