2013-08-16 UTC
danbri, ozten and morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 01:21 shaners for those that missed it, tantek was interviewed about #indieweb stuff by Google Developers Live on YouTube back in June
twoshot_ joined the channel
# 01:39 tantek makes me wonder, do we have a media / video or interviews page on the wiki for this kind of thing?
# 01:39 twoshot_ saw this place on flipboard
# 01:39 tantek In case people want to watch videos about the indieweb?
# 01:39 twoshot_ sounds really cool
# 01:40 twoshot_ thanks shanerr
# 01:40 tantek we have a bunch of cool screencasts / animated gifs too from aaronpk, barnabywalters, and benwerd showing indieweb awesomeness
# 01:40 twoshot_ cool, where can i find those
# 01:43 tantek twoshot - exactly the problem we're trying to solve :)
# 01:43 tantek well let's see we have a page on Posts about the indie web
# 01:45 shaners twoshot_: let's start at the beginning. what's your personal URL?
# 01:45 twoshot_ i don't have one
# 01:45 twoshot_ fresh out of college
rknLA joined the channel
# 01:46 twoshot_ i stayed away from web for a very long time, sticking to desktop applications. i'm driven by utility, and i didn't have any use for the web. now i'm very interested in learning web better
# 01:46 twoshot_ i guess the wired article was linked to on flipboard shaners
# 01:46 shaners ok. that's your #indieweb step one. get a domain.
# 01:46 tantek do you use the web to communicate with friends?
# 01:46 twoshot_ yeah, fb and gtalk and whatnot
# 01:47 twoshot_ shaners, i'll work on it
# 01:47 shaners the indieweb is about publishing your content on your own site first.
# 01:48 shaners for example: blog posts, photos, videos, events, bookmarks, etc
# 01:48 twoshot_ i don't use it much. i get on and like a few posts every once in a while. mostly i just chat with people
# 01:49 twoshot_ shaners, and then what
# 01:49 shaners and then: you can *syndicate* copies off elsewhere (if you wanted to), like Facebook, twitter, etc
# 01:50 shaners you can also, comment or reply to other #indieweb sites directly from yours, instead of replying on twitter/facebook
# 01:51 shaners you can start to use your URL as your identity. either as just a short way to say "here, find me online at [your domain].com" and also to login to things (like the indiewebcamp wiki)
fmarier joined the channel
# 01:51 shaners then from there, it's whatever you want. you get to decide how to live your life. :D
# 01:51 twoshot_ haha that's good
# 01:52 josephg woohoo - I just (finally) got ssl certificates for josephg.com
seldomawake joined the channel
# 02:02 shaners josephg: rad! site-wide https is on my list for my site too.
# 02:03 josephg I got a free SSL cert from startssl and I'm running stud in front of my varnish instance (which is on port 80)
# 02:03 josephg the hard parts were figuring out how to make the right .pem file for stud (turns out I just needed to cat together all the certificate files I had)
micflan joined the channel
# 02:04 josephg ... and the ubuntu stud package is horribly out of date and the configuration is terrible
KevinMarks2 joined the channel
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# 02:13 tantek just added two there to start with (benwerd, me, brett slatkin)
# 02:13 twoshot_ thanks tantek
# 02:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:14 twoshot_ yep that's the article i saw. flipboard linked to it
# 02:15 tantek twoshot - cool. if that kind of thing interests you - about the indieweb in general, where did it come from - more of that in the video interview I did with Brett Slatkin:
# 02:29 fu9ar congrats on the wired press, you fabulous freaks!
# 02:29 twoshot_ awesome tantek. i'll check it out
# 02:31 fu9ar i've been idling for a while, since osbridge, but haven't made any time past our chat there, yet.
# 02:31 fu9ar congrats again, and i'll try to get caught up to speed.
# 02:34 fu9ar i'll get on that when i get back to my full terminal. i'm on my phone at the moment and the edit link doesn't seem to show up :)
# 02:38 tantek aaronpk - too unobvious - hence that request is to put a link in the top right corner of every page - as the home does
# 02:41 tantek looks for a UI pattern references that shows that login links go in the top left (like EVERY site has pretty much ;) ) and can't find any such UI pattern reference because web search still sucks
# 02:46 tantek and with that time to step away from the keyboard :)
# 02:49 fu9ar aaronpk: oooohhhhh :)
earplugs, indiewebcamp-vis, perfmode, KevinMarks2, FanGrille and abrereton joined the channel
melvster, ffog, kudu, rburns, DNC, musigny, fmarier, cweiske and josephboyle joined the channel
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# 05:48 rknLA is there a [semi]standard api design/app for posting tweet-length messages to personal sites for syndication?
