Loqitantek: barnabywalters left you a message 4 hours, 39 minutes ago: Turns out you are right about abolishing feeds. According to a book I found, RSS will turn us all into zombies: http://photos.waterpigs.co.uk/p/ps
tantekI also tend to wonder if crappy commenting systems are partially to blame for the rise of hosted commenting systems, like using Facebook or Disqus.
tantektommorris - re: sorting wheat from chaff is a hard problem -> I think that's what FB has addressed with their silo - for all it's cumbersomeness, the whole "use your 'real' identity" thing does reduce the chaff.
Loqitantek meant to say: tommorris - re: sorting wheat from chaff is a hard problem -> I think that's what FB has addressed with their silo - for all its cumbersomeness, the whole "use your 'real' identity" thing does reduce the chaff.