2014-01-27 UTC
scor and snarfed joined the channel
scor and KevinMarks joined the channel
snarfed and pfenwick joined the channel
snarfed, j12t and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
snarfed and pfenwick joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
squeakytoy2, squeakytoy and Jihaisse joined the channel
eschnou, LauraJ, melvster, dvirsky, werebutt, Sebastien-L, pfefferle and sparverius joined the channel
barnabywalters, glennjones, friedcell, eschnou, adactio, pfenwick, abrereton, pfefferle, Sebastien-L, bnvk, scor, brianloveswords, chloeweil, nloadholtes, snarfed, j12t, pjh_design, pasevin, SGIG, LauraJ, CheckDavid, skinny and npdoty joined the channel
# 17:08 Loqi [@thomaslevine] @twitter has been pretty bad about not loading over the past couple months
_6a68, caseorganic, benprew, tantek and paulcp joined the channel
jaso and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:28 tantek I think it's about time our "next event" on the home page reflected things in 2014. ;)
# 18:29 tantek thought: now that we have BOTH regular Homebrew Website Club meetups, and several IndieWebCamps in the works for 2014, how about we list *both* the next/soonest of each, perhaps more briefly?
jaso joined the channel
# 18:30 tantek I remember there were folks here that previously had strong home page opinions (was bnvk or barnabywalters that even tried making a fork of the home page? I forget)
# 18:31 tantek also explicitly interested in snarfed, skinny's opinions on this
jcbsnd joined the channel
# 18:33 bnvk tantek: aaronpk: yah, I probably said something about it, Barnaby says he prolly made some small changes :)
# 18:37 bret I took a stab at cleaning up the front page a while back yeah
glennjones joined the channel
# 18:41 bret Looking it over, I like the simplified How section in my version. It links to Important articles and Project highlights though, which would need to be written still
bnvk and snarfed joined the channel
# 18:55 tantek or rather, of a "how" section written with assumption/expectation of other articles needing to be written
# 18:55 tantek I'd rather a "how" section was precisely real world as of TODAY
# 18:55 tantek assembled from exactly what's the best *existing* documented "how" advice today
# 18:55 tantek rather than what how advice could be better tomorrow
# 18:55 tantek then if someone cares to make better how advice tomorrow, we can update accordingly
# 18:56 tantek also - anyone ever see photos from IndieWebCamp Hollywood?
# 18:57 tantek never saw any posted anywhere - but then I didn't comprehensively check everyone's Flickr profiles either
# 18:57 aaronpk my eye-fi card wasn't fast enough for my new camera, so I had to use a regular SD card until I got a new eye-fi :)
bnvk, melvster, iangreenleaf, eschnou, hallettj and benwerd joined the channel
# 19:45 Loqi benwerd: snarfed left you a message 6 days, 1 hour ago: if you post a reminder, i'll happily spread it
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:45 Loqi benwerd: caseorganic left you a message on 1/21 at 5:03pm: hope your presentation went really well!
# 19:46 benwerd caseorganic: I think it went well. Lots of interesting, v different discussion. Thanks tantek & snarfed for coming!
# 19:47 benwerd tantek: I seem to have broken something in my webmentions implementation. I *am* supposed to be handling / displaying reposts. There's also an issue with parsing replies from some people, eg barnabywalters and snarfed.
# 19:47 benwerd I'm aiming to spend 8 hours across tonight and tomorrow evening on idno, so should hopefully fix it
j12t, jcbsnd1, LauraJ, jcbsnd and caseorganic joined the channel
# 20:16 tantek benwerd - cool. I'm looking into possible venues for IndieWebCampSF
# 20:18 tantek benwerd - is there a wiki page for your talk? Wanted to add a link to the IRC logs during the talk - some notes there.
