2013-05-17 UTC
aaronpk|m, b0bg0d, b0bg0d1, spindritf, pdurbin, dpk, Phae, fmarier, josephboyle, saurik, brianloveswords, smcgregor, hadleybeeman, reidab, jancborchardt, Garbee, sdboyer, tantek and bret joined the channel
# 03:29 aaronpk however, there is definitely still value in aggregators
# 03:30 aaronpk in which case, tantek's wish list is appropriate:
# 03:30 aaronpk sign-into silo, enter URL, silo subscribe+syndicate PuSH updates, rel=canonical link back
duckbillp joined the channel
tilgovi, b0bg0d and tantek joined the channel
tantek, reidab_, b0bg0d and cweiske joined the channel
spinnerin joined the channel
# 05:52 cweiske does someone know of a pingback/comment server app that I can use for my static blog?
eschnou, seyz and andreypopp joined the channel
hmans and indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 09:01 eschnou !tell aaronpk I never realised it was so easy to add a twitter card, this us über cool ! Will attempt to add storytlr cards in there...
# 09:01 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
barnabywalters, scor, andreypopp and xtof joined the channel
# 10:05 xtof working on design-fr. searching minimalism. first step on http://xtof.me any - feedback welcome here on irc via loqi or directly in the pad. thanks
skalawag, hmans, scor, andreypopp, seyz, friedcell, eschenal and singpolyma joined the channel
barnabywalters and tantek joined the channel
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 16:01 Loqi aaronpk: eschnou left you a message 7 hours ago: I never realised it was so easy to add a twitter card, this us über cool ! Will attempt to add storytlr cards in there...
# 16:01 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Loqi, scor, spinnerin, andreypopp, xtof and tantek joined the channel
tilgovi, eschnou, uncrtnmind, singpolyma and benwerd joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
# 19:19 aaronpk you're welcome to use pingback.me if you want, it has an API
# 19:20 cweiske but I need a tool that I can tell "hey, I've written a new blogpost. please ping everyone"
# 19:20 cweiske and it keeps track of who got noticed already and supports updates
# 19:22 cweiske because I want to send pingbacks to the URLs I linked in my blog post
# 19:23 eschnou aaronpk, awesome ! glad it brought some visibility to this community.... my site got 30k+ uniques and quite a few comments
DrPete joined the channel
# 19:25 tantek has anyone seen this on their Twitter account before? " New email address required. Twitter has removed the email address from your account, by request of the email owner. "
# 19:25 tantek e.g. in a yellowish box at the top of twitter.com when you're logged in
# 19:35 aaronpk yea, it's freaking me out just seeing the screenshot
# 19:39 cweiske what commenting system would you recommend for a static site, given that not all people have their own blog and can pingback?
# 19:40 aaronpk I've used Disqus and Facebook on my site in the past
# 19:40 aaronpk both are fine. Facebook tends to get more comments for me probably because everyone has an account and is always logged in
# 19:41 cweiske I'm using application/xhtml+xml as content type for my html pages, and disqus breaks because of this
# 19:41 aaronpk eventually I decided the quality of comments I was getting wasn't high enough and I didn't actually care about peoples' random crap they were leaving on my site
# 19:41 cweiske contacted their support several times and they don't plan to support that
# 19:41 tantek aaronpk - perhaps create brief == For Comments == sections with your opinions on those two silos on the wiki?
# 19:42 cweiske I've got a "send me a coment" mail link on the bottom of each blog post
# 19:43 aaronpk and not a public comment that is only barely tied to a person's identity or presence online
# 19:43 cweiske now I'm thinking about a mail server hook that automatically takes this mails and puts them as comments below my blog post
# 19:43 cweiske given that I have per-post comment mail addresses
# 19:43 aaronpk sure, but if people know it's going to be public I have a feeling the quality will change
# 19:43 cweiske even thought about doing that only when they are gpg-signed
# 19:44 aaronpk there are any number of interesting technical solutions to this
# 19:45 aaronpk i think the real challenge is to 1) figure out what you really want in terms of feedback on your articles, 2) figure out how to craft an experience that achieves that goal, then finally 3) figure out the tech to make that happen
