aaronpk!tell tantek I found a MediaWiki plugin to send 301 redirects for MediaWiki redirect pages instead of serving the duplicate content, it's running on indiewebcamp.com now!
Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 4 hours, 12 minutes ago: I found a MediaWiki plugin to send 301 redirects for MediaWiki redirect pages instead of serving the duplicate content, it's running on indiewebcamp.com now!
Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 36 minutes ago: would be curious to hear your thoughts on indieweb post translations http://indiewebcamp.com/translations
tantek, friedcell, lmorchard, adactio, scor, Stevef_, danbri and mxuribe joined the channel
Loqibarnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message 10 hours, 10 minutes ago: would be curious to hear your thoughts on indieweb post translations http://indiewebcamp.com/translations
Loqitommorris: aaronpk left you a message 10 hours, 52 minutes ago: would be curious to hear your thoughts on indieweb post translations http://indiewebcamp.com/translations
barnabywalterstommorris: I was looking on wikipedia language pages for those awkward codes, but they don’t seem to be on there. How does one go about adding them to the infobox things on the right?
tommorrisso, I'm presuming that @hreflang in HTML uses ISO 639-1 language codes like pretty much everything else on the web. HTML, XML, RDF, loads of stuff use ISO 639-1 language codes.
tommorriswell, frequently one doesn't directly refer to ISO standards because ISO tend to have rather anti-sane policies like charging 120 euros to read a PDF etc.
barnabywaltersat the moment I am leaning toward the OpenGIS functions in MySQL, as they work with what I’ve already got and don’t seem to be as bad as everyone says
aaronpkinteresting. so my site doesn't have a DB backend yet bceause I wanted to make it as generic as possible. right now it's just .md files which I find in the filesystem.
tommorrison the geo front, I'm very annoyed that I don't have any iOS6-compatible iOS hardware. someone has finally made a half-decent OpenStreetMap editor for iOS.