# 05:49 rknLA i.e. tweetbot convenience that posts to an endpoint that i own?
# 05:50 cweiske so you tweet on twitter, the bot posts that on your homepage?
# 05:52 rknLA cweiske: other way around. you post to your homepage through xApp and your server does its syndication thing.
# 05:53 rknLA shaners showed me the trick where you can change the API endpoint for Twitter's iOS app, but is that the API "standard" that folks are using?
# 05:54 cweiske so you want to a) use an existing twitter client to post to your homepage
# 05:55 rknLA effectively, yes. i don't really care whether it's a twitter client or a client for some other app, but that's the gist.
# 05:55 rknLA i am particularly interested in using an existing app so that i don't have to write my own or write my own webapp
# 05:55 cweiske then the most easy way would probably be using a self-hosted identi.ca instance
# 05:56 cweiske it's like open-source twitter, and it probably is supported by some clients
wasabicube joined the channel
shaners, musigny and micflan joined the channel
# 06:09 shaners !tell tantek: i feel like login links are always top right, not top left.
# 06:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
fmarier and abrereton joined the channel
# 06:13 rknLA actually, tantek somehow wound up accidentally mentioning something in #thisismyjam,
# 06:13 rknLA so i started poking around #microformats, and found my way over here.
# 06:13 Loqi rknLA meant to say: so i started lurking around #microformats, and found my way over here.
# 06:14 rknLA asked this while you were out. sorry for everyone who already saw it, >> is there a [semi]standard api design/app for posting tweet-length messages to personal sites for syndication?
# 06:14 shaners rknLA: your domain is great because it's also a short URL
# 06:15 rknLA yeah, i started poking around with that after yxyy
# 06:16 rknLA i should probably file an issue or submit a pull request, but i ran into an indieauth issue when the domain was a redirect to rknla.github.io
# 06:16 rknLA i was surprised to see loqi here and in #microformats,
# 06:17 shaners rknLA: you should def file an issue against aaronpk/indieauth
# 06:17 shaners i think aaronpk is aware of that issue already though. we talked about this when i was in pdx.
tantek joined the channel
# 06:17 Loqi tantek: shaners left you a message 8 minutes ago: i feel like login links are always top right, not top left.
# 06:18 tantek shaners - yes of course. that's why I decided it was time for me to step back. :)
# 06:19 shaners maybe *I* need to back away from the keyboard. :D
# 06:20 shaners rknLA: next moves for your site: you can add an h-card to your homepage. you already have the right content there. just need some classes on some things.
# 06:20 rknLA and also actually make a homepage.. that template/content is so old
melvster joined the channel
# 06:21 rknLA shaners: do you just scan this by viewing source, or do you have tooling?
# 06:21 shaners it'll just take you a few minutes to add the hcardy bits. you don't have to you do the Grand Rewrite™ to add it. ;)
Rdam joined the channel
# 06:25 rknLA is pin13 just a set of random tools that aaronpk made?
# 06:27 shaners static doesn't preclude one from doing an #indieweb site. ;)
andreypopp joined the channel
# 06:28 rknLA indeed. i just copied the files that github compiled over to my own server to get around that redirect issue.
# 06:30 shaners i think tantek's relmeauth site is a little out of date. link[rel-me] was a recent decision.
# 06:30 cweiske I don't want to have an <a> link to github on my homepage
# 06:31 shaners i think link support is coming. it's a very recent decision.
# 06:31 tantek cweiske, shaners, sorrym my relmeauth test deployment is still broken since Twitter's OAuth/API update :(
# 06:32 cweiske I only wondered why it doesn't like my github link
# 06:32 shaners cweiske: if it's just an appearance thing, you can temporarily use an a[rel-me] with a style="display:none"
# 06:32 shaners which will hide it to human eyes, but not google crawlers
# 06:32 tantek cweiske - yeah, I think folks are leaning towards supporting <link rel=me>
# 06:35 cweiske tantek, I changed the github link and removed the /, but it still doesn't like it
# 06:35 tantek cweiske - I don't know of any <link rel=me> support *yet*
# 06:36 cweiske tantek, but your relmeauth demo apparently finds the github link
# 06:37 tantek sorry - cweiske - yeah it needs some updates :(
# 06:46 tantek yeah? if the one you got it from on github is also about a person, we could submit pull requests to add h-card upstream
# 06:46 shaners rknLA: yes. the G5 mf2 gem, i started and then jlsuttles really built the most of it.
# 06:47 rknLA tantek: it's a template they provide automatically for gh-pages..
# 06:49 rknLA looks like the parts i'm using for h-card style things are not explicitly for those things?
# 06:49 cweiske did the indieauth supports here ever thought about the issue that all implementations always need to support all the services that are currently hip? when github dies tomorrow, applications become broken when shipping their own indieauth implementation.