# 19:46 tantek so no one has seen this Twitter warning then - damn.
# 19:49 cweiske tantek, password reset on microformats.org still does not work
# 19:49 tantek aaronpk - I linked up the blockquote of the text on the wiki.
xtof joined the channel
# 20:00 tantek cweiske - darn it - still getting a weird MediaWiki DB access error (can I just say I hate DB-based hosting code? seriously, too many moving parts, not enough documentation)
# 20:03 tantek maybe it's in a new version? not sure why it's not on microformats.org
# 20:05 tantek cweiske - the script is there for admins to manually reset pw
# 20:05 tantek it's just that the MediaWiki ChangePassword.php is failing with an error not documented by the MediaWiki Manual page on ChangePassword.php
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 20:06 tantek tommorris - benward has been maintaining our MediaWiki install - will try pinging him.
# 20:07 tantek tommorris - I have no idea how to edit that page
# 20:08 tommorris not sure - I'd suggest the best way to do it is to do a diff between microormats.org wiki and the old version of MW
# 20:08 tommorris see what's different between the two, then we can see what the likely cause of the problems are
# 20:17 tantek (we can move this conversation #microformats also)
# 20:17 tantek (I should have asked cweiske to do that at the start, my bad)
# 20:17 aaronpk mediawiki is nice, but man it's a PITA to maintain and upgrade
# 20:23 tantek ok, posted a cropped screenshot to IG also linking to my post - hoping someone sees it and has a clue
# 20:26 tantek yea - since they're the highest latency, I'm delaying that til last
# 20:26 tantek prioritizing higher latency communications over lower latency expectations
reidab, benwerd, xtof, tantek and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 21:30 aaronpk although I keep cringing at the wrong "effected" every time I read that sentence
# 21:30 tantek here's what I'm wondering - gmail has likely been updated this week (due to features announced/launched at #googleio)
# 21:30 tantek it's *possible* that someone may have added code to gmail to follow/precache some links in emails
# 21:31 tantek if that's the case, then any links in an email that "do something" simply upon being retrieved may be being activated when people view messages
# 21:31 aaronpk that seems like such a terrible idea given the number of email lists that have "instant unsubscribe" links in them
# 21:31 tommorris I've just installed Google Analytics on tommorris.org - because people keep telling me lots of people read my site and I don't quite believe them.
# 21:31 tommorris anybody got more indieweb-compliant approaches to analytics?
# 21:31 aaronpk tommorris: you didn't have that before? all the hackernews traffic!
# 21:31 aaronpk tommorris: if you want to run your own, try piwik
# 21:32 tantek tommorris - erinjo has done the most research / installation that I know of in terms of indieweb analytics solutions
# 21:32 aaronpk ahh, well in that case, good ol apache log analyzers would do the trick
# 21:32 tommorris I'll stil with GA. Analytics don't matter to me enough to do it myself.
# 21:32 tommorris it's just nice to get some idea how many people actually read my site. ;)
# 21:32 tantek tommorris - perhaps ask erinjo a q about indieweb analytics via !tell - she pops in here reasonably often.
# 21:33 aaronpk my take on it is if my identity is not dependent on it, then i'm ok outsourcing
# 21:33 tommorris and GA actually lets you specify who you are comfortable sharing your site's stats with (my answer: nobody)
# 21:34 tommorris if only I had the same privacy controls in Google as I do in Google Analytics...
# 21:36 aaronpk footer of twitter emails has "If you received this message in error and did not sign up for Twitter, click not my account."
