2013-04-25 UTC
b0bg0d, scor, bretolius_ and namespace joined the channel
# 01:54 namespace Okay, what's this all about?
# 01:55 namespace Nevermind, found the website.
# 01:58 namespace So how can I help?
# 02:31 aaronpk namespace: you can help by having your own web site and using it to talk with the rest of us!
tantek, b0bg0d and karlcow joined the channel
# 03:04 karlcow is that thread aggregated only on laurent sites? or redistributed on all sites participating to the discussion?
# 03:04 aaronpk currentl eschnou is the only one who shows the whole thread I believe
# 03:04 aaronpk but that's entirely up to the site author. if I wanted to, I could crawl back and pull in the content of the whole thread on to my site
# 03:05 karlcow aaronpk: ah ok. So it is possible, but not mandatory, to get the full thread. Thanks.
# 03:07 karlcow I had a second question too. What would it take to make it work on a very asynchronous system where the site which is online is not dynamic. Would it be possible?
# 03:07 karlcow hmm I guess the pingback should trigger a notifications to the owner so that he can regenerate the content adding or not the content of the ping. TOTHINK.
# 03:08 karlcow s/trigger a/trigger/
# 03:08 Loqi karlcow meant to say: hmm I guess the pingback should trigger notifications to the owner so that he can regenerate the content adding or not the content of the ping. TOTHINK.
# 03:11 karlcow Damn, I had a third question… can't remember
# 03:12 karlcow Would it be possible to have another layer based on pull (whitelist) more than push (pingback → open to spam).
# 03:14 aaronpk pingback / webmention are just a notification mechanism
# 03:14 aaronpk all it does is say "hey this page linked to you here"
# 03:14 aaronpk what the receiving site does with that information is up to the receiving site
# 03:15 karlcow hmmm yes I guess I could block notifications of site I don't know.
# 03:15 aaronpk so you can parse the sending page automatically, queue it up, send a message to yourself, whatever
# 03:15 aaronpk the current thinking is that it would be relatively simple to create a whitelist of domains based on the sites you link out to in all posts on your own site, and those incoming notificaitons could be automatically displayed
# 03:16 karlcow can the domain name notifications be faked?
# 03:16 karlcow hmm wrong English
# 03:16 aaronpk sure, I can send a webmention for any site to any site. but you can verify that page A actually does link to page B
# 03:17 aaronpk think about it this way, let's do this in english without protocol speak
# 03:18 karlcow You can speak protocol ;) I have no issue with it.
# 03:24 karlcow Let's say the server online receives that notifications.
# 03:24 karlcow Then parse the document searching for the link (hmm scope issue, I guess constraint on the hAtom)
# 03:24 karlcow if the link is not there, dump the notification to /dev/null
# 03:24 karlcow if the link is there it could send a message to me with the content of the blog post, in the appropriate format for putting it in my offline generator.
# 03:25 karlcow Thanks aaronpk
# 03:25 karlcow It seems neat. I'll have to see if I can implement that.
# 03:25 karlcow without too much hassles
# 03:26 karlcow notes the *just* ;)
# 03:28 karlcow php, ruby, wrong buckets. OK if I find a bit of time. I will see what I can do with python.
# 03:28 aaronpk ahh darn! well you could always use the php one via a local web service :)
# 03:30 karlcow I think I will try to do it myself just for the pleasure and maybe to really have a clear understanding.
# 03:30 karlcow It will just take more time.
# 03:30 aaronpk you would certainly gain a thorough understanding of microformats2 if you write a parser!
# 03:30 karlcow I don't want to write a generic mf2 parser
# 03:30 karlcow Just want to parse the right information.
# 03:31 karlcow is hAtom mandatory?
# 03:31 tantek karlcow - that's ok, there are several to choose from
# 03:31 karlcow Could someone through a link/rel could give the data model?
# 03:32 karlcow imagine in the blog post there is a link rel, which link to a file (format to define) describing the paths you have to parse to get the relevant information.
# 03:32 tantek I did throw down the challenge to the python folks to write a parser at the HTML5DevConf at the beginning of the month
# 03:33 tantek karlcow - so instead of implementing a simple parser, you propose a *new* mechanism that requires a more complex *new* parser.
