2013-07-23 UTC
bnvk joined the channel
# 00:28 aaronpk EHLOVader: I hadn't heard of whatpulse yet. sounds interesting
# 00:28 aaronpk not sure I want to send all my keystrokes up to a service though :/
sandeepshetty, fmarier, scor, Guest52297 and tylerstalder joined the channel
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# 04:06 bret you would think a front end developer would have enough experience to understand MF2. It's not that hard of a concept
# 04:16 bret maybe lacking the understanding of possible uses makes it more abstract, i dunno
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# 05:26 f-a oh, I need to create an account
# 05:30 bret Its easy! Just set up rel me auth for use with indie auth on your domain
# 05:40 f-a alas, I don't think I can do it bret. Reading about the authentication, it seems it needs some sort of authentication provider (github, facebook, etc.) and I have none!
# 05:40 bret Persona, but you must use an email address
# 05:40 f-a (and it seems bret.io can be currently authenticated only via SMS)
# 05:42 bret f-a, you can use SMS, and once you have that set up you could use google authenticator
# 05:43 f-a mail works only with persona, right?
# 05:43 bret right now I think persona ony does email addresses
# 05:44 bret but persona in general has all the parts so that you can set up your own authentication provider
# 05:44 bret im not really sure you about it though, you would have to talk to aaronpk about it
# 05:44 bret He seems to be out of town for the moment
# 05:45 f-a I am indeed setting up my auth provider with persona
# 05:45 f-a (well, planning to, to be honest)
andreypopp and eschnou joined the channel
# 05:46 bret that would be sweet! I'm not sure if indieauth needs to do anything though, since its whole goal is to establish your relationship between an auth provider and your domain you say you own
tantek joined the channel
# 05:59 f-a good night, see you tomorrow!
sandeepshetty, musigny, cweiske, andreypopp, friedcell, josephboyle, earplugs, friedcell1, melvster, erikmaarten_, eschnou and tantek joined the channel
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# 08:39 tantek yeah, <data> is the modern replacement for the value-class-pattern value-title pattern
# 08:39 tantek but for dates and times, yes, you should use the <time> element in particular
# 08:40 tantek (actually curious what's holding you back from HTML5)
# 08:40 cweiske and I can't do a complete relaunch just to add mf2
# 08:41 cweiske but I still want to express the date in machine-readable form
xtof joined the channel
# 08:44 cweiske apparently <span class="dt-published"><span class="value-title" title="2013....">...</span></span> is not supported by php-mf2
# 08:46 cweiske tantek, is the following correct: <span class="dt-published"><span class="value-title" title="2012-02-16T16:14:47+00:00"> </span>16.02.2012</span> ?
# 08:46 tantek btw there is no <date>, only <time> and <data>
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# 08:47 cweiske would the following be ok, too? <span class="dt-published"><span class="value-title" title="2012-02-16T16:14:47+00:00">16.02.2012</span></span>
# 08:47 tantek cweiske - I'm betting your company's blog is already treated like HTML5 by browsers
# 08:47 tantek so the only thing you have to do is change the doctype
# 08:48 tantek just saying, if you're not serving it as application/xhtml+xml, then it's not really "XHTML
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# 08:51 tantek melvster - sounds like extra work for no benefit
# 08:52 melvster tantek: what is? Im not stupid enough or smart enough to ignore the best practices :)
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# 08:53 tantek RDFa is nearly always extra work for no benefit - since you can do 99% of what you need with microformats (or heck even microdata)
# 08:54 melvster tantek: the advantage of rdfa is to mash up data from different sources, i agree there's an overhead
# 08:58 cweiske the whole paft of html5 that deals with broken html is against my beliefs
bnvk, musigny and tantek joined the channel
# 09:40 barnabywalters cweiske: I fixed that value-title parsing bug, pushed it to packagist and my demo
# 09:41 tantek melvster - if you're publishing the data, it's only from one source. I'm not sure what you mean by "mash".
# 09:41 tantek and lastly, if the data from different sources is in microformats, that *that* is easier to combine into a single presentation, e.g. what people are doing with syndicating in h-entry data from multiple sources for indieweb comments.
