#indiewebcamp 2012-10-20

2012-10-20 UTC
spinnerin joined the channel
hey indieweb folks - this looks interesting from an indieweb / cross-system-identity-reference-in-syndication perspective: http://thenextweb.com/apps/2012/10/19/awesome-instagram-now-translates-your-mentions-when-you-share-photos-on-twitter/
dascher, zztr, lmorchard, friedcell, tantek, friedcell1 and BjornW joined the channel
https://gist.github.com/3923100 - what I've been working on
This is what I've been working on. It's simplified and very rough. https://t.co/Zan9qolU #indiewebcamp #openstreetmap
http://tommorris.org/posts/2472 - Ferocity: on finding yourself.
BjornW and tantek joined the channel
2+ years later and Sleep Cycle iPhone app is still one of my favs. Latest version lets you export all data. #quantifiedself #ownyourdata
dascher, spinnerin, friedcell and friedcell1 joined the channel
who's going to the IIW next week?