#tommorrisjust realised there's something non-technical we should have on 'why' - that you don't happen to be part of the ingroup for a particular social networking service
#tantektommorris - except that that usually results (as in the example you gave) with launching of a *different* silo, rather than an indiewebsite
#tommorrisperhaps you want something like Pinterest but without ANY gender assumptions. or you want a blogging site without any age/community assumptions (unlike say Livejournal or Tumblr)
#tommorrisif you have your own site, you have a blank slate while the silo services come with a set of social assumptions about their users.
#tantek(that's not directed at you personally tommorris, obv :) )
#tommorrisI tweeted a while back something along the lines of "I'm holding Anti-Social Media Camp at my house, you aren't invited, fuck off."
#tantektommorris - to be fair, just being "on the web" comes with a set of social assumptions as well - whether we like it or not
#tommorrisoh sure, but avoiding the particular assumptions of specific silos is *a* reason one might wish to be independent.
#tommorrisit's more of a social positioning reason rather than an objective technical reason, but it's still a reason that will be valid for some people.
#tantekthe Pinterest social backlash reminds me of a Brady Bunch episode about girls vs. boys clubhouses (or was it treehouses, or both?)
#tantekit's like, no one is making you use the site, why the backlash?
#tantekor if you don't like what's being posted, post what you do like instead
#tommorriswhen it first came out, there were lots of guys on sites like Hacker News who just couldn't see the value in it
#tantek"couldn't see the value" and "this site doesn't reflect *me*" are two different things
indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
#tanteksadly, I feel the Pinterest backlash may be somewhat a result of white-straight-het dudes being very uncomfortable with being the minority on any supposedly general purpose/audience web site (they're so not used to it).
#tantekso instead of confronting their own internal discomfort, they blame it on the site