# 06:51 rknLA cweiske: i have been wondering similar things related to verification vs. validation.
xrchz joined the channel
# 06:51 rknLA i'm assuming indieauth does validation based on cookies, otherwise there's only verification?
# 06:51 cweiske there is no continuity. when I use openid, I can be sure that if I have my openid provider still running in 20 years, I can log in to my legacy app that uses openid log
# 06:51 tantek cweiske - indeed it is a challenge for relmeauth providers
# 06:52 cweiske with indieauth, it may be that I can't log in because the supported providers have long gone
# 06:52 tantek cweiske - no - it is the same (worse problem) with openid
# 06:52 tantek supported provided can go away in *either* case
# 06:53 tantek relmeauth - it is MUCH easier to setup multiple providers
# 06:53 tantek whereas with an openid provider - too hard to setup fallback
# 06:53 cweiske my webapp only supports a handful of providers. so if they go down, and I can't get updates to my webapp to support new providers, i'm lost
# 06:54 tantek cweiske - yes we need to add self-hosted OAuth discovery to relmeauth - that's for sure
# 06:54 tantek and let's you *pick* which indieauth provider you want to use
# 06:55 tantek so as long as webapps support distributed indieauth - it will work fine - all you have to do is switch your indieauth provider
# 06:55 cweiske tantek, still - every app that brings its own indieauth implementation is limited to a number of providers
# 06:55 cweiske tantek, it's not "indie" if you have to rely on indieauth.com
# 06:55 tantek cweiske that's right. the indieauth protocol fixes that bottleneck
# 06:55 tantek (that's fairly new - just written up last week)
# 07:00 cweiske so I can say which indieauth server I want to login with?
# 07:00 rknLA huh. i have my contact info split across a couple of elements on my site.. double h-card?
# 07:01 tantek because after all - the page does represent you
# 07:01 tantek so it makes sense to mark it up as such from the body down
# 07:09 shaners i'm out too. Goodnight, Loqi! I'll miss you the most.
gjones joined the channel
# 07:16 xrchz trying to log in to indiewbcamp.com, it seems to be taking forever saying 'Finding rel="me" links on http://xrchz.net'
# 07:17 neuro` It may have a hard time either accessing the site (no problem from me) or parsing the rather simple html.
# 07:17 xrchz i did try putting in https and that was stripped off
# 07:18 cweiske http -> https redirect -> strip off s -> http -> redirect
# 07:18 xrchz yeah that seems likely
# 07:18 xrchz so it seems indiewebcamp redirected to indieauth.com to do the login
# 07:19 xrchz what is broken here? the implementation on indieauth.com, or the protocol?
# 07:20 rknLA xrchz: in my experience, indie auth has a bug with redirects, and curling your domain responds with a 301 Moved Permanently
# 07:21 rknLA oh, yeah. derp. i didn't read the redirect url.
# 07:21 rknLA probably worth noting that in the same issue or a new one.. not sure if they're caused by the same thing, but they sound related.
# 07:22 cweiske the stripping-s-from-https issue sounds differently
# 07:22 Loqi cweiske meant to say: the stripping-s-from-https issue sounds different
# 07:23 rknLA stripping the s sounds different, not adding it back in sounds similar.
# 07:23 rknLA anyways, i'm also tired and going to knock out. goodnight
bnvk, icco, andreypopp, pfefferle and mapkyca joined the channel
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# 12:07 xrchz barnabywalters: there was a message to freedombox mailing list recently mentioning indieweb
# 12:10 neuro` barnabywalters: there was also the Wired article that made the top of HN yesterday
# 12:15 jontyw Yeah, the wired article reminded me of indieweb last night, then I discovered the UK meet is happening after dConstruct
# 12:23 jontyw I didn't bother to read them
scor joined the channel
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# 12:43 barnabywalters on the plus side, I went to a mozilla meeting yesterday and one of the guys there had heard of IWC from their work mailing list recently (he works at a free software foundation type organisation)
# 12:49 aral Just a heads up: 4PM-6PM on the first day of Indie Web Camp UK, we’re going to be screening Terms & Conditions May Apply — a new documentary that could help regular people understand the issues. (Got the rights to publicly display it so will probably be one of the first, if not he first, public screening in the UK) — http://tacma.org
xtof joined the channel
# 12:50 aral Tell your non”geeky friends too (we have capacity for 30). As I’d like non”über”geeks to be able to sign up, I’ll put the sign-up on Tito or something over the weekend or on Monday.
