tantekwhether any one of us agrees or not, doesn't matter, it's part of the strength of the indieweb, each implementer decides for themselves what approach to prioritize
tantekwell one distinction I've found between a comic and an article is that I don't want to display an explicit <h1> heading before a comic - since the comic has the heading built into the image
eschnou!tell aaronpk Got an idea, in the case of barnaby replying to my comment, since my comment is already linking to yours (in-reply-to), I could just 'ping' the master post again, and up to you to reload it and scan its comments.
eschnoutantek, in pingback/webmention, have we already described an 'update' flow ? E.g. I would re-ping someone when the content of a reply has been changed?
barnabywaltersmy beef with this approach is that the last-updated semantic can be embedded into *any* content delivered over HTTP via the Last-modified header
tantekin the meantime would appreciate your and tommorris's evaluation/opinions on the comics post type - am I nuts or does this make some sense? http://indiewebcamp.com/comics
tantekit was a fairly quick first semantic pass - and I was happy it turned out well when apparently the Planet Mozilla aggregator ditched the object and took the fallback markup alternate
michielbdejongtommorris: that brings up an interesting distinction between federating identity providers and federating sso platforms. because Amazon is much more a payment platform than an identity provider.
tommorrisif the TLD .gay gets approved, I'm registering not.gay and redirecting it to the latest family values crusader who gets caught with a wide stance in an airport lavatory
michielbdejongi don't have the money for an icann-approved TLD, but we can just run a registry and a first registrar, conforming to all the best practices, and it will be almost the same.
michielbdejongonly downside is not only the US government, but because of the .ht dependency, also the Haiti government could shut us down whenever they want. and there is no dnssec on .ht, but i don't think anybody needs that in practice.
michielbdejongand if we run the registry as well as, or better than, existing TLDs, then people will be able to get their own domain name as easily as signing up for facebook (i.e., without having to pay money)
Loqiaaronpk: eschnou left you a message 8 hours, 12 minutes ago: Got an idea, in the case of barnaby replying to my comment, since my comment is already linking to yours (in-reply-to), I could just 'ping' the master post again, and up to you to reload it and scan its comments.
Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 33 minutes ago: I don't think I have access to update the plancast event, can you add the new venue information? http://plancast.com/p/hhdw
tantek.comedited /monoculture (+589) "move Communities Design to Monoculture Community as another set of examples, disagree re: project-specific community" (view diff)
tantekso Brennan Novak recently wrote "Having a vibrant developer / user community is a downright necessity with fledgling open source projects. " and having thought quickly about it - I realized that we're kind of an exception to that here - since we have several projects which DO NOT have their own "vibrant developer / user community"
tantekposit: having 1+ creator selfdogfooding on an open source project is more important than any/all community around it. what do folks here think? can you think of any exceptions?
aaronpkI think there's a difference between what brennan is talking about, an open source project, and what we're all building here. very few of our sites are open source projects, although we've made various components of them open source
benwerdI do think dogfooding is more important, at least in the early stages - many useful open source projects have a relatively small contributing outside community, and so a huge amount of value is drawn from the core developer or team's use of the product. Of course, when a community does arise, they are almost always users (or prospective users), too.
tommorrisI showed off Ferocity on my phone but the guy was unconvinced that we were going to destroy Facebook. I sort of pointed out that our criteria for success isn't "beating" Facebook but building a viable and sustainable alternative to social networking silos that you can come and join if you want to.
tommorriswith reference to Richard Dawkins' analogy of 'Mount Improbable' - that beating Facebook by building a better but open Facebook (like Diaspora) was like climbing a very steep cliff
tommorrisaaronpk: different organisations give them out. I got mine through Wikimedia's IRC people - they give 'em out to any reasonably active Wikipedian
tommorrisanyway, barroom conversation: I ended up explaining that solving our own problems means we can make sustainable progress rather than attempting to create a clean-room open source FB
tommorristhe analogy I ended up using was house building. the people who build their own houses haven't failed if other people don't live in them. and sharing house-building-practices means other people can join in
aaronpktommorris: I don't understand this #freenode channel. the docs say to jump in there and ask for a cloak, but nobody seems to be replying, they're all just arguing about shit http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks
bretaaronpk: I have had some decent experiences ops in the #freenode channel, just state your question and wait, and try again later in the evening if nobody gets back to you. thats how I took over this abandoned irc nick register :)
bretI'm trying to piece together some simple Javascript based off of the octopress code, but I might just have to wait for http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0596517742 to show up before I get to far
tantekhadleybeeman - nevermind, the logs are behind since we lost our logging bot Loqi due to the aforementioned "internet storm" which seems to indicate cross-backbone packet losses are quite high right now. http://www.internetpulse.net/Main.aspx?Metric=PL