#twoshot_i stayed away from web for a very long time, sticking to desktop applications. i'm driven by utility, and i didn't have any use for the web. now i'm very interested in learning web better
#twoshot_i guess the wired article was linked to on flipboard shaners
#shanersok. that's your #indieweb step one. get a domain.
#tantekdo you use the web to communicate with friends?
#shanersand then: you can *syndicate* copies off elsewhere (if you wanted to), like Facebook, twitter, etc
#shanersyou can also, comment or reply to other #indieweb sites directly from yours, instead of replying on twitter/facebook
#shanersyou can start to use your URL as your identity. either as just a short way to say "here, find me online at [your domain].com" and also to login to things (like the indiewebcamp wiki)
#shanersjosephg: rad! site-wide https is on my list for my site too.
#josephgI got a free SSL cert from startssl and I'm running stud in front of my varnish instance (which is on port 80)
#josephgthe hard parts were figuring out how to make the right .pem file for stud (turns out I just needed to cat together all the certificate files I had)
micflan joined the channel
#josephg... and the ubuntu stud package is horribly out of date and the configuration is terrible
#twoshot_yep that's the article i saw. flipboard linked to it
#tantektwoshot - cool. if that kind of thing interests you - about the indieweb in general, where did it come from - more of that in the video interview I did with Brett Slatkin:
#tantekaaronpk, tommorris - finally captured what I think you guys were talking about yesterday (or was it the day before?) on private posts: http://indiewebcamp.com/private_posts (please edit/add/update as necessary)
#tanteklooks for a UI pattern references that shows that login links go in the top left (like EVERY site has pretty much ;) ) and can't find any such UI pattern reference because web search still sucks
#rknLAasked this while you were out. sorry for everyone who already saw it, >> is there a [semi]standard api design/app for posting tweet-length messages to personal sites for syndication?
#shanersmaybe *I* need to back away from the keyboard. :D
#shanersrknLA: next moves for your site: you can add an h-card to your homepage. you already have the right content there. just need some classes on some things.
#cweiskeWas expecting a 200 and instead got a 301 Was expecting a 200 and instead got a 301 None of your providers are supported. Tried http://github.com/cweiske
#cweiskedid the indieauth supports here ever thought about the issue that all implementations always need to support all the services that are currently hip? when github dies tomorrow, applications become broken when shipping their own indieauth implementation.
#rknLAcweiske: i have been wondering similar things related to verification vs. validation.
xrchz joined the channel
#rknLAi'm assuming indieauth does validation based on cookies, otherwise there's only verification?
#cweiskethere is no continuity. when I use openid, I can be sure that if I have my openid provider still running in 20 years, I can log in to my legacy app that uses openid log
#barnabywalterson the plus side, I went to a mozilla meeting yesterday and one of the guys there had heard of IWC from their work mailing list recently (he works at a free software foundation type organisation)
#barnabywaltersand was interested in indieauth and attending
#aralJust a heads up: 4PM-6PM on the first day of Indie Web Camp UK, we’re going to be screening Terms & Conditions May Apply — a new documentary that could help regular people understand the issues. (Got the rights to publicly display it so will probably be one of the first, if not he first, public screening in the UK) — http://tacma.org
#aralTell your non”geeky friends too (we have capacity for 30). As I’d like non”über”geeks to be able to sign up, I’ll put the sign-up on Tito or something over the weekend or on Monday.
#aaronpkbenwerd: no, not narcissistic, that's how people actually think about the world, in terms of their own experience
#benwerdaaronpk: you are absolutely right. I was being flippant (again) - I'd really love to see that
#benwerdsimilarly, for a long time I've wanted an atlas designed to be written all over, like a notebook
#tantekconzeit - feel free to ask away - one of us will hopefully answer :)
#shanersmumble the map is not the territory mumble
#tantekaaronpk - yes, search is hard - which is why I'm still using Google as my search provider on my site.
#tantekshaners - it's not a map, it's using coordinates. math, geometry, no big :)
bnvk, badosu and xrchz joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /IndieAuth (+483) "/* link rel me support */ add more reasons, note request at osfw3c workshop" (view diff)
#tantekneuro` I'm not sure what you mean by " display of the original tweet the way I display reply to context on my own site" for something that is a retweet. sounds confusing.
#tantekI think the way sandeepshetty displays reposts is quite clear.