# 12:54 aral Wish you could be there too, Tom :)
# 12:55 neuro` barnabywalters: HN comments are to discussion what KFC is to food.
bnvk and vbmithr joined the channel
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# 15:30 aral Looking forward to seeing you soon in Brighton.
# 15:32 aaronpk rknLA: hey I think the redirect issue you are talking about is fixed now
# 15:34 gjones hi tantek, working on what I hope will be some interest stuff around data ownership - should be read to show at the brighton event
conzeit joined the channel
matthewlmcclure, ozten, julien51, josephboyle, FanGrille_, benwerd, andreypopp, benprew and spinnerin joined the channel
# 17:08 rknLA aaronpk: cool, know offhand around when that happened? i ran into the issue shortly after yxyy, but have since changed my DNS from redirecting
badosu, shaners and tantek joined the channel
# 17:34 benwerd aaronpk: was at a talk last night where a very familiar geolocation-over-four-years slide turned up
# 17:36 neuro` tantek: thank you. Finally made it storing the whole tweet so we can reuse the leftover information someday.
# 17:36 aaronpk hm this is a good use case for storing all my tweets as emails so I can quickly find my twitter conversation with them
# 17:37 tantek aaronpk - why not just search on your own site?
# 17:37 neuro` Now finishing the RT integration, Microformats on default theme, and I'll start implementing Web mentions
# 17:37 aaronpk also i don't remember if it was a public convo or DMs
# 17:37 conzeit Hello all....you're talking way over my head
# 17:37 conzeit anybody got time to give a little advice to a newb?
# 17:38 tantek benwerd - did you ask them if they do non-Mercator projections? ;)
# 17:38 benwerd actually, that combination makes me wonder about personal map projections - distort the world according to your past experiences
# 17:38 neuro` tantek: native RT on Twitter + display of the original tweet the way I display reply to context on my own site.
andreypopp joined the channel
# 17:39 benwerd maybe a little too far along on the narcissism scale, to actually distort the world
# 17:39 aaronpk benwerd: I've been wanting to make a "personal projection" map for a long time
# 17:39 neuro` tantek: waiting for my co maintainers for some insigths of the best way to implement the indie web site to indie web site on our existing code
# 17:39 aaronpk benwerd: no, not narcissistic, that's how people actually think about the world, in terms of their own experience
# 17:40 benwerd aaronpk: you are absolutely right. I was being flippant (again) - I'd really love to see that
# 17:40 benwerd similarly, for a long time I've wanted an atlas designed to be written all over, like a notebook
# 17:40 tantek conzeit - feel free to ask away - one of us will hopefully answer :)
# 17:40 tantek aaronpk - yes, search is hard - which is why I'm still using Google as my search provider on my site.
# 17:41 tantek shaners - it's not a map, it's using coordinates. math, geometry, no big :)
bnvk, badosu and xrchz joined the channel
# 17:51 tantek neuro` I'm not sure what you mean by " display of the original tweet the way I display reply to context on my own site" for something that is a retweet. sounds confusing.
# 17:51 tantek I think the way sandeepshetty displays reposts is quite clear.
# 17:53 neuro` 1. use the old style RT on my site + push a RT on Twitter
# 17:53 tantek as indie reposts/retweets are still a very new area
# 17:53 neuro` 2. display the original post like it appears on my Twitter timeline on my site + push a RT on Twitter
# 17:54 tantek (i.e. to the brainstorming section on the repost page on the wiki)
# 17:54 neuro` OK, let me code something, I'll be back in a few hours :)
# 17:54 tantek I mean, feel free to whatever is faster for you :)
# 17:55 tantek but if you're looking for visual feedback, mockups welcome :)
# 18:09 neuro` This to display a RT on my site after Pushing it to Twitter
# 18:13 neuro` Maybe I'll use the second one and display quotes of an indie web site post the same way
# 18:17 conzeit alright sorry I wasnt expecting any response so I ilded
# 18:18 conzeit ok, I've got some experience with linux and whatnot, but I'm an artist and I've never really set up a server or anything.....is it necesary for me to set up a server to have an indeweb ident?
