Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message 6 hours, 35 minutes ago: yeah, i sent a manual webmention, and yeah, i nudged the site. shouldn't have been all the way down, but meh. thanks for checking!
snarfed, tpinto, b0bg0d, KevinMarks2, smus, pfenwick, tantek, eschnou, josephboyle, squeakytoy, LauraJ and andreypopp joined the channel
aaronpkjust encountered the first case when I want to schedule a future post. mostly it's because I want to wait to tweet this until more people are awake and looking at twitter so it has a better chance of being seen.
abrereton, igalic, tpinto and jihaisse joined the channel
hadleybeemanThat's a shame. Sorry. I wasn't sure (from my mobile( if it was the one I've used in the past… but never mind. Good luck with it, whatever you're up to!
barnabywaltersno problem :) building an an HTML archiver, want to be able to use superfeedr’s HTML page change notifications, but they trigger whenever there’s a change, however small. so to prevent storing hundreds of copies, I need to be able to determine roughly how much the document has changed
brianloveswordsbarnabywalters: haha, yeah, the problem is there's no credentialing system right now so you can totally go and post on my behalf if you find the 'new status' page.
tantekalso we don't seem to have a page about future posts, if there's at least a couple of us that are interested / have implementations, it might be worth capturing thoughts / support.
tantekbarnabywalters - "silo equivalent" and "buffer tweets"? Twitter doesn't do scheduled posts - does it? (are there Twitter clients that do scheduled posts?)
aaronpkre: scheduled posts, yes I specifically wanted it to POSSE to twitter automatically. I actually don't mind that the blog post went out at 2am PST, but I waited intil just now to post the tweet
bnvkhere's a case- I meet you at a cafe, you say "Hey, we should get together and drink water sometime, but flying home to England tomorrow for 3 weeks, how about after I get back"
bnvkbut in an IndieWeb world- you might have just posted from your domain "Excited to get together to with @brennannovak after I get back from England" to which I would be replying
hadleybeemanBarnabywalters: Sounds like fun (re your HTML archiver). You could always ask @dontcallmedom directly for that code, if you're interested in hacking on it?
scor, obensource, andreypopp, b0bg0d, bnvk, ryana, obensource_, lukebrooker, smus and snarfed joined the channel