# 09:41 tantek cweiske - I too like xml parsers for linting, but never for user consumption.
# 09:42 cweiske by using them for consumption, you force people to generate proper xml
# 09:42 tantek melvster re: "sprawling mess" - the web is a sprawling mess, that's why it succeeded.
# 09:43 barnabywalters cweiske: er, does “forcing” authors to do anything actually work in practise?
# 09:43 cweiske it does on my own blog, and it works here at work
# 09:43 cweiske either I have to complain in the QA stage about the issue
# 09:43 tantek barnabywalters - forcing fragility onto users = fewer users using your web site/app/product.
# 09:44 tantek but doing well-formedness checks serverside, and other tests, are good for catching regressions early
# 09:44 tantek cweiske - not a common xss vector as far as I know
# 09:45 tantek HTML5 actually has a lot more protections against XSS than anything that came before
# 09:45 cweiske XSS means including bad HTML into the output of website
# 09:45 tantek so if XSS is your concern, you should definitely upgrade your system to HTML5
# 09:45 cweiske so the XSS code has at least to be well-formed and keep the page code well-formed
# 09:46 cweiske for semanticscuttle, my bookmark manager, I use the two-sided strategy
# 09:46 cweiske when debugging/development mode is enabled, it outputs application/xhtml+xml
# 09:46 tantek if you're actually trying to improve the security of your site - solve actual problems
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# 10:11 tantek melvster - fundamentally changing human culture and commerce? I'd say that's quite a success.
# 10:12 melvster tantek: still a *work in progress* so much more we can do ... if it stops here it will not have achieved it's full potential
# 10:13 tantek melvster - life is a work in progress, there will always be much more we can do. so it is irrelevant that there is much more we can do.
# 10:14 tantek "achieving it's full potential" is a dumb criteria - as nothing can be realistically expected to do so.
# 10:16 melvster tankek: I dont disagree, but there are milestones to reach before each person can call something a success / fail ... the web of documents has done quite well, commerce is poor, the web of data is just starting, when we get proper incentives onto the web ill call it a success, if we just end here it will not have met expectations ...
# 10:17 tantek commerce has done just fine - feel free to check stats on online sales over time
# 10:17 tantek web of data is already huge - and embedded in documents.
# 10:17 tommorris Amazon would disagree with the idea that e-commerce has been a failure
# 10:18 tantek the web of invisible parallel data is had had numerous false starts and is pretty doomed
# 10:18 tantek once we decided to ignore parallel data efforts and go with microformats in HTML (2005), the web of data grew incredibly
# 10:19 tommorris now we seem to be recreating the WS-* world but with JSON and impenetrable OAuth specs.
# 10:19 tantek eventually even RDFa and microdata mimicked microformats (by adding to HTML)
# 10:19 melvster micropayments should be as easy as accumulating points in a game, not this monolithic travesty we have today, controlled by gatekeepers
# 10:20 tommorris tantek: every web 2.0 company on the planet building snowflake JSON APIs
# 10:20 tantek tommorris - indeed. sounds worse than WS-* :)
# 10:20 melvster web commerce is a train smash it's simply ported the tired old 20th century shopping model online
# 10:20 tantek melvster - not a smash - it's growing every year
# 10:21 melvster publishing documents is easy, paying is hard, there's no financial commons, there's no indie web of money
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# 10:23 melvster facebook make money from other people's content, the content providers dont get paid ... incentives should be aligned with value creation
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# 10:23 tantek melvster - if you're interested in alternatives to selling things on the web, take a look at Mozilla Marketplace
# 10:24 melvster tantek: mozilla stuff is problematic because persona dont support indieweb indentifiers, they are in the church of 'your email address is your identity'
# 10:24 tantek melvster - we already have the facebook make money from other people's content problem documented on the /why page:
# 10:25 tantek melvster - you can use your name at your own domain as an indieweb persona identifier
# 10:27 melvster tantek: no, because they overload the identifier with email delivery, so without running an email provider I cant even do that, not that I would want to
# 10:28 tantek as opposed to "don't support" - which was your assertion
# 10:29 tantek great, until then, focus on getting that working, rather than the handwaving
# 10:29 tantek wonderful! what's your microblogging project called?
# 10:30 melvster i said mozilla was problematic, as it has design flaws, in response to the suggestion of using marketplace, that's not hand waving
# 10:30 melvster tantek: yes it's open source, im writing a pane for The Tabulator, to do microblogging, if you know that project?
