#tantekemail is not a to-do list, because you wouldn't let just any random person put something in your to do list would you? whereas random people can put things in your email inbox.
#aaronpkhave you quoted that online somewhere before?
#tantekno - the page itself attributes it to paul graham
#tantekreal world problems: installing, updating, reverting open source software for an indie web site is currently *too hard* (evidence: Wordpress installs of smart people getting hacked, regularly, to the point where some even revert to Tumblr domain hosting)
#tantekuse-case: I want to run my own website, with some open source software behind it, and be able to maintain it *easily*, including doing updates when necessary and I want to, and having the option to easily revert in case such updates break something on my site.
#tantekas far as I can tell, no one has solved this problem, nor satisfied the use-case
#tantekneither in general, nor in the indieweb case
#tantekif you have *any* configuration problems/mistakes, e.g. owners of files/directories are not quite right, then you'll get cryptic error messages, password interfaces, etc.
#aaronpkseems like easier deploy systems would be the first step in solving this, like pushing an app to heroku has taken all of the sysadmin burden off of people at this point
#tantekthey still warn you to backup your database first
#tantekuntil that warning is history, it's not "one click"
#tantekyes, the heroku example is a good one to analyze
#aaronpki think the main problem is that people still assume that FTP access is the only way to deploy sites
#aaronpkand that will always lead to the problmes you mentioned, cryptic errors that are hard to resolve
#tantek1. every web hosting company gives you FTP access
#tantek2. everyone can be reasonably easily taught how to FTP (have done it on a number of occasions)
#aaronpkI think that between Heroku, AppFog, and now Amazon offering git-push interfaces to launch apps with no knowledge of the underlying filesystem, it's getting more reasonable to leave the FTP method behind
#tantekbtw, biggest problem with "the heroku way" is that it seems to equate to "depend on heroku.com" - which is obviously a non-starter from a indieweb perspective.
#tantek"pushing an app to heroku" is too proprietary essentially
#aaronpkyes, but I was using that as an example, and now that there are three companies doing it that way there will undoubtedly be more coming in the future
#barnabywaltersI have been thinking about this a little recently. One potential option I thought of was to make a native app which offers a GUI for building a project, managing depencencies, modules/plugins/whatever. Then it spits out a folder which you upload via FTP/other transfer mechanism
#aaronpkcase in point: eran sent me a .zip file of the oauth.net site, I dropped it onto my server and the oauth.net site was moved over in a matter of minutes
#tantekonly by commoditizing the services we depend on can we become somewhat independent of them
#aaronpkjust doing `git pull` on the server for now
#aaronpkwould like to get something slicker set up, but it's not enough of a problem for me yet
#aaronpkgoing to bed now, talk to you later! (12:30am in Berlin right now)
tantek_ joined the channel
#tantek_aaronpk - how do you revert? in case something breaks on your site after a "git pull" and it's not immediately obvious how to fix it?
#tantekor do you let it stay broken live while you debug it?
#aaronpkI run a copy of my site locally first so I see everything before I launch it
#aaronpkif there's an environment difference between my dev setup and production which causes an error, then I either debug live, or if it's going to take < 5 minutes I revert by checking out a previous revision from git
#tantekso you have a set of local tests, like checking your home page? or do you have a test suite like posting a note etc.?
#tantekI figure the easier it is to revert, then the less fear there is in aggressively deploying updates, because if anything *does* go wrong, you can easily/quickly revert.
#aaronpkfor geoloqi production stuff we spin up a new amazon server for the site and get everything running there, then switch the load balancer over when ready to deploy. reverting is then a matter of switching the load balancer back
#tantekso your revert is a delete of the current deploy folder then a renaming of the .bak?