# 18:19 tantek conzeit - there are plenty of non-server-setup options.
# 18:20 tantek the 2nd one looks much more like a quote/retweet of someone else's content rather than your own - so I think it more accurately shows what is going on
# 18:21 tantek I like the way you incorporated both the date-time of the original post and the date-time of your retweet
# 18:21 tantek (except I'd use ISO 8601 dates of course ;) )
# 18:22 conzeit it seems the best way short of having an actual server is paying for a hosting service, right?
# 18:24 tantek a simple shared virtual host is sufficient - that's what I personally have for example.
# 18:24 conzeit what is that, something like lamp?
# 18:25 tantek conzeit - typical hosting setups provide a LAMP stack yes.
# 18:25 conzeit I think you're talking over my head again :p
# 18:26 conzeit you're suggesting requirements for the hosting service right?
# 18:26 conzeit I've done some looking into this sort of option since watching eben moglen speeches, and I found about LAMP. I thought it was just a simple service to run a host on your own computer
# 18:27 conzeit desktop, usually non server computer
# 18:27 barnabywalters conzeit: LAMP refers to a “stack” of related bits of software working together to serve a web app
# 18:28 barnabywalters most of the time it refers to Linux (the operating system), Apache (the web server), MySQL or any other database/storage system for putting data in, and PHP or Python (programming languages in which you write web apps) and
# 18:29 neuro` And Publify lets you chose how you want to display the date ')
# 18:30 conzeit Ok, I'm mostly confused about this. is a"a simple shared virtual host" something you run on your desktop pc, or something you put in a hosting service? that is, is tantek having a pc run 24/7 in his house or is he paying someone to do that?
# 18:31 barnabywalters conzeit: a shared virtual host is when you pay a company to host your files, application and data on their machines
# 18:31 conzeit ha, ok I feel silly now =)
# 18:32 barnabywalters conzeit: maybe talk to benwerd about hosted indieweb software? I believe he’s wanting beta testers for hosted idno.co
# 18:33 conzeit Iidno.co is a hosting service?
# 18:34 benwerd conzeit: not as such, but I've been giving people hosting who want to try it out but don't have the server to install it themselves
# 18:34 benwerd I'm also talking to hosting providers for a more permanent solution
# 18:34 conzeit or...a protocol or what? :p
# 18:35 conzeit that looks cool
# 18:36 conzeit hoooly shit do you really drink that much coffe? I'm colombian and I'm horrified XD
# 18:36 barnabywalters is anyone actively using camlistore or go for indiewebby things/any other personal projects?
# 18:36 neuro` benwerd: like the way you display short posts, looks really clean
# 18:37 benwerd conzeit: I was also horrified when it turned up, if it makes you feel any better ;) that was La Boulange in Novato this morning
# 18:37 benwerd neuro`: thank you! I'm actually particularly proud of how they look on mobile. want to experiment more with the card layout (cc KevinMarks2)
# 18:37 conzeit cool, do these federate to twitter and whatnot?
# 18:38 benwerd idno POSSEs to twitter, facebook, flickr & foursquare
# 18:38 benwerd storytlr does go both ways with a bunch (direction depending on the silo)
# 18:39 conzeit cool. I was in diaspora and I was apalled to see how little compatibility it actually had....then I went to friendica and that didnt seem to do that much either...only from friendica out to silos anyways
# 18:39 tantek it's almost as if they were chain, perhaps even owned by a larger chain ;)
# 18:40 barnabywalters conzeit: you and me both :) I used diaspora for ages but got frustrated with it — I ended up writing my own software, and recently imported all my content in from D*
# 18:40 conzeit it's frustrating when you go to those networks how you lose everybody on the silos
# 18:40 benwerd tantek - ;) I wish they'd go ahead and import the food across into Starbucks already.
# 18:42 benwerd conzeit: I've actually, weirdly, had more interactions on Facebook since I started POSSEing to it (I'm about to implement a selective copy button, finally, because I worry that I'm bombarding people - I know other people have disabled the Facebook plugin)
# 18:42 tantek benwerd - they have into some downtown starbucks
# 18:42 tantek e.g. Starbucks at Howard & Spear (nearest to @MozSF)
# 18:42 conzeit so POSSE is two way. it's not just getting updates from fb/witter
# 18:43 tantek conzeit - nope. POSSE is one-way updates -> TO FB/Twitter
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# 18:43 benwerd barnabywalters: only some posts. right now I'm not being selective at all (although I disable facebook as a whole sometimes, when I know I'm going to be high volume)
# 18:43 tantek benwerd, next time you're by MozSF we can check it out
# 18:43 benwerd barnabywalters: ... which is, as has been noted, not a million miles away from spamming
# 18:43 conzeit yeah I'm reading =) just a little slow :p
# 18:44 barnabywalters benwerd: I got tired of the API being so slow and now only POSSE some posts, manuallu
# 18:44 benwerd yeah, the photo API in particular is hellishly slow
# 18:44 benwerd actually, the video API is worse, but I'm not touching that for idno
# 18:45 barnabywalters also back when I first implemented it they were changing the way long lived tokens worked and I couldn’t figure out how to get one which lasted more than a few hours