# 10:31 tantek melvster - I don't - let me know when you have something (anything) of it running on melvincarvalho.com
# 10:31 tantek until then, not really interested to hear about it
# 10:32 melvster tantek: fair enough, I actually do run a blog and a semantic microblog on melvincarvalho.com already, but it's not granular enough, ie tweets should be portable, so im writing my own
# 10:35 tantek so when you say "run a blog and a semantic microblog on melvincarvalho.com already" - there's no evidence of it on melvincarvalho.com
# 10:36 melvster however the semantic blog im about to remove because it's buggy
# 10:39 melvster tommorris: you might be interested in the tabulator post above, there's lots of linked data libraries in there
# 10:40 tantek.com edited /why (+166) "add an explicit point about disliking seeing your content surrounded by ads, in contrast to selling of your content outright" (
view diff )
# 10:41 tommorris last time I used it, I mostly did so in order to produce a screenshot saying that danbri worked for Darth Vader
# 10:43 melvster tantek: yes im part of the web payments community group working with mozilla on some of this stuff, they are generally excellent, but persona is the weak link
# 10:45 tantek anyway, I'm not sure we can do any better than that here in #indiewebcamp, so unless you have something specific commerce related you're implementing on your own site, it's largely handwaving (as far as indieweb is concerned), and better to just keep incrementally improving things in that CG
# 10:46 melvster tantek: yes agree, I would happily have reused mozilla stuff if they didnt restrict so much, but at this point it may need a rewrite, with partial bootstrap
# 10:48 tantek fine, I'm just letting you know since you seem to keep bringing up commerce/micropayments here and it's largely just been repeated handwaving. at some point, you need to go ship something, or you're just adding noise to the channel.
# 10:49 tantek (which is maybe fine in a #commerce or #micropayments channel, but so far it's just been noise in #indiewebcamp)
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# 10:51 melvster tantek: that's fair enough, but it was you that brought up commerce, I was replying that commerce is poor, imho, I'll leave it at that
# 10:53 tantek except I wasn't talking about hypothetical futures, I was citing *existing* online commerce as one of many examples of the web succeeding
neuro`, barnabywalters_, friedcell, melvster1, bnvk, gjones_, friedcell1 and f-a joined the channel
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# 12:47 barnabywalters hupili: thanks for documenting your PESOS use, how easy is it to get data out of Chinese social networks? do they have good APIs?
# 12:50 hupili barnabywalters: the three sites I'm regularly using all have APIs. Although not very good, they are usable.
# 12:51 hupili Their design basically follows FB or Twitter style. The main difficulty is that every site gives a different data structure so you have to read a lot docs to operate all of them. We made SNSAPI to shift the burden of app developers.
# 12:51 hupili Thanks for the tip, I'm make a link for the tool. :)
# 12:53 tommorris I should probably document how easy it is to PESOS Foursquare
# 12:53 tommorris if you set up an HTTPS endpoint, you can get Foursquare to POST back your checkins live as you make them.
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# 12:55 barnabywalters tommorris: seriously? yes please document that, I’d actually sign up for foursquare in order to use that
# 12:55 tommorris the only difficult bit is it has to be HTTPS, and you have to authenticate with the API via OAuth once
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# 13:29 tantek bret I noticed that URL with reply-context says "Mentions Loading…" (but never seems to complete one way or another)
# 13:31 cweiske IIRC that's some issue with aaronpk's pingback.me
# 13:33 tantek cweiske - then the front-end should compensate for that and time-out accordingly
# 13:33 tantek regardless of any such limitations of the back-end
neuro` joined the channel
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# 13:36 EHLOVader I noticed now that a few sites, like bootstrap and password fields in chrome are showing the wrong character... seems all of your sites seem to use unicode a lot also
