#barnabywalterstantek, remember when we were last discussing web actions, one of the problems was UI — where do we put the buttons whilst keeping the users in control, and all that?
#barnabywaltersI’m extending aaronpk’s chrome extension to work not only on twitter, but on any website which uses a tweet button
#barnabywaltersgot the idea from one of caseorganic’s wiki pages — an idea about using AR to "reclaim" physical ad space with content the wearer would prefer
#tantekwas that aaronpk's extension or was it Julien51's extension that he demoed at IndieWebCamp 2012 Portland?
#sandeepshettybarnabywalters: Why not just do it as bookmarklets? will work in any browser
#tantekwondering if this butler type concept is worthy of documenting more in general on the wiki
#aaronpksandeepshetty: if you're looking at twitter.com there are like 10 tweets. the extension rewrites the "reply" button of each. a bookmarklet would only work on an individual tweet page
#barnabywalterssandeepshetty: bookmarklets require manual activation — an extra button press. I am rebuilding the extension so it can be re-packaged as an extension for any browser, though
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: surely not? an extension vs bookmarklet is just a different way of deploying the JS…?
#aaronpkwhat would happen if you click the bookmarklet?
#barnabywaltersthat would run the bindTwitter function, then you’d click the reply button
#sandeepshettyCan't find the link but the coolest one was where users could submit their own remix of a page that they regularly visit, e.g., slashdot, HN, etc..
#sandeepshettybarnabywalters: by "rebuilding the extension so it can be re-packaged as an extension for any browser" you mean you are abstracting out it's core form the browser dependent bits so it can be reused or something else?
#tanteksandeepshetty - why would you want that? indieauth is a superset
#sandeepshettywith my blog opneid just worked.. I remember making a few edits to the wiki.. but now I need to go mess around bloggers template interface and add some markup..
#sandeepshettyi.e., if I want to use my own domain to login..
#tantekshould still work unless the openid support in indieauth is broken. aaronpk?
#aaronpki don't remember the state of the openid support right now... i was having trouble with the omniauth openid plugin a while ago tho
#aaronpki should check if there are any updates to that code
#sandeepshettyaaronpk: BTW, the chrome extension to rewrite the reply action is pretty cool. Extensions are also easier for regular users to install/use than bookmarlets I guess
#aaronpkhm, doesn't look like it's disabled in the code
#barnabywalterssandeepshetty: after that, enable developer mode (top right)
#barnabywaltersclick Load Unpacked Extension, and navigate to the /chrome/ directory in the cloned repo
#barnabywaltersthen set it up via the extension options page, and try clicking on reply links on twitter.com and mysterious "post to your indieweb site" buttons on sites which should have twitter buttons ;)