#aaronpkI had some markup and was like "oh hey I should turn that into an h-card as an example". literally all I changed was I added 'class="h-card"' on the container div and it was done
#tantekquick minor nit: microformats property names are always singular, as pluralization is done by marking up multiple instances
#tanteke.g. instead of "u-fb-admins", you want "u-fb-admin"
saurik joined the channel
#tantekaaronpk - one use of supporting indieauth on your site is so you can post drafts that are only visible to people who sign-in and are on your whitelist.
#tantekor heck, allow *anyone* signed-in to see them
seyz, indiewebcamp-vis, hmans and thierrymarianne joined the channel
#thierrymarianneHello everybody! I've been nicely invited by Christophe Ducamp to join the conversation. As he mentioned a bit earlier, I enjoy quite much taking photos during all sorts of events. See you around.
#aaronpkthat begs the question... is there a way to cleverly use the www-authenticate header where a browser extension could automatically start the indieauth process?
#aaronpkif my browser sees that, it should recognize "IndieAuth", then parse out the placeholder and location values, replacing the placeholder string in the location value with my domain (assuming my browser knows my domain), then redirect the browser to that URL
#tantekaaronpk - re: "page is now only visible if you're logged in" - YEAHHH!!!!! Well done.
#tantekTHIS is an awesome use-case for implementing indieauth sign-in on your own site.
#aaronpktantek: the commenting use case is perhaps no longer as useful given that we're already doing distributed comments with pingback+webmention+microformats!
#aaronpkalso, a new one -- getting feedback on draft posts!
#aaronpkkind of like minor edits, but not necessarily just editing existing text, would want a place you could leave notes for me to read
#aaronpkin fact, I specfically asked several questions in my draft that I would like feedback on, would be convenient if when you logged in there was a place for you to leave feedback
#aaronpkotherwise it goes into a public channel (IRC) or you could leave me feedback as a private post on your site