# 13:36 EHLOVader I am a windows chrome user, anyone hear of this issue before?
# 13:38 f-a mhhh, encoding issues...
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# 13:39 f-a are you sure you are not forcing a particular encoding,EHLOVader (not being a chrome user, I don't know how to change encoding in that browser)
# 13:42 f-a (to be honest, sometimes you have to fiddle with CJK pages)
# 13:42 f-a (or at least I do)
neuro` joined the channel
# 13:55 tantek barnabywalters - I just checked my desktop twitter.com stream and see several replies happening but no threading :/
# 13:56 tantek pfefferle you can use #indiewebcamp instead of cc: @indiewebcamp
# 13:56 gjones pfefferle we talk talk here rather than twitter - just updating wordpress at moment
# 13:56 barnabywalters tantek: hm, weird. I finally managed to persuade twitter not to send me emails but until I did I consistently saw them in those
# 13:56 tantek the hashtag is enough for Loqi to see it and copy here
# 13:59 tantek barnabywalters - what's this "feed" you speak of ? ;)
# 14:00 barnabywalters ??? IIRC feed was what we were referring to reverse-chronologically ordered lists of bits of content as
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# 14:01 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:02 tommorris which nicely avoids the conflation of feed-as-in-content-in-reverse-chronological-order with feed-as-in-RSS/Atom-document
# 14:02 barnabywalters we discussed this already, a few weeks back, I can’t remember if we actually documented it at all
# 14:02 gjones pfefferle get error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING ….. webmention.php on line 28
# 14:08 tantek barnabywalters - yes, if you're referring to your /notes HTML page, I'd say "stream" is better than "feed"
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# 14:14 gjones pfefferle hosting company is saying its PHP5.3 for new accounts, but added a plug-in to display it and they are running PHP 5.2.17 on my server : (
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# 14:17 gjones pfefferle Not sure I will fire off an email. I am starting to recode my blog in node.js which will take a while, but it would be nice to see your plug-in working
# 14:20 pfefferle gjones let me know if you still have problems (or feedback) after you got your php upgrade
# 14:22 tantek looking forward to your first POSSEd post via Publify :)
# 14:25 gjones pfefferle will do
# 14:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 14:48 neuro` tantek: thank you. Taking the kids for a walk and I'll update my blog with the new code
# 14:48 tantek neuro` looking forward to it! have a nice walk with the kids (good priorities :) )
# 14:50 tantek pfefferle - I'm confused a bit by that reply.
# 14:50 tantek why does it say "Commented on a post by Matthias Pfefferle." in an indented grey box?
# 14:50 tantek isn't that page a comment on a post by Sandeep?
# 14:50 tantek also on Sandeep's page it looks like your comment showed up twice?
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# 14:52 pfefferle tantek that's what i mean… this context is missing at the moment…
# 14:52 pfefferle tantek the gray box is only a quote and has nothing to do with the context
# 14:54 pfefferle but as i mentioned i am not showing sandeeps original post at the moment… but the comments are also context sensitive...
# 14:56 pfefferle tantek: if you click on the timestamp in the comments you see the original comment
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# 14:59 cweiske that link-to-original-on-timestamp is something you really have to get used to
# 15:00 pfefferle yes… have to add a real link at the end of the comment...
# 15:01 tantek the timestamps on @-replies in a thread all link to the permalink pages for each
# 15:02 tantek I think everyone's who's displaying indieweb comments is linking back to the original reply posts via the timestamp
# 15:02 cweiske but in a separate page, you could add a "$person wrote" and link that
# 15:03 tantek cweiske - it works like that on Twitter's "separate pages" as well
# 15:03 tantek pfefferle - I just noticed that your blog header image has your article on open web
# 15:04 tantek mentions the unfortunate / defunct "<intent/>" element
# 15:05 tantek pfefferle - I see now - there's no reply context there at all
# 15:06 tantek that's not reply-context, reply context is the stuff YOUR post is replying to, not the replies to your post.
# 15:08 pfefferle i don't show only one comment, but the whole conversation
# 15:08 tantek you're not showing the conversation *before* your post
# 15:09 tantek that original post you are commenting to *is* the reply-context
# 15:09 tantek the stuff *below* your post are comments on your post
# 15:10 tantek on that reply, everything in the white box before "#converspace" is the reply-context
# 15:10 pfefferle not really, because sandeep is not showing the whole conversation… he shows only the first answer
# 15:10 tantek from "#converspace" to "#indieweb" is the reply itself that sandeep wrote
# 15:10 tantek and then he has a clear "Comments" section below
# 15:11 tantek pfefferle - part of the point of developing indieweb reply-contexts is that even just showing *something* there is better than nothing. It doesn't need to show "the whole conversation"
# 15:12 tantek because having something working is better than nothing
# 15:14 tantek correction, it has a very small reply-context
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# 15:23 tantek yes reply-contexts are interestingly difficult
# 15:26 pfefferle !tell tantek btw this is the name of my column in a german magazine about open-web stuff (header image) i can send you the article about the indieweb if you want… but it is german...