# 03:33 karlcow so basically it frees people to have to modify their templates for complying to hAtom
# 03:33 karlcow tantek: no, no, I don't want to have to modify my content template ;)
# 03:34 tantek which will break when you update your content template for a random reason and forget about the sidefile
# 03:34 aaronpk personal anecdote: I did not have any microformats2 markup on my site up until saturday. it took me about an hour to add the appropriate classes to make it into a microformats2-parsable page
# 03:34 karlcow my site is entirely static
# 03:35 karlcow The templates have been evolving through time.
# 03:35 tantek my site's storage is entirely static and has been evolving through time
# 03:36 tantek but now my post permalinks are dynamically generated from that static storage
# 03:36 aaronpk tantek: i'm actually curious how you've transitioned your content from mf1 to mf2 over time
# 03:36 tantek so I can update them as needed, without having to touch old storage
# 03:37 karlcow static storage? as html files?
# 03:37 karlcow or another form?
# 03:37 karlcow Though my case is so specific that I don't think I should bother others with it. I will see what I can do.
# 03:38 karlcow I have html4, then xhtml1, xhtml1.1 (application/xhtml+xml), then html5
# 03:39 tantek part of my transition from pure static files to static storage file + dynamic permalink pages was a desire for better URLs for my permalinks
# 03:39 karlcow but with maybe 10 or 15 generations of content structure. I keep them as-is. So the design of old pages do NOT change. They are part of the history/memory.
# 03:39 tantek karlcow - at the end of 2009 I was kind of where you are now with pure static files
# 03:40 tantek karlcow - same here! the design of my old archives do not change.
# 03:43 aaronpk i still have my old site online, but it's not in a timeline format
# 03:43 tantek karlcow - even now I'm keeping stylesheet snapshots per year, so I can evolve my styling and keep styling for older posts
# 03:44 aaronpk interestingly, I wish I had the version before that online still cause it had a virtual tour of my room before that was a thing
# 03:44 tantek I did a lot of blog restyling experimentation in the past - like once per month for a while, but eventually it didn't change more than once a year so I'm sticking with that for historical snapshots.
# 03:46 tantek thanks aaronpk barnabywalters for answering folks there
# 03:46 aaronpk ooh tantek! I just tested your post in my new reply interface and it found the tweet id automatically!
# 03:53 tantek WOW! Awesome! so rel-syndication discovery works!
# 03:54 aaronpk it certainly does! I have yet to actually post something with this since it's not live on my site yet, just on my dev copy, but all the info was gathered properly!
# 03:54 karlcow suite des designs
# 03:55 karlcow evolution of designs
# 03:55 karlcow it has already changed since that post
# 03:56 karlcow ok. I guess I should hit my bed. Thanks aaronpk and tantek for the guidance.
# 03:56 tantek thanks for coming by karlcow - hope to see you again!
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 04:05 aaronpk that hackernews post got a bunch of people in here today!
# 04:05 tantek that must mean they read my blog post to the very end - since I don't link to IRC until then
# 04:06 aaronpk but still that's way more new people in one day than normal!
# 04:06 tantek actually that's a good number, just about enough that we can communicate the culture of the channel
# 04:07 tantek how many of them already had their own sites?
# 04:08 tantek aaronpk - another comment on displaying context for a reply/comment post
# 04:09 aaronpk the only problem i've encountered with doing that is deciding between a whitelist of domains to un-shorten (only follow one redirect) or to automayically follow redirects of all URLs to the end
