2013-11-08 UTC
# 00:00 KevinMarks_ well, yes. filesystem as a service is nice. especially with their new js api for it
bnvk joined the channel
# 00:07 _6a68 that's interesting, i didn't realize the JS API worked client-side
pfenwick joined the channel
# 00:11 _6a68 that's cool. solves the problem of the (IMO) painful AWS dashboard: roll your own
snarfed, josephboyle, caseorganic, texburgher, pfenwick1, pfenwick, _6a68, ozten and skinny joined the channel
# 02:02 skinny need help getting jekyll going on my local box. i updated rvm, installed the liquid gem but "gem install jekyll" hangs indefinitely
_6a68, bnvk, snarfed, ezpikachu, pfenwick, paulcp, ericlambrecht, skinny, jschweinsberg, poppy, cweiske, npdoty and tantek joined the channel
_6a68, tantek and LauraJ joined the channel
# 07:29 skinny tantek: got the server running all my byself! a moment of pure victory.
# 07:29 skinny I stood up and hollered and threw my hands up in the air.
cweiske, andreypopp, cweiske_, skinny and Jihaisse joined the channel
_6a68, ozten, brianloveswords, LauraJ, BjornW, skinny_, barnabywalters and skinny joined the channel
# 11:12 skinny pdurbin: upgraded ruby, installed the liquid dependency, waiiiiitttttteeeedddd forever for the jekyll to install. it was working, just took so long I thought it was hanging.
# 11:14 pdurbin at least with the old days of the cpan client, you knew something was happening... all those tests being run ;)
friedcell, bnvk and _6a68 joined the channel
_6a68, acegiak, snarfed and skinny joined the channel
_6a68 joined the channel
# 15:04 Jihaisse how is it possible to have a twitter account with only one letter ?
_6a68, brianloveswords, scor and tantek joined the channel
# 16:18 tantek !tell skinny That is totally awesome!! (apologies for the lack of immediate response, you caught me just before I passed out asleep). What's the URL for your new server/site?
# 16:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:25 tantek !tell skinny how long did gem install jekyll take? many minutes? hours? a day? rough estimate?
# 16:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:31 tantek.com edited /Jekyll (+730) "add Troubleshooting (based on skinny's experiences), See Also sections, note pattern of migrations from WordPress" (
view diff )
benwerd joined the channel
# 16:34 benwerd Good morning indieweb gang! Feedback very much appreciated on the way I'm now backlinking / citing on Twitter & Facebook.
# 16:43 tantek it's interesting that you've chosen the path of always having them auto-link in Twitter
# 16:44 tantek now to see if any of your Twitter readers ever complain about that (as mine did when I used to do that)
# 16:44 benwerd I was playing with both - I can move from one to the other
# 16:44 tantek I'm still a believer in the "only auto-link when there's more content to read" school of permashortlink/citation design ;)
# 16:44 benwerd On Fb I sort of fudged it so that there's a link but Facebook ignores it (because the URI schema is missing)
# 16:45 tantek I was actually quite annoyed when they changed it
# 16:49 benwerd All really good points. Particularly: "The whole point of POSSE is that you still care about your friends on Twitter (or other silos) reading you, so you should care about their UX also."
# 16:49 tantek yeah that's key design principle at the heart
# 16:52 benwerd ok, so I haven't implemented your date format, but I'm about to try a variation on your citation style. (For me it's a quick flip from $post->getShortURL() to $post->getCitation().)
# 16:52 tantek (I was able to find all those using 1) site search, 2) the prev/next nav arrows on my notes - to quickly flip forward in time and see my follow-up thinking)
# 16:53 tantek Twitter is *really* missing out by not having prev/next nav on tweet permalinks.
# 16:53 tantek benwerd - my date format isn't necessary for the citation style
# 16:54 tantek ccTLD without scheme does not get autolinked - that's the trick I'm using
# 16:55 tantek the parens are based on CMOS convention (as noted above)
# 16:55 tantek heh, the expansion makes it hard to show your permashortlink
# 16:56 tantek (and I picked that tweet in particular since all the note content fit)
bnvk joined the channel
# 16:57 benwerd missing piece is to reference that on the post body, and ...
# 16:58 tantek right - that's why I have my permashortcitations explicitly mentioned briefly on my notes
# 16:58 tantek (I put it right after the datetime published, as it seemed most contextually similar/relevant to that)
# 17:00 tommorris I kinda knew that article must be bullshit. the guy was quoting that Josh Weed guy
# 17:00 tommorris hipster gen-x mormons trying to pretend that wearing trainers means that homophobia is okay
# 17:04 tantek the more we find conventions like these, both on our own sites, and on POSSEd content, the more we give people who live on silos clues about the indieweb, its existence, and maybe inspire curiosity at least.