# 18:45 benwerd that's been sorted out, thankfully. did have the same problem back in the day.
# 18:46 tantek exactly, start braindumping to lighten your load :)
# 18:47 tantek loves braindumping to the wiki as a way of paging stuff out of local RAM.
# 18:48 conzeit =) it's great to know there's a network of smart people actually doing things right now
# 18:48 barnabywalters removing thoughts from brain to external storage to lighten the load and make room for new ones
# 18:48 conzeit I think he fishes thoughts out of his head with a wand doesnt he?
# 18:49 barnabywalters hm, maybe it was more specifically for *memories*, although exactly how that’s different to a thought I have no idea
# 18:50 conzeit the hp series wasnt altogether bad ;p
# 18:50 conzeit what hosting service+ registar do you guys reccomend?
# 18:51 conzeit I have a wordpress with like 2 postsright now, I suppose I'd port that :p
# 18:52 bret barnabywalters: ozten was talking about eventually doing something with it
# 18:52 conzeit dropbox? wasnt the cloud like pure evil or smth? or is that just for crazy freedombox folks? :p
# 18:52 bret the cloud isn't evil if they aren't doing evil things, and you own your data
# 18:53 bret however you should be aware of the power structure of your relationship with 'the cloud'
# 18:53 bret like, could your cloud provider that you are using suddenly be a jerk and you can't get any of your data back?
# 18:53 neuro` conzeit: Cloud is OK if they don't make you give up your data ownership and actually provide a way for you to get them
# 18:54 neuro` conzeit: but most API are actually only business lures, not openness
# 18:54 neuro` conzeit: you'll mostly hear them called "silos" here
# 18:55 barnabywalters neuro`: hm, I contest whether or not Dropbox even fits the definition of a silo
# 18:55 barnabywalters you can always see your data and remove it, it’s accessible via a well documented API and (if public) via plain old HTTP
# 18:56 neuro` barnabywalters: I'm not talking about dropbox, but about services that won't let you own your data
# 18:57 bret i like it, but its definitely larger than I will ever fully understand
# 18:57 conzeit it's like the propietary solution to privacy, supposedly PRISM proof
# 18:57 conzeit doubt it does hosting though, just stores your files across pcs
# 18:57 conzeit I mentioned it in the freedombox list and they said just being propietary ruins it
state joined the channel
# 18:58 conzeit if you install it in your pc it overrides your file system and put is it all in the box they give you, the "lima"
# 18:58 conzeit but now you can access it from any device that has "lima" installed
# 18:58 aaronpk "We replace the memories of your devices by Lima, so all your devices can have exactly the same contents at all times."
# 18:58 conzeit but it's way overfunded olready...I think people might gravitate to that
# 18:59 aaronpk "There's no dedicated folder where you have to move your files into. All your files are on Lima, from the files on your Desktop to the files in your Movies folder."
# 18:59 ozten bret, barnabywalters: ya, I've got camlistore NodeJS wrappers, but the backend of my app is still using text files
# 18:59 conzeit I can see the difference, but most folks might not :p
# 18:59 aaronpk i'm curious how they handle negotiating all the connections between devices without running a service somewhere
# 18:59 aaronpk neuro`: the files are all on a USB drive you plug in to their device
# 19:00 aaronpk also it seems like this would require a solid internet connection at home and from any device at all times
# 19:00 conzeit I think it would....
# 19:01 aaronpk so that also means you're locked in to their app update cycle
# 19:01 conzeit they only said anything about opensourcing if their company crashed and burned
# 19:01 bret I like the concept, I don't think I would start using it myself
# 19:01 aaronpk cool, it's neat to see someone trying this approach
# 19:01 conzeit What happens if CGC dies ?
# 19:02 conzeit What’s good with Lima is that it’s entirely private and decentralized. So Lima can work independently from any servers, and continue managing your data even if our startup dies (disclosure: we don’t plan anything like that).
# 19:02 conzeit The only thing we manage on our side of the equations are updates of our app and the web interface of Lima. In case of company crash, we’ll do our best to open source at least the most critical parts of our code, so the community continues improving the solution every night.
# 19:04 barnabywalters benwerd: RE our previous discussion about queuing, I think I might have found a nice solution which Symfony HttpKernel provides. After the response is sent, it triggers an event
# 19:04 barnabywalters so I’m going to try just attaching a callback which in turn triggers the post-note-post events which take time
# 19:05 conzeit alright thanks for the info guys
# 19:05 conzeit are you guys usually here at this hour?
# 19:06 conzeit or...is there a forum or something where I can reach you again
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# 19:07 conzeit Ok, awesome =) I look forward to setting an indeweb ID and hopefully eventually contribute something to you guys, atleast some notoriety among artists I hope =)
# 19:09 benwerd barnabywalters: interested to see how you get on with that. worth a post maybe?
# 19:09 benwerd barnabywalters: that is always the most fun you can have
# 19:09 barnabywalters seriously, setting up environments and dependencies and crap just makes me want to learn go properly
# 19:11 benwerd that wiki page has reminded me how much I hate the state of video. not just on the web, but everywhere.
# 19:11 benwerd also, video compression in the browser is a problem that needs to be solved.
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# 19:12 benwerd aaronpk: I've been trying to convince my team to do that!
