friedcell, dascher, friedcell1, jancborchardt, a, barnabywalters_, joshr__, tommorris_ and barnabywalters joined the channel
#barnabywalterstommorris_: while I think of it, regarding something you mentioned a few days ago about wanting to use Accept headers in image tags: most browsers already do that for you (as authors telling browsers what to accept would be backwards) BUT there are some caveats with old browsers
#barnabywaltersI seem to remember old versions of Safari and FF rank image/png *higher* than text/html in their conneg headers
#barnabywaltersno idea what IE does, and probably best not to ask
#barnabywaltersregardless, it would be great to be able to write <img src=""> and have automatic favicons/profile images
#tommorris_could do conneg for PDF too. with wkhtmltopdf, the server could render a pretty PDF and send it.
#barnabywalterstommorris_: It’s got to be worth a try, provided you don’t mind people using old browsers getting the image version instead of the HTML :/
#barnabywalterstommorris_: earlier today I added conneg for icalendar format to my notes. I’m going to do the same with my contact details on my homepage