# 15:26 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 15:46 Loqi tantek: pfefferle left you a message 20 minutes ago: btw this is the name of my column in a german magazine about open-web stuff (header image) i can send you the article about the indieweb if you want… but it is german...
# 15:52 tantek pfefferle - I think it's important for each post / reply / comment to have its own permalink (without query string). What Twitter did in this regard was quite clever.
# 15:53 pfefferle tantek that should be no problem… i only have to change my mod-rewrite...
# 15:56 pfefferle the next steps are: adding in-reply-context and admin backend to set reply links, nicer single views of comments (with context) and improving the markup
ozten, josephboyle and benibur joined the channel
# 16:29 benibur hi, I work on Cozy Cloud, a startup that propose a personal cloud you can "host, hack & delete".
# 16:30 benibur I'll be in SF in august because we have been selected by mozilla web fwd, so I would be pleased to meet anyone involved in the personal data restitution.
# 16:31 benibur I have seen that there is a meeting in the UK in september, I could join (we are in Paris, london is clother than San Francisco :-)
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# 16:33 barnabywalters do you have a personal URL? log in to the wiki and add yourself to the interested-in-participating list
# 16:34 benibur I do have, but no public ressource :-)
# 16:34 aaronpk benibur: I'll be in SF Aug 6-8, will you be there at that time?
# 16:34 benibur I could easily add one if it is a condition !
# 16:34 benibur (it would be the occasion to do one !)
# 16:35 benibur @aaronpk : yes !
# 16:35 benibur I arrive satuday the 27th of July, and leave the 26th of august.
# 16:36 aaronpk cool! not sure exactly what's scheduled for me that week but i'm sure there will be some sort of indieweb meetup then!
# 16:36 benibur I would love to meet you aaron if you can find time in your schedule !
# 16:36 bret I want to buy a plane ticket but my paycheck is so freaking slow to show up :?
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# 16:38 benibur definetly ok for a meetup on the 6th, 7th or 8th.
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# 16:42 bret ok tantek, I added what I have for now
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# 17:31 benwerd Question: is anyone planning to attend SXSW next year? And if so, are there plans for an Indieweb panel?
# 17:31 benwerd If so, is there room for me and my chickens? And if not, I may try and set one up.
# 17:32 barnabywalters sxsw is the one which it’s pointless to attend unless you’re old enough to get into US bars, right?
# 17:33 benwerd (Oh man, I remember that dilemma so well. US licensing laws are dumb.)
# 17:33 aaronpk benwerd: I don't think I'm going this year actualy
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# 17:34 aaronpk went last year and it's kind of turned into a giant corporate conference. it's still a good conference if you're doing bizdev and making deals with other companies, etc
# 17:34 aaronpk ah, well it's solidified itself last year as that
# 17:36 aaronpk neuro`: sweet! you should add 'class="u-syndication"' to the twitter link too!
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# 17:48 neuro` aaronpk: done, this will be added with the next push
# 17:49 neuro` Can't backlog because of very sluggish connection
# 17:52 neuro` aaronpk: hmm true, the problem comes from my theme, will fix this tonight, thank you
# 17:52 neuro` I c/p the posts template which are OK, but that one is not
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# 17:54 aaronpk seems to be split pretty close to 50/50 of people who think the URL is missing a slash vs people who are annoyed there is no additional content after clicking the link
# 17:55 aaronpk I first started publishing the shortlinks like tantek does, and switched to actually putting in a URL after I got too many "your URLs are missing a slash" messages
# 17:55 neuro` Yes. Not sure what to do yet (mvz is one of my co maintainers)
# 17:56 aaronpk my pattern is "(aaron.pk/XXXXX)" if there is no additional content, and "... aaron.pk/XXXXX" if there is
# 17:57 aaronpk I still get a couple people commenting that they are annoyed there is no additional content after clicking the link, but after I explain the convention they say "ohh... that makes sense"
# 17:57 neuro` I must confess I c/c Tantek way to do it. I actually first thought about how to do the stuff on my side before jumping on the #indiewebcamp boat
# 17:58 bret aaronpk, did you see I got my pingback.me embed working?
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# 18:12 bret is it just me or is the new G+ layout absolutely unreadable?
