#bretalso, in flat file applications, are you litterally reading a post file everytime someone requests to look at it?
#bretor do you process those files into ram or something?
#aaronpkp3k processes the flat file and caches it in RAM. not the whole HTML page, just the HTML after building the page's content. (header/sidebar/footer stuff is not cached along with the page)
#tantekbret - in answer to your question, Falcon is literally reading a post file every time someone requests to look at it. Assuming "typical" OS file caching that keeps commonly read files in memory, this is not a problem. See http://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon#Storage_format for details
tantek, friedcell, bnvk and b0bg0d1 joined the channel
#KevinMarks_my liking for making things in node goes down with each deployment wait on heroku. Thinking that this isomophic javascript thing isn't worth the setup
bnvk, cweiske, skinny, melvster, barnabywalters, pfenwick, tpinto, friedcell, vrypan and andreypopp joined the channel
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: sounds good. For my use cases I want to be able to easily list and jump between different copies of archived URLs, so I’m making the path into the folder, and then storing EPDSSS.html under that
#aaronpkdon't double slashes in URLs and filesystem just get collapsed into a single slash automatically?
#tantekor are you talking about archiving archives?
#tantekI'm a little unclear on what scenario your having problems with.
#barnabywalterstantek: referring to the double-slash thing, or the listing-previous-versions thing?
#tantekthis, what does this mean? (i.e. explain the use case that causes this problem) "urls with EPD/SSS/https://domain.com aren’t filesystem-friendly"
#aaronpkI think he's talking about storing the arcives as files on disk with the same folder structure as the URL
#barnabywaltersI didn’t know that double slashes were collapsed into single ones, so that case could be dealt with by merely replacing https?:// with https?:/
#barnabywaltersif apache/x other server handles slash collapsing
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: I don't know what exactly is doing that, but if you type cd /var//www you'll get to the right place
#XgF410 Gone (your URL scared my webmention endpoint)
#barnabywalters462 Volcano Fax Number: Source is using schema.org
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#tantekthat's too unforgiving. the webmention sender should be given a chance to clean up their source URL and try again. 410 implies don't webmention me ever again.
#tantekbut what we want to communicate is not that the requested URL is unavailable for legal reasons, but rather that we can't parse your source URL for legal reasons
#barnabywaltersdoes wordpress automatically include a better canonical URL even if the page is accessed using that URL, or do you need a plugin for that?
#KevinMarks_I fought this with rel=tag, fairly succesfully (though now it's used as reason for not using rel=tag)
#KevinMarks_I think WP does better canonical URLs now, by default
#KevinMarks_they used to use tag links with ? params too, which we policed out as an antipattern with technorati indexing
#snarfedbarnabywalters: once it's published publicly, yes, and automatically redirects to it