sandeepshettyme neither till I discovered his blog post about dopplr colors and it struck me that they might be auto-generated so I checked a few of the color codes and they were based on dopplr color algo
sandeepshettyyeah... query string is my second option... haven't thought this through really... based on my next action list I might get to it in 48 hrs :)
barnabywalterssandeepshetty: for the record, I use openphoto and am happy with it. It’s API is solid enough for me to integrate it with my own software. I might roll my own one day, but have no reason to for the moment
barnabywaltersI only just realised that dropbox can be installed and managed via command line on servers, so what I might do is use that as an intermediate backup
tommorrisbarnabywalters: I'm in the middle of writing my own image storing thing. So will exist, and the images stored on Amazon S3. Been my excuse to learn how to use ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick, the AWS::S3 library in Ruby.
tommorrisjust basic business metadata. street address, postcode, some unique identifiers (inverse functional properties), 'BusinessType' (which allows you to work out if it is a restaurant, take-away, church/community group etc.)