#neuro`This to display a RT on my site after Pushing it to Twitter
#neuro`Maybe I'll use the second one and display quotes of an indie web site post the same way
#conzeitalright sorry I wasnt expecting any response so I ilded
#conzeitok, I've got some experience with linux and whatnot, but I'm an artist and I've never really set up a server or anything.....is it necesary for me to set up a server to have an indeweb ident?
#tantekconzeit - there are plenty of non-server-setup options.
#tantekthe 2nd one looks much more like a quote/retweet of someone else's content rather than your own - so I think it more accurately shows what is going on
#conzeitI think you're talking over my head again :p
#conzeityou're suggesting requirements for the hosting service right?
#conzeitI've done some looking into this sort of option since watching eben moglen speeches, and I found about LAMP. I thought it was just a simple service to run a host on your own computer
#barnabywaltersconzeit: LAMP refers to a “stack” of related bits of software working together to serve a web app
#barnabywaltersmost of the time it refers to Linux (the operating system), Apache (the web server), MySQL or any other database/storage system for putting data in, and PHP or Python (programming languages in which you write web apps) and
#conzeitOk, I'm mostly confused about this. is a"a simple shared virtual host" something you run on your desktop pc, or something you put in a hosting service? that is, is tantek having a pc run 24/7 in his house or is he paying someone to do that?
#barnabywaltersconzeit: a shared virtual host is when you pay a company to host your files, application and data on their machines
#barnabywalterstypically they handle server setup and such things
#conzeitcool. I was in diaspora and I was apalled to see how little compatibility it actually had....then I went to friendica and that didnt seem to do that much either...only from friendica out to silos anyways
#tantekit's almost as if they were chain, perhaps even owned by a larger chain ;)
#barnabywaltersconzeit: you and me both :) I used diaspora for ages but got frustrated with it — I ended up writing my own software, and recently imported all my content in from D*
#conzeitit's frustrating when you go to those networks how you lose everybody on the silos
#benwerdtantek - ;) I wish they'd go ahead and import the food across into Starbucks already.
#benwerdconzeit: I've actually, weirdly, had more interactions on Facebook since I started POSSEing to it (I'm about to implement a selective copy button, finally, because I worry that I'm bombarding people - I know other people have disabled the Facebook plugin)
#tantekbenwerd - they have into some downtown starbucks
#benwerdbarnabywalters: only some posts. right now I'm not being selective at all (although I disable facebook as a whole sometimes, when I know I'm going to be high volume)
#benwerdyeah, the photo API in particular is hellishly slow
#benwerdactually, the video API is worse, but I'm not touching that for idno
#barnabywaltersalso back when I first implemented it they were changing the way long lived tokens worked and I couldn’t figure out how to get one which lasted more than a few hours
#benwerdthat's been sorted out, thankfully. did have the same problem back in the day.
#tantekbenwerd - speaking of video API, I stubbed this page - please feel free to add any thoughts on indie video (or POSSEing) going through your head: http://indiewebcamp.com/video
#aaronpk"We replace the memories of your devices by Lima, so all your devices can have exactly the same contents at all times."
#conzeitbut it's way overfunded olready...I think people might gravitate to that
#aaronpk"There's no dedicated folder where you have to move your files into. All your files are on Lima, from the files on your Desktop to the files in your Movies folder."
#conzeitWhat’s good with Lima is that it’s entirely private and decentralized. So Lima can work independently from any servers, and continue managing your data even if our startup dies (disclosure: we don’t plan anything like that).
#conzeitThe only thing we manage on our side of the equations are updates of our app and the web interface of Lima. In case of company crash, we’ll do our best to open source at least the most critical parts of our code, so the community continues improving the solution every night.
#barnabywaltersbenwerd: RE our previous discussion about queuing, I think I might have found a nice solution which Symfony HttpKernel provides. After the response is sent, it triggers an event
#barnabywaltersso I’m going to try just attaching a callback which in turn triggers the post-note-post events which take time
#barnabywaltersespecially now we’re up to consistently 60-70+ members
#conzeitOk, awesome =) I look forward to setting an indeweb ID and hopefully eventually contribute something to you guys, atleast some notoriety among artists I hope =)
#tantek.comedited /video (+927) "add current indieweb sites with video post support, move indieweb design thoughts to Brainstorming section, move Silo support up closer to help contrast Silo vs. IndieWeb support" (view diff)
#tantekshaners what's the use-case for supporting Oembed?
#tantek.comedited /video (+694) "add aaronpk as also supporting video posts with examples, sort by presumed time order of support, putting PESOS after site-first posting support" (view diff)