christopheducamp.comedited /projects (-235) "/* WordPress */ removed Social Proxy Mailchimp plugin & twitter-tools. Reason : dynamic page used to be generated in 3 sec. Now 0.912 sec (source WP super-Cache)" (view diff)
pdurbinkarlcow: you might be interested in this guy's attempt to make his own google: ... run a bunch of services that mimic google services
tommorrisI am an <a href="" property="" resource="" class="p-x-dietary-preference">ovo-lacto vegetarian</a>.
barnabywalters!tell eschnou I updated the web action toolbelt to do inline web actions — would love to test it with your indieweb comments! Can you wrap your comments form in <action inline do="post" with="post-url">? Latest version of toolbelt will replace it with an iframe, and set the height to something sensible if the target UI is set up right
Loqieschnou: barnabywalters left you a message 8 minutes ago: I updated the web action toolbelt to do inline web actions — would love to test it with your indieweb comments! Can you wrap your comments form in <action inline do="post" with="post-url">? Latest version of toolbelt will replace it with an iframe, and set the height to something sensible if the target UI is set up right