#skinnypdurbin: upgraded ruby, installed the liquid dependency, waiiiiitttttteeeedddd forever for the jekyll to install. it was working, just took so long I thought it was hanging.
#pdurbinat least with the old days of the cpan client, you knew something was happening... all those tests being run ;)
_6a68, brianloveswords, scor and tantek joined the channel
#tantek!tell skinny That is totally awesome!! (apologies for the lack of immediate response, you caught me just before I passed out asleep). What's the URL for your new server/site?
#tantek.comedited /Jekyll (+730) "add Troubleshooting (based on skinny's experiences), See Also sections, note pattern of migrations from WordPress" (view diff)
#benwerdAll really good points. Particularly: "The whole point of POSSE is that you still care about your friends on Twitter (or other silos) reading you, so you should care about their UX also."
#tantekyeah that's key design principle at the heart
#benwerdok, so I haven't implemented your date format, but I'm about to try a variation on your citation style. (For me it's a quick flip from $post->getShortURL() to $post->getCitation().)
#tantek(I was able to find all those using 1) site search, 2) the prev/next nav arrows on my notes - to quickly flip forward in time and see my follow-up thinking)
#tantekTwitter is *really* missing out by not having prev/next nav on tweet permalinks.
#tantekthe more we find conventions like these, both on our own sites, and on POSSEd content, the more we give people who live on silos clues about the indieweb, its existence, and maybe inspire curiosity at least.
#barnabywaltersbut I want it to be runnable using PHP so I don’t have to learn go or node.js yet, amongst other things
#aaronpktantek: another thing to consider re: autolinking, now that our own indieweb sites are getting to be more functional than twitter.com, I might want to actually encourage visitors on twitter to click through to my site because they'll get a richer experience
#tantekaaronpk - it needs to be a *considerably* richer experience for the user to not get annoyed
#barnabywaltershence the need for a cache, so I can be repeat-reading URLs off memory or disk most of the time
#tantekso far the only case of that we have is "additional content in the post"
#barnabywaltersbut they also need to be kept up to date, so another service subscribes to changes to them and updates the cached copy on update
#tantekI haven't seen anyone's indieweb note permalinks provide a "considerably richer" experience than Twitter (e.g. my prev/next nav arrows are richer, but not *considerably* than Twitter)
#tantekit's more important for the indieweb experience to *not* annoy our friends, than it is to "market the hell out of it with more links"
#aaronpkI still stand by my experience of using the short citation, where I immediately got people pointing out the "missing slash" in my links
#tantekwe need to continuously make a good impression on non-indieweb readers (silo readers) so they learn to admire, respect, and actually *want* to do that for themselves.
#tantekaaronpk - the "missing slash" pointing out is far less annoyance to them than the "why are you linking to a duplicate?!?!?"
#benwerdOoh. That's handy. So one thing I've been asked for is idno export (I know, I know, if I was using text files I wouldn't even need one). Thinking about the UI / UX and formats for that, and leaning towards chrome-less mf2 HTML.
#tantekrather than conditionally do permashortcitations
#snarfednot necessarily just less work. most of my posts are much longer, so the e.g. twitter copy isn't basically a duplicate, people who want the content actually do click through
#tantekthe whole point is to provide a nicer / less distracting experience for your friends that read you on silos (via your POSSE'd posts)
#tanteksnarfed - indeed, I gave up on trying to get the silos to change in these ways - about 2-3 years ago.
#snarfedfighting the good fight counts, even if you don't always win
#tantekit was clear from the outcomes of the various Social Web Foo, Social Graph Foo, Open Web Foo camps that the silos really didn't care enough to change. (2008-2010) http://indiewebcamp.com/timeline#2008
#snarfedagreed re the in-silo UX. my motivation for working on silo stuff is that most of my friends aren't part of the tech community too much, and don't care about indieweb etc
#snarfedso i have to meet them where they are, in the silos and UXes they expect