# 17:10 tantek cool. reply threaded on both werd.io and twitter. :) now to make it fewer steps to do so.
# 17:15 tantek this phrase sounds a bit confusing: "other peoples'"
# 17:16 barnabywalters then people could just paste the whole short citation into the address bar and go straight to the site
# 17:17 tantek barnabywalters that used to work *as is* with my permashortcitations because Google *was* indexing them in realtime due to my PuSH support
# 17:18 benwerd (so the other update I worked on was PuSH support, finally. But it sounds like that ship has sailed a bit.)
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:18 barnabywalters PuSH is one of those things which probably *will* be extremely useful for lots of things, just not right now
# 17:18 tantek barnabywalters - that's been said of many things in the past
# 17:19 tantek barnabywalters presumably PuSH helps us scale distributing notifications more than webmention
# 17:19 tantek benwerd - it's right there on the URL I gave you before
# 17:20 tantek (sorry, "the URL" - I know, I gave a lot of them today ;) )
# 17:20 barnabywalters so with indie pipes I’m finding very quickly that the feedback loops have to be *tiny* in order for it to be useful
# 17:20 tantek "… use permashortcitations so that your original posts are still automatically discoverable using the original-post-discovery algorithm"
# 17:20 barnabywalters but I want it to be runnable using PHP so I don’t have to learn go or node.js yet, amongst other things
# 17:21 aaronpk tantek: another thing to consider re: autolinking, now that our own indieweb sites are getting to be more functional than twitter.com, I might want to actually encourage visitors on twitter to click through to my site because they'll get a richer experience
# 17:21 tantek aaronpk - it needs to be a *considerably* richer experience for the user to not get annoyed
# 17:21 barnabywalters hence the need for a cache, so I can be repeat-reading URLs off memory or disk most of the time
# 17:21 tantek so far the only case of that we have is "additional content in the post"
# 17:21 barnabywalters but they also need to be kept up to date, so another service subscribes to changes to them and updates the cached copy on update
# 17:22 tantek I haven't seen anyone's indieweb note permalinks provide a "considerably richer" experience than Twitter (e.g. my prev/next nav arrows are richer, but not *considerably* than Twitter)
# 17:23 tantek it's more important for the indieweb experience to *not* annoy our friends, than it is to "market the hell out of it with more links"
# 17:23 aaronpk I still stand by my experience of using the short citation, where I immediately got people pointing out the "missing slash" in my links
# 17:23 tantek we need to continuously make a good impression on non-indieweb readers (silo readers) so they learn to admire, respect, and actually *want* to do that for themselves.
# 17:24 tantek aaronpk - the "missing slash" pointing out is far less annoyance to them than the "why are you linking to a duplicate?!?!?"
# 17:24 tantek aaronpk - your data point is valid, just far less annoying to those users than clicking through and seeing nothing more
# 17:25 tantek (I've gotten an occasional missing slash @-reply myself, but they seem a little confused rather than annoyed)
bnvk joined the channel
# 17:26 tantek (tag: debate permashortcitations vs permashortlinks)
benprew joined the channel
LauraJ and npdoty joined the channel
ryana joined the channel
paulcp joined the channel
paulcp_ joined the channel
# 18:03 benwerd Ooh. That's handy. So one thing I've been asked for is idno export (I know, I know, if I was using text files I wouldn't even need one). Thinking about the UI / UX and formats for that, and leaning towards chrome-less mf2 HTML.
# 18:04 benwerd no html that isn't specifically required for marking up the content. so no CSS + no JS + no unnecessary HTML.
# 18:05 barnabywalters idno is really well marked up, for the moment you can just tell people who want export to wget -r their sites ;)
# 18:05 benwerd (because exporting to a static site is a sort of neat idea.)
# 18:05 benwerd Ha ;) I could just create a user-friendly version of that. And thanks ;)
# 18:07 barnabywalters I think having some, minimal css in exports is a good idea —just enough to make them browsable and moderately attractive in a browser
# 18:07 tantek heck it helps when browsing my data files just for debugging purposes
# 18:08 barnabywalters one thing I’m considering for indie pipe output endpoints is minimal HTML with one CSS and JS file link, which lays a basic UI over it
# 18:08 barnabywalters so machines get the smallest, easiest to parse version, but humans get extra styling, help, context