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# 19:06 benibur funy, you mentionned ndebock : he is a french vc I now a little bit.
# 19:07 benibur thanks to your link, I discovered the "W3C's Workshop on Social Standards" that will take place the 7 & 8th : I'll try to be there
# 19:07 benibur any one goes there ?
# 19:08 bret benibur: tank, benwerd and aaronpk will be there I think
# 19:08 benibur ok thank you !
# 19:08 bret Also,benibur, Loqi is a bot that forwards #indieweb tags to irc :)
# 19:09 benibur ok, sorry, didn't know :-)
# 19:09 bret thats okay, the bot has a bit of a humanity complex
# 19:10 benibur it seems that I am dumb enought to let the bot pass the turing test !
# 19:11 bret don't be so hard on yourself, It happened to me too, and others
# 19:12 benibur I am discovering the perspectives of indie web and the posse approach.
# 19:13 benibur the alignment with our own project of "personal cloud" is amazing, i am surprised not to have heard more about you earlier !
# 19:14 benibur cozy cloud = a personal cloud = your personal server you administrate as easily as your smartphone
# 19:15 benibur from a technical point of view, we are a pPaaS ( = a personal Platform as a Service)
# 19:15 benibur with a layer of abstraction above the data persistence (we called it the data system)
# 19:16 benibur no, i don't think so, let me check in my memory (google...)
# 19:16 benwerd He works on something that's not a million miles away, and helped start the Personal Cloud meetup here in SF
# 19:16 benwerd Anyway, I think something like that is really needed
# 19:16 f-a irssi just decided to pick the very same shade of green for benibur and benwerd, leading me to believe what I read was a monologue xD
# 19:17 bret colloquy picked very similar shades of blue
# 19:17 f-a and the nicks are of the same lenght
# 19:18 benibur johannes seems an excellent connection ! as iwill be one month in SF I will try to contact him.
# 19:18 bret benibur: cozy cloud looks pretty cool!
# 19:18 demis I've been using ownCloud for a while now and it's worked out great
# 19:19 benibur btw, if anyone is interested in a mind sharing in SF (call it a meetup or an happy hour), please contact me ! ben@cozycloud.cc
# 19:19 demis gives me complete cloud solution on my iDevices etc
# 19:19 bret My attempt at my own cloud stopped when I reapplied how difficult nginx is if you don't know what you are doing
# 19:19 benibur owncloud is very interesting. Our approach is more modular.
# 19:20 benibur on cozy, each app is a server (python, nodejs, ruby, php...)
# 19:20 benibur on owncloud it is more the logic of plugins
# 19:20 benibur everything in php, so if you like php, it's great.
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# 19:20 benibur bret: for now we only support nodejs
# 19:21 bret I don't know php, but is a popular tool here
# 19:21 benibur python is on the way
# 19:22 benibur we are much younger than owncloud who raised quite a lot of money, where as we are still self founded
# 19:22 benibur but i hop it will change quickly :-)
# 19:23 benibur as we have been selected by mozilla to participate to their accelerator (web fwd), It will help us a lot !
# 19:24 demis can cozy be self hosted like owncloud?
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# 19:24 benibur demis, yes : cozy = a personal cloud you can host, hack and delete...
# 19:25 benibur we will soon deliver an image of a virtual machine with the full stack installed.
# 19:25 bret benibur: do you have a website or twitter
# 19:25 benibur for now deploying can be tricky, but with a setup vm, it's easy.
# 19:26 benibur :-) nope, our site is not hosted on a cozy instance, shame on us !
# 19:29 benibur but : the aim of a cozy is to host your personal data and services, not a web site that will deal with a client database and will pilote your cluster...
# 19:29 benibur but my personal web site will soon be on my own cozy, I promise !
# 19:30 benibur And hosting a personal indieauth server seems attractive too.
# 19:31 benibur I have to go deeper in your concepts, technologies and framework, but it seems quite easy, or even natural, to integrate a posse approach to Cozy.
# 19:31 benibur I will dig into that opportunity during my stay in the US.
# 19:32 bret There are going to be at least two indieweb session at that Social conference in SF I think
# 19:33 benibur social conference = the workshop the 7 & 8th of august ?
# 19:34 bret "Workshop on Social Standards: The Future of Business"
benwerd joined the channel
# 19:34 benibur ok cool, i definetly try to be there. They require an "expression of interes", i will prepare mine quickly.
