barnabywalters, scor, andreypopp and xtof joined the channel
#xtofworking on design-fr. searching minimalism. first step on any - feedback welcome here on irc via loqi or directly in the pad. thanks
skalawag, hmans, scor, andreypopp, seyz, friedcell, eschenal and singpolyma joined the channel
#Loqiaaronpk: eschnou left you a message 7 hours ago: I never realised it was so easy to add a twitter card, this us über cool ! Will attempt to add storytlr cards in there...
#tantekhas anyone seen this on their Twitter account before? " New email address required. Twitter has removed the email address from your account, by request of the email owner. "
#@twotribesGoogle killing open protocols they once loved:
#tantek.comuploaded /File:2013-05-17-twitter-com-new-email-warning.png "Email identity related warning on Twitter: "New email address required. Twitter has removed the email address from your account, by request of the email owner. Please enter a new email address where you can be reached. Learn more › ""
#aaronpkeventually I decided the quality of comments I was getting wasn't high enough and I didn't actually care about peoples' random crap they were leaving on my site
#cweiskecontacted their support several times and they don't plan to support that
#tantekaaronpk - perhaps create brief == For Comments == sections with your opinions on those two silos on the wiki?
#tantek.comedited /Twitter (+113) "/* Email Identity Removal */ No such warning on equivalent" (view diff)
#aaronpki think the real challenge is to 1) figure out what you really want in terms of feedback on your articles, 2) figure out how to craft an experience that achieves that goal, then finally 3) figure out the tech to make that happen
#tantekso no one has seen this Twitter warning then - damn.
#tantekcweiske - darn it - still getting a weird MediaWiki DB access error (can I just say I hate DB-based hosting code? seriously, too many moving parts, not enough documentation)
#tommorrisI've just installed Google Analytics on - because people keep telling me lots of people read my site and I don't quite believe them.
#aaronpkbut yea because I'm generating the facebook/twitter meta tags from my original content, it usually ends up being the same data that generatses the HTML markup
#tantekthat might work better in case your first paragraph is too long
#tantekand then you can do a before/after blog post
#tanteklike before: here's all the duplicate meta crap that's in my posts right now, because FB, Twitter, etc. don't support open standards and are all making up their own proprietary extensions
#aaronpkthings that are unique to facebook/twitter: facebook admin IDs (can be done with html links probably), twitter username (again can be done with html link), twitter site account (usually the org's twitter account)
#aaronpkok now I have two things on my list for tonight :)
#tantekand then after: I'm tired of adding (insert #) page weight of invisible proprietary markup to all my posts - I've dropped them and making an open plea for FB, Twitter etc. to PLEASE SUPPORT OPEN STANDARDS (even in addition to their proprietary stuff if they really want to keep that)