paulcp joined the channel
# 18:26 tantek I forget - is anyone else implementing permashortcitations (yet) ?
# 18:27 tantek barnabywalters - it looks like (from your recent tweets at least) that you're implementing permashortlinks
# 18:28 snarfed seems like permashortlinks are more common right now at least
# 18:28 tantek snarfed - that's because they're less work to just do always
# 18:28 tantek rather than conditionally do permashortcitations
# 18:29 snarfed not necessarily just less work. most of my posts are much longer, so the e.g. twitter copy isn't basically a duplicate, people who want the content actually do click through
# 18:29 snarfed in any case, i'm following all the alternatives closely since i'm implementing webmention translation into and out of silos right now
paulcp joined the channel
# 18:29 snarfed i'm not religious, they're all straightforward so i'll happily implement them all
# 18:29 tantek snarfed - yeah all of us include clickable links when there is more content, no debate there.
# 18:30 tantek it's only when there is no new content that there is debate
benprew joined the channel
# 18:30 snarfed so sad that we have to figure this out since we can't put markup into silo posts
# 18:30 tantek the whole point is to provide a nicer / less distracting experience for your friends that read you on silos (via your POSSE'd posts)
# 18:31 tantek snarfed - indeed, I gave up on trying to get the silos to change in these ways - about 2-3 years ago.
# 18:31 snarfed fighting the good fight counts, even if you don't always win
# 18:32 tantek so that's why I started down the path of designing for "in content" communication of such "meta data"
# 18:32 tantek yeah - there's plenty of history and experience here that have informed current designs and decisions
# 18:34 snarfed agreed re the in-silo UX. my motivation for working on silo stuff is that most of my friends aren't part of the tech community too much, and don't care about indieweb etc
# 18:34 snarfed so i have to meet them where they are, in the silos and UXes they expect
ozten, habitmelon and paulcp joined the channel
# 18:39 habitmelon just ordered 'Ruby under a Microscope' from No Starch Press and was pleased to discover they support OpenID
paulcp, thatryana, KevinMarks, andreypopp, npdoty, LauraJ, bnvk, squeakytoy, josephboyle, tantek and ryana joined the channel
# 21:01 tantek snarfed - well said (re: motivation for working on silo stuff)
# 21:03 Jeena why is there no search form in the wiki header?
# 21:07 tantek Jeena - heh - I'm of the same (implied) opinion (There should be a search form in the wiki header)
aaronpk|m joined the channel
# 21:09 Jeena aah, it would be cool if the wiki had a search field in the header
# 21:09 aaronpk|m I'm in SF today, currently trying to get off the rental car lot
# 21:09 tantek and anyone else who thinks content-focused websites should have a search form/box in the top right corner per web UI conventions ;)
# 21:09 aaronpk|m Ah yeah probably
# 21:11 aaronpk|m I prefer github issues for that sort of thing tho
# 21:11 Jeena ok I will add it there so it doesn't get lost (at least that easy as it would here)
# 21:12 Jeena hm there seems not to be a repo for this kind of issues
# 21:13 aaronpk|m Yeah I want to make one for it. It's annoying for me to keep track of requests in wiki pages
# 21:14 tantek it's easier to edit a page on the wiki for the wiki than to add an issue than try to find an issues forum on an unrelated site
# 21:15 Jeena I't not quite sure I agree, especially because (even if it is a silo for issues) github is the defacto standard for bugtracking
# 21:16 Jeena you get emails on updates of the bugs, you can comment, assign someone to a bug, set labels, etc.
# 21:17 aaronpk|m I really disagree about using wiki for issue tracking. Really hard to get notifications and see followup
# 21:17 tantek the other comments I agree with (you can comment, assign someone to a bug, set labels, etc.)
benwerd joined the channel
# 21:18 aaronpk|m Also the wiki page doesn't give you perma links for individual items
# 21:18 aaronpk|m You don't have to get email notifications from github if you don't want
# 21:18 aaronpk|m I get most github notification through irc for example
# 21:19 Jeena I will copy it there then as the first issue :D
# 21:20 aaronpk|m I should also add the theme to that repo so people can send pull requests to add the searh bar for example :)
# 21:21 tantek aaronpk - as you prefer - noted in the wiki now. with link you provided.
jschweinsberg joined the channel
# 21:24 aaronpk|m Feel free to move other stuff from that page to gh issues
# 21:25 Jeena I'll move "Better mobile editing support" now too
tantek, andreypopp, aaronpk|m, HereticLocke, LauraJ, benprew, _6a68, KevinMarks2, snarfed1, benwerd, bnvk, b0bg0d and netweb joined the channel