2012-12-21 UTC
# 00:20 tommorris tantek: I know so many people who have been saying things like "wow, Instagram can do something like that?" and contemplating why they want to be part of social networks anymore.
# 00:21 tantek sure. what's interesting is how people assumed the worst from IG's TOS changes due to their FB ownership.
# 00:21 tantek did you see their follow-up? They actually made a public statement going far beyond what even the previous TOS said.
# 00:22 tommorris it's amazing that a company that thrives on social media can be so stupid as to not understand relationships
# 00:22 tantek no, it's just that lawyers are particularly bad at PR
# 00:23 tantek and no one in IG thought to interpret the changes as everyone outside did
# 00:24 tommorris I did have some really frustrating discussions with people about it. they seemed to think that federated social networks were the answer
# 00:24 tommorris which is so silly. there is a federated social network, it's called the web
# 00:27 tantek right - people who haven't built anything spout things like "federated social networks are the answer" - with perhaps a very small handful of exceptions
# 00:28 tommorris well, it also ignores the fact that not everybody wants to be part of any of those social networks and just wants to do their own thing
# 00:30 tommorris my brother doesn't use any of the social networks. he doesn't have a twitter account, or fb. he's specifically deactivated G+.
# 00:30 tommorris like, federate away, but what if you don't want to be on any of those services?
# 00:32 tantek seems to me the more common case is that you still want to keep in touch with people on those services
# 00:33 tantek which in my opinion is why Federation is not the #1 priority
# 00:33 tantek POSSE also provides a transition strategy for moving away from using silos
# 00:34 tantek aaronpk, any way for you to feed some of your personal #indiewebcamp logs to Loqi to get it to backfill whatever it's missed?
# 00:44 tommorris one of these days, the church will convert me and I'll become one of those annoying apologetics preachers
# 00:47 tommorris blimey, there's loads of distributed social network ideas listed on wikipedia
# 00:54 tommorris I'm off to see a man who is doing clever things to make it so less wiki edits collide
# 00:55 tommorris the visualeditor that the wikimedia foundation are working on, which is hopefully going to come out sometime next year, sends back a blob of JSON which describes a list of editing actions made to the text, sort of similar to how etherpad worked. makes edit conflict merging a lot easier to resolve
# 00:56 tommorris automerging rather. should hopefully dramatically reduce the amount of times people one sees the dreaded edit conflict screen
# 00:57 tommorris they've done it very cleverly: the front-end isn't tied to anything mediawiki specific, and so will be pluggable in to all sorts of other editing UIs.
# 00:59 tommorris actually, I lie, it doesn't send back JSON, it sends back HTML marked up with editor-specific RDFa and data- attributes (there's a process to strip them off to turn it into plain HTML).
# 01:00 tommorris well, they worked on a JSON solution, but then realised that you may as well use HTML
# 01:00 tantek (which usually equates to bugs/fragility in practice :/ )
# 01:01 tommorris so, the RDFa stuff is mostly to represent weird custom mediawiki stuff that doesn't map to HTML very well, like template transclusions
# 01:01 tommorris and the data attributes are for marking what's actually been changed for the purpose of diffing and so on. they are still working on it, but it's pretty amazing
# 01:02 tommorris if it all works out, we might actually have a half-decent replacement for the various WYSIWYG HTML editors
# 01:02 tantek with every comment since 2003 being spam. how sadly self-illustrative
# 01:03 tommorris I'm thinking adactio's solution of when you want comments, having them on for like a week is the solution
# 01:05 tommorris heh, someone talking about geek-privilege 9 years ago. :)
# 01:07 tantek pretty sure we use it to allow for 1 month of comments or something on microformats.org posts
Loqi joined the channel
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# 04:23 aaronpk tommorris: fyi I imported the IRC logs from today when loqi was down
jancborchardt_, laurian, tommorris_, christopheducamp, lmorchard, tantek, josephboyle, tommorris, laurian_ and brennannovak joined the channel
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morrocco_mole, willnorris_, willnorris, dascher, brennannovak and elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 19:06 aaronpk tantek: fyi I imported the IRC logs from when Loqi was missing
barnabywalters, dascher, brennannovak, tantek, nkj, sandeepshetty, morrocco_mole and brennann_ joined the channel
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# 22:36 aaronpk even after all this ruby dev i've been doing, i'm still a fan of the LAMP stack
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