tantekok folks - add yourselves to which web hosting approach you're taking in the respective "IndieWeb community members using this…" subsections: http://indiewebcamp.com/web_hosting (cc: aaronpk, bear, benwerd, bret, jeena, kevinmarks, snarfed, tommorris, and anyone else that wants to!)
bretre the jekyll stuff... definately not for non technical users.... but a great place to learn about creating a website from scratch on some level. I found a strong appreciation for the web and html learning jekyll, and it also massivly provided a reason and goal to learn how to work on the command line. Iirc, xtof is making the jump from wordpress to jekyll lately. And I understand why
bret! The appeal of working with 'relativly' simplistic tools over monolithic projects like wordpress is what drives people to things like jekyll. Community support, popularity, lots of examples and free hosting are the other reasons that I can tell
@lucas3dMon serveur web est dans les choux.. Zut, je voulais travailler sur le rapatriement de ma mailing list. #ownyourdata a ses problème aussi… (twitter.com/_/status/421882538676604928)
pdurbinthe nice thing about using Jekyll with GithHub Pages is that you don't even need to install any Ruby gems locally. All you need is git to check out your repo and an $EDITOR to make changes before you commit and push
xtof, barnabywalters and snarfed joined the channel
barnabywaltersxtof: the text on the website? hm, probably the best way of maintaining all of that text is going to be to give it a wiki page, then pull it in from there
barnabywaltersI need to fix incoming comment ordering on my site, then I’ll take a look at merging in the content on indiewebify.me with Getting Started
barnabywalterspeople who are differentiating between different sorts of mentions (mention, reply, rsvp, like, repost) — what’s your take on multiple types being combined? ever seen it? recommendations for handling it?
barnabywaltersI’d amend that to: there are basic, fundamental methods of communication that can apply to almost any scenario, however specialised. UIs which don’t recognise this will be weeded out