# 19:12 bret all this video compression shit? nah! Use this new thing called a *Jiff*
# 19:13 benwerd and then you get into the pro space and everyone has their own proprietary codec *weep*
# 19:47 benwerd bret: I've been keeping my eye on it, let's put it that way ;)
pfenwick, MattJ and state joined the channel
# 20:33 rknLA benwerd: did we meet last night? just reading through logs and looks like we were both at the gaffta thing
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# 20:41 benwerd it's definitely picked up a little more steam than I expected. I'm in the process of setting things up so I can spend more time on it.
# 20:42 benwerd I sort of know Mat, who's their Director of Programs. Doing really interesting things.
# 20:45 tantek benwerd - you say "to truly support HTML5 web video…" and then make a bunch of assertions
# 20:45 tantek me thinks you raise the bar higher than necessary
# 20:45 tantek for indieweb purposes, all we need to do is be as good as the silo you're using to post your video right now
# 20:46 tantek "truly support HTML5 web video" is nice but not really the indieweb tipping point
# 20:46 tantek e.g. I post videos now to Instagram and Vine (and sometimes Flickr)
# 20:49 tantek I think web video has in general been plagued by making it seem too hard to do anything
# 20:50 tantek and silos/apps are coming in and showing that even with crappy/minimal web video support, people still find them useful/compelling
# 20:50 tantek so let's admit to that, and let that be the bar for indie-video
# 20:50 tantek barnabywalters - the mobile use-case is a big one
# 20:50 benwerd definitely agree with that - the trick is actually getting them off the device
# 20:51 benwerd a web uploader could work with vine-length videos
# 20:51 tantek input type=file doesn't give you camera / photo / video library access?
# 20:52 benwerd right, so a video that's of a length that you can feasibly upload
# 20:53 barnabywalters is audio the only differentiator between these short (e.g. 6 second) videos and gifs?
# 20:53 tantek benwerd - would be nice to focus on minimum possible / useful use-case and design rather than a reference on the sad state of web video?
# 20:53 benwerd tantek - heh, sorry, I may have unloaded too much baggage ;)
# 20:53 tantek barnabywalters - know anyway to "capture" an animated gif?
# 20:53 tantek benwerd baggage is fine - but more for a latter reference section :)
# 20:53 neuro` barnabywalters: sound and real time capture to upload
# 20:54 tantek cool - worth adding to the page once benwerd is done rejigging it :)
# 20:54 tantek (I knew he'd have good / thorough opinions on this stuff ) )
# 20:55 neuro` barnabywalters: building an animated gif takes time. I want the cat video I've just taken to be on the interwebs NOW
# 20:55 neuro` Loqi: I don't take videos. Not even cat ones.
# 20:56 tantek barnabywalters - screencasts with voiceovers?
# 20:56 tantek just thinking of more recent real world use-cases of stuff "we" (as a community) have posted recently
# 20:57 rknLA does anyone else in here have experience with Digital Ocean? I'm using them and linode right now.
shaners joined the channel
# 20:58 tantek barnabywalters - would love to see a write-up about how you post your screencasts
# 20:59 tantek I consider moving-images as a subset of "video"
# 20:59 tantek from a post type classification perspective absolutely
# 21:00 barnabywalters when watching the two different types, I want completely different UIs and behaviours
# 21:00 neuro` barnabywalters: i definitely love that way of building a screencast... need to do it for Publify actions
# 21:01 tantek barnabywalters - I'd like to be able to pause / frame-by-frame your agifs
# 21:02 tantek anyone know video upload limits for Facebook or Youtube?
# 21:04 tantek really the browser should provide a default UI for agifs at least - like even right-click pause/play etc.
# 21:04 tantek or space-bar pause/play if you happen to be at the .gif URL
# 21:04 werd.io edited /video (+1098) "Rejigged to make this less of a screed about how terrible video is, and more of an idea-generating page" (
view diff )
# 21:05 barnabywalters I’d love to build something like that but I doubt there’s an API for controlling gif playback
# 21:05 tantek so because barnabywalters is hosting these agifs at his own domain, I'm going to call them examples of indieweb video posts
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# 21:09 barnabywalters tantek: that might be a temporary solution for you, as it should work on mobile devices too
# 21:11 shaners i'm with barnabywalters. i think they're different post types.
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# 21:12 barnabywalters shaners: oh yeah I remember we discussed this — you’re self hosting them properly right?