# 19:39 benibur bret: yep, thanks !
# 19:39 bret neuro`: are you having problems with the h-card?
julien51 joined the channel
# 19:40 benibur bret: I hope I will meet you there, other wise contact me directly (I have a full month in SF, not much planned for now : objective = mind sharing with the ecosystem !)
# 19:41 demis benibur: one thing I really like is caldav/carddav support, is that available through the cozy apps?
# 19:42 bret benibur: if I make it I will! I'm sure there will be some hack sessions when everyone is down there together
# 19:42 benibur demis: caldav/cardav is curruntly the subject we are working on !
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:43 demis okay sounds great, I look forward to trying it :)
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# 19:44 benibur again, we are young, but I think that our PaaS approach with a data federation between the apps is an interesting approach.
# 19:45 benibur please provide us feedback to improve our work !
# 19:45 demis being able to integrate with mobile devices is really important
# 19:45 benibur (we have an irc if you need help : #cozycloud on freenode)
# 19:45 benibur demis: we do have a strategy for mobile devices !
# 19:46 benibur the data system is a service (a nodejs app) above a couchdb database.
# 19:46 demis thats one thing with owncloud, you can setup an iphone to sync calendars, contacts, reminders, notes etc. they even have an app that works much like the dropbox app
# 19:47 benibur the idea is to use the synchronisation of couch so that you can have a couchdb on your devices (laptop, smartphone, desktop, tablet...)
# 19:47 demis sorry notes is incorrect, I am syncing notes via my imap email
# 19:47 benibur this local couchdb will be sync with your server and your local apps will be able to access your data localy.
# 19:47 bret neuro`: it looks like the mf p-name entry-title etc are ending up in a p tag
# 19:48 demis that's a unique approach, could save a lot of traffic on mobile devices too
# 19:48 bret neuro` you need to wrap the content with those classes using a div or something, or stick it in the class for the article
# 19:48 benibur and guess waht is our first app on a device : a fuse driver that is connected to your couchdb : what means a dropbox feature.
# 19:49 benibur I think we will release this in beta in november, and available early 2014
tantek joined the channel
# 19:49 bret benibur: you should start using it yourself before that
# 19:50 bret and once you get POSSE up and running you can use it will make it easier to use as your primary identity on the web
# 19:50 benibur (but in fact we are already using it for ourselfves :-)
# 19:51 benibur bret: yes, posse is very interesting, i agree that we must get our data back, but silos are still required to share content.
# 19:52 benibur as mentionnd above, I will go deeper in your concepts and technologies to see how to integer your approach in our roadmap
# 19:53 bret which is better than purely relying on a silo
# 19:53 benibur bret: yep, i saw pesos et pesetas concepts on the indieweb site
# 19:54 benibur but i have to go deeper in the tech to understand the way that you imagine that it can work.
# 19:55 benibur it is very complementary of our approach : we make it easy to self host any service, you develop a standard to get your data back in your silo sync with external silos.
# 19:56 bret and I presume you have already spotted benwerd idno
# 19:57 bret It would be awesome for something like own cloud or cozy cloud to join in
# 19:58 benibur It does seem promising.
# 19:58 benibur Cozy is creating your personal, private silo.
# 19:58 benibur but we now need to bring it to social
# 19:58 benibur the idea of posse : post once syndicate everywhere, is exactly what we need.
# 19:59 benibur you have your data on your server, and you can then syndicate it on any public silo.
# 19:59 bret some people who have been designing tools beyond their own use have been struggling with how to deal with the restrictive twitter api. I think neuro` was talking about that the other day
# 20:02 bret neuro`: If you look at the DOM of your page, those classes are in their own <p> tag
spinnerin, f-a, barnabywalters, friedcell1, musigny and b0bg0d joined the channel
# 20:54 neuro` bret: found out, I'm using markdown as a text filter, and it was wrapping my status into a <p/> while I was already wrapping it into a <p/>, thank you for your help.