cweiske joined the channel
# 21:47 tantek I'm wondering now if gmail is crawling some URLs
# 21:47 tantek any "get" related action page navigated from email should have some confirmation UI on it
# 21:48 tantek that's all you should have to do to prevent the problem of accidental caching/crawling of such links
# 21:48 aaronpk that would make sense. the interesting thing is this trend of "unsubscribe instantly" links
# 21:49 tantek indeed - though I think people would be more ok with just being unsubscribed from a bunch of crap ;)
# 21:50 tantek and the email marketers would figure out they needed to add a confirmation button
# 21:51 aaronpk with the new crazy gmail action things you could even embed an unsubscribe button directly in the email :)
josephboyle and rubyass joined the channel
# 22:18 tantek whereas URLs, hyperlinks, work in any email client that auto-links URLs or supports HTML email
# 22:18 tantek sure, Google innovating with proprietary gmail-only extensions to HTML? why not?
# 22:18 tantek at least email is a bit of a sandbox for testing proprietary HTML extensions
# 22:19 tantek better than releasing such proprietary things on the open web
# 22:19 aaronpk I like how my joke mockup all of a sudden became much more likely
# 22:33 tantek aaronpk - re: plausibility of your screenshot, looks like it's time to start mocking up some buttons
# 22:34 tantek remember the "best viewed in … browser" buttons?
# 22:34 tantek so folks using the new gmail action/activity features can put those buttons in the bottom of their emails
# 22:34 tantek I bet if you do it as a joke and blog it, the email marketers that start using the gmail features will start using it
# 22:35 aaronpk HAH! I should put some sort of easter egg in the image so I can tell if it shows up later
# 22:42 aaronpk i was referring to the twitter cards for my content :)
# 22:43 aaronpk but the book is about 55% written, shooting for finishing it in July
# 22:43 tantek aaronpk - oh man - I have to scroll your view source just to get to the <body>
# 22:45 aaronpk pingback/webmention + css + apple icon + facebook meta + twitter meta + google analytics + facebook JS
# 22:45 tantek seems to me like we should instead figure out how FB, Twitter can imply their OG/Twitter Cards semantics from visible microformats on the page
# 22:45 tantek and then write-up some draft pseudo-code for them or something
# 22:46 aaronpk they all pretty much want the same thing: title, summary, image, author
# 22:46 tantek e.g. showing all the stuff that can be parsed from the h-entry anyway
# 22:46 tantek making the meta og/twitter stuff unnecessary?
# 22:46 tantek how to consume h-entry and display a link summary/preview or a post "card"
# 22:46 aaronpk the one thing is that I usually don't put a visible summary of the article on the article page
# 22:47 aaronpk and the first paragraph of the content is not always appropriate as a summary
# 22:47 aaronpk for notes it's just the title, but articles sometimes have a different sumary
# 22:48 tantek well in that article it *is* just the first paragraph
# 22:48 aaronpk but yea because I'm generating the facebook/twitter meta tags from my original content, it usually ends up being the same data that generatses the HTML markup
# 22:48 tantek that might work better in case your first paragraph is too long
# 22:49 tantek like before: here's all the duplicate meta crap that's in my posts right now, because FB, Twitter, etc. don't support open standards and are all making up their own proprietary extensions
# 22:49 aaronpk things that are unique to facebook/twitter: facebook admin IDs (can be done with html links probably), twitter username (again can be done with html link), twitter site account (usually the org's twitter account)
# 22:50 aaronpk ok now I have two things on my list for tonight :)
# 22:50 tantek and then after: I'm tired of adding (insert #) page weight of invisible proprietary markup to all my posts - I've dropped them and making an open plea for FB, Twitter etc. to PLEASE SUPPORT OPEN STANDARDS (even in addition to their proprietary stuff if they really want to keep that)
# 22:50 tantek enough for the first "before" post to get hyped on HN etc.
# 22:51 tantek making fun of how these companies are "making" you bloat your page with duplicate content
# 22:51 tantek wait for all the peanut gallery HN comments etc. all mocking it
# 22:51 tantek then the follow-up after post can cite all that ;)
# 22:51 aaronpk I do like the mass "in reply to" follow-up article
xtof, tilgovi, josephboyle and b0bg0d joined the channel