# 20:19 benwerd tantek - cool. I'll ask around also, although suspect you'll be able to surface more than I can.
# 20:20 tantek I may have some photos to upload - I can't remember if I took any!
skinny joined the channel
friedcell1, fmarier, melvster, paulcp, caseorganic, jfranusic, pjh_design, dvirsky, LauraJ, jcbsnd1 and chloeweil joined the channel
abrereton, snarfed, caseorga_, KartikPrabhu1, paulcp, fmarier and benwerd joined the channel
hallettj and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 22:53 tantek brianloveswords - see the error message starting with "Insecure redirect error. " :)
# 22:53 brianloveswords My site forces https, so if you try to hit http, it redirects you to https. I can't type "https://bjb.io" into the indieauth login box because it claims I don't have any rel=me links, but "bjb.io" works.
# 22:53 tantek oh that's odd I thought you would type https into the login box. aaronpk?
# 22:53 Loqi tantek meant to say: oh that's odd I thought you could type https into the login box. aaronpk?
# 22:56 aaronpk the problem is that twitter or whatever is linking to http not https
_6a68 joined the channel
# 22:57 aaronpk the error message is explaining it, but not very well. also the error needs to be presented better and not as a giant ruby error
# 22:57 brianloveswords aaronpk, tantek: ah, I changed it but I did not rescan. Just noticed the scan date was Oct 22.
# 22:59 aaronpk brianloveswords: ah I see the problem... your ssl cert is not installed properly
# 23:00 aaronpk chances are you didn't install the intermediate cert
# 23:00 aaronpk if for some reason you have the intermediate cert in your keychanin then you won't see the error
# 23:01 aaronpk (which you probably do if you got the cert from startssl)
# 23:03 aaronpk well I suspect that's the reason the indieauth server can't scan your site
# 23:03 tantek bjb.io - whoa brianloveswords are you POSSEing those tweets or PESOSing them?
# 23:04 aaronpk i gotta run. if you can figure out what the problem with the SSL cert is, then it should start working with indieauth.com
# 23:04 tantek can you try About Firefox and check your version?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:05 aaronpk yeah the server has the same error "SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed"
# 23:06 aaronpk i use chrome mainly, and open up safari when i need a clean slate
# 23:07 tantek ok I went ahead and was "bold" and updated the home page
# 23:09 tantek I tried to incorporate Homebrew Website Club fairly high up since that seems to have growing interest (and is more broadly accessible)
# 23:10 tantek I also shrunk the "next indiewebcamp" section
# 23:10 tantek this is a very rough first cut at a home page iteration, so additional suggestions very much welcome!
# 23:10 tantek still haven't addressed "how" at all - just wanted to update and remove obsolete (old event info)
# 23:12 bnvk tantek: nice, definitely an improvement ;)
# 23:12 jonnybarnes btw aaronpk you're right up on indieweb/indieauth-cleint-php/readme.md is excellent
# 23:13 brianloveswords tantek, definitely, looks good. Homebrew Website Club being highlighted makes sense!
# 23:14 bnvk tantek: easy to implement suggestions- maybe make "Events" the same h2 as Homebrew Club, and have "IndieWebCampSF 2014" under that h2
# 23:15 snarfed fixing minor typo(s) now, but i haven't seen anything major
# 23:17 bnvk Maybe lose the paragraphs for (Principles, Selfdogfood, Design) under Distinguishing, leaving just the links. Just so there's less text on screen & not overwhelming to new visitor- but that's a matter of taste, maybe some like that :P
dvirsky joined the channel
acegiak, KartikPrabhu and inimino joined the channel
# 23:25 bret it identifies some content on the main page that might be better off somewhere else.
# 23:26 bret obviously its a bit stale at this point. Like bnvk
# 23:27 bret like bcvk, i wanted to reduce the wall of text
# 23:29 bret it looked like I called you stale, definitely not what I meant
tilgovi joined the channel
# 23:43 tantek bret - I appreciate what you've done with your New_Pages page - that's useful input
sdrawkcab25, paulcp_, jjuran, bear and realzies joined the channel
# 23:51 tantek ok so quick thumbs up/down - what do folks think of the new "Homebrew Website Club" summary section with "next meeting" link and previous well attended meeting photo?
# 23:52 tantek (both in terms of content/size - i.e. is it too "wall of texty" and in terms of placement - should it be above/below other things)
jjuran joined the channel
# 23:55 benwerd tantek - +1 from here too. order can always be changed as indiewebcamp gets closer