# 21:12 benwerd (alright, screw it. I'm going to implement video posts too.)
# 21:13 benwerd barnabywalters: I'm at work right now (believe it or not) so it'll be a while. But it'll actually just be an addition to the photo plugin.
# 21:13 shaners my current batch of videos is manually PESOSed in from vine and youtube (in time, vimeo, flickr and instagram too)
# 21:14 shaners benwerd: are you gonna use h-media markups for videos?
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# 21:16 shaners i figure, i'll use it. if other people / tools want to discover my media that way, they can.
# 21:16 neuro` tantek: thank you, will try, or I'll be tempted to implement webmention before the sun rises.
# 21:16 shaners it's sensible enough classes. so i just through it in there. at the very least, it won't hurt.
# 21:19 tantek 10 minutes until benwerd is done with implementing video posts according to barnabywalters.
# 21:19 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 8/16 2:29pm (#5240)
# 21:20 shaners barnabywalters: i also plan on implementing oembed for my photos, videos and audios
bnvk joined the channel
# 21:24 tantek.com edited /video (+927) "add current indieweb sites with video post support, move indieweb design thoughts to Brainstorming section, move Silo support up closer to help contrast Silo vs. IndieWeb support" (
view diff )
# 21:25 tantek shaners what's the use-case for supporting Oembed?
# 21:26 shaners tools can auto discover your embed code to add your media on another site
# 21:26 aaronpk it's not really a video type, it's just a note with a link, and my rendered HTML puts a player inline
# 21:26 tantek aaronpk - the animated gif is self-hosted so that counts
# 21:26 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 9/6 2:26pm (#5241)
# 21:28 rknLA we still use oembed for our twitter cards at rdio
# 21:28 barnabywalters oembed was never likely to be really viable for indieweb sites as most people who implemented it whitelist the providers
# 21:28 shaners yes, pownce is in their example. but the story is the same.
# 21:28 aaronpk I unfortunately implemented an oembed consumer for soundcloud in order to embed players in my site
# 21:29 Loqi benwerd is done with implementing video posts according to barnabywalters.
# 21:29 rknLA burrito, implementing video posts... same thing, right?
# 21:35 tantek.com edited /video (+694) "add aaronpk as also supporting video posts with examples, sort by presumed time order of support, putting PESOS after site-first posting support" (
view diff )
# 21:35 tantek mixedpuppy is Shane Caraveo of Mozilla and Social API
# 21:35 Loqi mixedpuppy is Shane Caraveo of Mozilla and Social API
# 21:36 tantek so who had the earliest "video" post? aaronpk? barnabywalters? permalinks?
# 21:36 tantek (including animated gifs - hosted on your domain of course)
# 21:37 shaners just checked my github repo. i added videos on 2013-07-07
# 21:38 tantek barnabywalters - using dropbox for storage is like using AWS
# 21:38 tantek you could abstract it with video.waterpigs.co.uk
# 21:42 tantek feel free to fix the wiki barnabywalters - perhaps leave in a note stating that it was hosted on dropbox when originally posted
# 21:42 tantek (good to keep little bits like that, helps others feel less intimidated should they choose a similar path)
tilgovi joined the channel
# 21:49 shaners Loqi sudo how many people are in the channel now?
andreypopp, fmarier and caseorganic joined the channel
# 22:00 aaronpk hm, just got a request to follow an RSS feed of news.indiewebcamp.com
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# 22:03 aaronpk hm it doesn't work with indienews. I think it expects an actual h-feed, not just a list of h-entries
friedcell1 joined the channel
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# 22:43 benwerd I don't understand why they're not using #indieauthors as a hashtag
# 22:44 aaronpk they are, but the RT causes it to overflow by 3 characters
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# 22:55 rknLA yeah, gmail died for me for a number of moments.
# 22:56 josephg I've seen gmail go down, but I haven't seen search go down in years
# 22:56 josephg like, I can't remember the last time that happened
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# 23:10 bret my chat got disconnected, didn't see it down though
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# 23:44 shaners i'm currently corralling in all of my "bookmarks" from other sites. the instapaper export is fucking terrible.
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# 23:44 shaners the html is the super old netscape bookmarks file format
# 23:46 shaners they show "dates" on their site. but they're terrible too.
# 23:47 shaners so, all of those bookmarks will be timestamped as "now" for now
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# 23:49 tantek alrighty, finally got Homesteading listed in the main projects page
# 23:55 benwerd considers Airbnb or the Hilton for XOXO, kicks himself for booking late
# 23:57 bret I'm going to try and hack in some uF2 to a test pump.io instance