# 20:58 f-a (random unrelated rant) why is pump.io missin rss support? :ccccccc
# 20:58 bret f-a: rss is still the primary way to track lots of sites for many people
# 20:58 f-a bret: don't tell me! I run newsbeuter with some 200~ rss feed
# 20:59 aaronpk evan said he'd be happy to accept a pull request from someone if they want to add mf2 markup to pump.io
# 20:59 bret I run fever, and track all my sites that way… what is a better alternative?
# 20:59 bret (other than maybe an open source rss reader)
# 21:00 neuro` I wish I had the time to build an open source reader
# 21:01 bret I think for all of this rss dead is talk, someone needs to build a json feed parser and/or h-atom parser…. at LEAST before we can really say rss is dead… because it is at least, UNdead
# 21:01 bret and by parser I really mean a tool my dad could use just like his rss reader
# 21:02 f-a my computing skills are probably on par with your dad, so I would welcome the effort. Imagine an activitystrea.ms reader
# 21:03 neuro` Easiest way would be to do the frotend that would query a backend set of APIs for rss / json...
# 21:03 bret maybe news blur will start supporting json/h-atom
# 21:04 neuro` Loqi: tell xtof I'll b back in Paris August the first, let's meet and see how we can organize an indiewebcamp Paris after everyone's back
# 21:07 neuro` Good night #indiewebcamp, even heroes need some sleep.
# 21:09 musigny neuro`: I hope I could come from Geneva area for a parisian #indiewebcamp : that could be nice to see you again (haven't seen you since the very first bar camps in France !)
b0bg0d and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 21:18 musigny neuro`: and if you come in the area of Annecy we could have an indiweb-wine-meetup with @jihaisse. The first time I've heard about Jean-Seb it was from you, about a project of SnowCamp ...back in 2006 ^^ Now we are kind of neighbors!
andreypopp, b0bg0d1, spinnerin, tantek and b0bg0d joined the channel
# 21:40 aaronpk I wonder what it would take to hack in an mf2 json feed as input
# 21:47 tantek bret, no I didn't see an entry for benwerd / idno on the reply-context page
# 21:49 bret tantek: what are you referring to? but thanks!
# 21:55 bret tantek: when you reply to a twitter message, you always include an @[twitter username] of the person you reply to. Is there a reason to do a similar thing in indieweb replies/comments?
# 21:57 bret but no, if you are replying to an article or something?
# 21:57 aaronpk I haven't done that yet, but my guess is I would not
# 21:58 bret when would you reply to a note and not be addressing the person?
# 22:03 benibur musigny: i see you're from geneva : i was there this week end, we could have met !
# 22:03 benibur in cas of an indieweb event in paris or geneva, please inform me ! : ben@cozycloud.cc
# 22:07 musigny benibur: ping me here or at @gregoire next time you're in the area
# 22:17 tantek bret - I do typically start my replies to tweets with @-username because it limits who sees the reply on Twitter to people who follow both of us
# 22:20 bret tantek: That seems like an intelligent way to filter conversations
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# 22:22 aaronpk poll: launch a separate events.indiewebcamp.com aggregator like news.indiewebcamp.com, or use the same site and make a filter for just events like news.indiewebcamp.com/events?
# 22:25 bret I'm kind of iffy on the voting thing…. as I take place in a poll XD
# 22:25 bret there are only a few people voting right now. It seems to me chronological order to items is more important at this time
# 22:26 aaronpk yea, right now they're almost the same order anyway, since older items get less weight per upvote
# 22:27 aaronpk so polling... I should be able to post a question on my site and collect responses via webmentions
# 22:27 aaronpk I could mark up the question in a way that indicates the valid list of responses, so a reply UI could build up an appropriate set of buttons
# 22:27 bret but I'm probably just going to say ya to all of your ideas
# 22:28 aaronpk and then your reply UI would be able to format an h-entry with the appropriate markup so my site could tell which item you voted on
# 22:30 aaronpk really that's basically me providing you an html form
# 22:30 aaronpk where the results of the form are published back on your site rather than making a post request to my site
# 22:31 bret So, my reply UI would parse your post for the reply buttons?
# 22:31 aaronpk say I just published a simple HTML form in a post, you would just render that form via html
# 22:33 aaronpk but instead of the action of the form being my site, it would be your own site where it would create a new reply post with the results
# 22:36 aaronpk so all we would really have to define is a markup for publishing the results of a form in a way that can be parsed with a mf2 parser
andreypopp, b0bg0d and f-a joined the channel