# 04:09 aaronpk a whitelist sounds annoying, but un-shortening all links has caused me some unsightly notes in the past
# 04:10 tantek I wonder if you could ellipse the visible text of the link
# 04:11 aaronpk ah yea I tried doing that in CSS and was having major issues. my CSS is apparently not that good
# 04:13 aaronpk when I import my tweets from twitter to my site (PESOS) I un-shorten everything fully
# 04:33 tantek permalink design in particular is a good place to start
b0bg0d, duckbillp and tantek joined the channel
b0bg0d joined the channel
tantek and cweiske joined the channel
andreypopp, seyz, pfefferle, morrocco_mole and eschnou joined the channel
andreypopp and friedcell joined the channel
seyz joined the channel
andreypopp joined the channel
hadleybeeman_ joined the channel
jancborchardt, dpk, scor and mxuribe joined the channel
texburgher joined the channel
xtof joined the channel
scor joined the channel
tantek, seyz and b0bg0d joined the channel
tilgovi joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
morrocco_mole and barnabywalters joined the channel
tantek, caseorganic, caseorga_ and andreypopp joined the channel
tantek_, caseorganic and b0bg0d joined the channel
# 17:51 tantek xtof - thanks for cranking on the fr translations!
# 17:52 xtof thanks. still a lot of work tantek… hope I'll find local help in Paris !
b0bg0d and andreypopp joined the channel
tantek and eschnou joined the channel
tantek, tilgovi, b0bg0d and jfranusic joined the channel
adlq joined the channel
# 19:43 adlq hi all! I'm quite new to this, but it's very promising and exciting!
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 19:59 eschnou thanks adlq and welcome !
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 20:24 barnabywalters xtof: thanks for doing all those translations! and I saw a pingback from your translation of tantek’s post :)
# 20:25 barnabywalters interestingly it looks like wordpress tried sending it a few more times after it registered — perhaps I am not sending the success response right
# 20:28 eschnou barnabywalters, I did the changes,let me know if it work for you, and if you have other suggestions please file them as issue on the storytlr github issue tracker, easier for me to track them there.
# 20:28 barnabywalters eschnou: ah great, I’ll try writing a reply and see if the entities get expanded
# 20:31 eschnou why did it fail now suddenly, I made a few other changes but was not expecting to break things...
# 20:32 eschnou I did not get a pingback either..
# 20:33 barnabywalters any tips for nicer ways of looking through logs than echoing them out in a SSH terminal?
# 20:34 eschnou barnabywalters, well, logs are logs, can't make them much pretty :)
# 20:34 eschnou I log into a file and browse/search with less or grep.
# 20:34 barnabywalters huh, twitter thought my request to POSSE the note there was unauthenticated, and I didn’t catch the exception
# 20:35 xtof barnaby eschnou FYI my wp instance + plugins seem wonky. still testing on my side.
# 20:35 eschnou barnabywalters, one day we'll not even POSSE anymore and just chat over the #indieweb :-)
# 20:35 barnabywalters xtof: well it seems to be working okay! I saw your reply to eschnou’s post pop up
# 20:36 eschnou I have to run, if you think there are issues on my side, please tell Loqi or file an issue on storytlr ! Thanks all and good night !
# 20:36 eschnou thank you Loqi :-)
# 20:38 xtof barnaby : will have to find out with eschnou and matthias why my post does not include blockquote / just the title
# 20:39 barnabywalters xtof: I’ll run the source of your post through php-mf2 and see what comes out
jfranusic joined the channel
# 20:41 xtof barnaby thanks for the information. will work on that tomorrow :) now leaving. have a good night
jfranusi_ joined the channel
b0bg0d and jfranusic joined the channel
# 21:09 aaronpk I should try to translate these all to German! Would be good practice!
# 21:10 tantek those all link to the elsewhere of my original
# 21:11 tantek do you think it makes sense to also have a separate Ailleurs for the elsewheres of your translation?
# 21:11 xtof tantek a good question. Opened to any suggestion :)
# 21:12 xtof tantek Yes "cette traduction ailleurs" seems to be fine in another section
scor and pfefferle joined the channel
# 21:26 tantek xtof - I love that your translation of my blog post links to the French translations of the IndieWebCamp.com pages that I linked to
b0bg0d joined the channel
jfranusic and jfranusi_ joined the channel
# 21:51 xtof tantek the next step… not tonite. find nice US, belgium, germany, etc flags !
# 21:52 xtof thanks. but off tonite. will integrate that tomorrow
# 21:52 xtof tantek have a good night ant thanks for all the inspiration
b0bg0d and danbri_ joined the channel