2013-03-28 UTC
smus and andreypopp joined the channel
smus joined the channel
spinnerin_ joined the channel
# 01:12 tantek man - Sign in with Twitter is *super-slow* on Plancast right now
# 01:12 tantek maybe it's a too many external scripts problem
# 01:19 tantek huh - now it's working fine … in Firefox at least
smus joined the channel
smus, lmorchard, zztr, tantek, andreypopp, eschnou and seyz joined the channel
smus, eschnou, friedcell and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 10:09 tommorris Despite all my indieweb posturing, I'm a massive FB addict. ;)
# 10:10 barnabywalters really? wow, so if I accept your request will my timeline get overloaded? or are you more of a watcher/commenter/liker?
# 10:10 tommorris well, I post things on there that I don't post on my site because of privacy
# 10:11 tommorris and FB does offer you the ability to adjust how much timeline activity you get from people
# 10:11 tommorris I added you more because I wanted to show you a silly reaction I'd had to a post on my own site re. hashtags
# 10:13 barnabywalters ha, cool :) hashtags, the bane of twitter -> facebook inter-silo POSSErs everywhere
# 10:14 tommorris yeah, this was tommorris.org → Twitter → Facebook for triple-win.
# 10:14 barnabywalters er, why do you have the PHP elephant in your profile photo? I thought you didn’t touch PHP
# 10:15 tommorris and it's the best photo of me since I took clippers to my hair.
# 10:15 tommorris and people were always complaining that I didn't look like my old profile pic
adactio, barnabywalters, hadleybeeman and jancborchardt joined the channel
Loqi joined the channel
# 15:13 tommorris just realised there's something non-technical we should have on 'why' - that you don't happen to be part of the ingroup for a particular social networking service
# 15:15 tantek tommorris - except that that usually results (as in the example you gave) with launching of a *different* silo, rather than an indiewebsite
# 15:18 tommorris perhaps you want something like Pinterest but without ANY gender assumptions. or you want a blogging site without any age/community assumptions (unlike say Livejournal or Tumblr)
# 15:18 tommorris if you have your own site, you have a blank slate while the silo services come with a set of social assumptions about their users.
# 15:18 tantek (that's not directed at you personally tommorris, obv :) )
# 15:19 tommorris I tweeted a while back something along the lines of "I'm holding Anti-Social Media Camp at my house, you aren't invited, fuck off."
# 15:20 tantek tommorris - to be fair, just being "on the web" comes with a set of social assumptions as well - whether we like it or not
# 15:21 tommorris oh sure, but avoiding the particular assumptions of specific silos is *a* reason one might wish to be independent.
# 15:21 tommorris it's more of a social positioning reason rather than an objective technical reason, but it's still a reason that will be valid for some people.
# 15:22 tantek the Pinterest social backlash reminds me of a Brady Bunch episode about girls vs. boys clubhouses (or was it treehouses, or both?)
# 15:22 tantek it's like, no one is making you use the site, why the backlash?
# 15:22 tantek or if you don't like what's being posted, post what you do like instead
# 15:23 tommorris when it first came out, there were lots of guys on sites like Hacker News who just couldn't see the value in it
# 15:23 tantek "couldn't see the value" and "this site doesn't reflect *me*" are two different things
indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 15:25 tantek sadly, I feel the Pinterest backlash may be somewhat a result of white-straight-het dudes being very uncomfortable with being the minority on any supposedly general purpose/audience web site (they're so not used to it).
# 15:25 tantek so instead of confronting their own internal discomfort, they blame it on the site
# 15:39 tantek manteresting is not a male version of pinterest - we already have the rest of the internet for that. manteresting is a parody of pinterest.
jedahan joined the channel
# 15:40 tommorris looked semi-legit, in as much as there was SEO spam on there. ;)
# 15:41 tommorris but, yes, might pull it out. it kind of detracts from the awesome that is danah boyd
scor joined the channel
smus, lmorchard, andreypopp, tilgovi, scor, josephboyle, friedcell, seyz, eschnou, Phae, jedahan, smus_, hadleybeeman, caseorganic, tantek, morrocco_mole and bnvk joined the channel