tantekaaronpk, remember when you were in SF and we discussed making an open source equivalent of Checkie for the IndieWeb? Turns out Checkie itself is on github!
aaronpki've been thinking about that more and more, I really like the idea of extremely small and very focused use case apps that can create content on my site
aaronpkCheckie is pretty much exactly what I want a checkin app to do. Then rather than try to expand this app to include things like posting photos or text, I'd rather just have separate apps for those.
tantekaaronpk, perhaps you could even combine that with some of the sms stuff you coded in the past and reimplement Dodgeball's awesome "@venue" and "@venue !message" microsyntaxes for indieweb checkins ;)
tommorris.orgedited /posts (+15) "sometimes locations aren't necessarily directly related to the post, just happened to be the place that the poster was" (view diff)
tantekbarnabywalters - also, you can prototype something like that with a bookmarklet/favelet to generate a citation/quotation for a web page with JS prompt() for easy copy/pasting.
tantekof course, allow me to suggest you use the proposed h-cite microformat in your citation markup, and perhaps mimic the existing citation styling: http://microformats.org/wiki/h-cite
barnabywaltersof course :) I’m currently wondering how a browser extension with ben ward’s µf parser in might allow for dumping of tabs into a textarea as h-cites