#tantekBTW there's a bunch of us indieweb folks that went to this YxYY thing last year and it was a blast. It's now YaYY and tickets now open to public - will sell out fast if you're interested: http://www.yesandyesyes.com/#say-yes
DeltaWhy, snarfed and lukebrooker_ joined the channel
#DeltaWhyanyone here use jekyll/octopress? I'm looking to move my site away from wordpress
snarfed joined the channel
#DeltaWhyin particular I'm wondering if it would be feasible to have a dynamic posting interface on top of jekyll or if I should look at something else
#Jeenagood morning! Why can't I log in with IndieAuth to the Microformats Wiki?
#bretJeena: when you feel that, its a good time to figure out what you can work on that is imediately useful/better with the time you do have
#bretsometimes its not as lofty, but it beats feeling that way :)
#Jeenahehe yeah, I could ditch all the work for clients then I would have all the time in the world to do my own stuff :D
#Jeenathat is what I think is the cool thing about being rich, you don't have to please other people and can do what you yourself think is important/cool
#Jeenathat is what the unconditional basic income will be for in some distant future, perhaps
#bretDeltaWhy: It is a great way to do static sites. Its kind of hard to do POSSE and distributed web interactions with beyond manual webmentions and webmention.io
#bretbut I can totally give you any pointers if you are trying to learn it
#DeltaWhyyeah if I was just going to be blogging it would be no question, but if I want to add notes I'm not sure it's the right route
#bretYou can totally do notes! They just dont end up on twitter automatically
#bretunless you build something that can figure out all of htat
#bretits pretty cool to be able to go back to any point in history and see what the site is, and distributed offline development is pretty neat too, but what I really want is a way to update the site from any device
#bretand the github online editor isn't cutting it
#DeltaWhyyeah I'm just wondering if there's a good middle ground where I can write long-form in vim offline, and also post notes easily online
#brethttp://prose.io was aiming to fix this, but its to unstable and hard to hack on
#bretDeltaWhy: Idea... Its hacky as hell but if you set up a jekyll repository and ran the jekyll watch that output the rendered site into apache or nginx, it wouldnt be too hard to make a web interface that could present a form with the proper fields that could add a new post to the jekyll site folder
#bretthat way you get jekyll and a light posting inferface
#bretAuthenticate -> Webform -> save front-matter markdown file into the _post directory -> jekyll build --watch into a webserver folder
#bretsounds rickety, but would probrably work to some degree
#bretDeltaWhy: I've been dorking around with node/express using front-matter markdown files as a data store
#DeltaWhyI think it would be fine for posting, but if I wanted to start adding webmention support, comments, etc. I may be better off building something from scratch
#DeltaWhyI should probably just get something up with octopress and worry about it later - the majority of the work is going to be building the layout/theme
glennjones, dietrich, pasevin, dvirsky, squeakytoy, melvster_, srushe, eschnou, jcbsnd, adactio, LauraJ, marcthiele, barnabywalters, edsu, the_merlin, joeysim, caseorganic, Sebastien-L, mko, marcthie_, CheckDavid and scor joined the channel
#gRegorLoveIs this note on http://indiewebcamp.com/webmention still valid, or should it be removed? "See the Webmention Spec (note: out of date as of 2013-10-17, resolved issues not reflected, fails to include rel=webmention) for a full description of the protocol."
#gRegorLoveThe spec appears up to date to me. Perhaps that's when webmention.org wasn't just github?
#gRegorLoveTalking to me, EHLOVader? I was referring to the home timeline or interactions. If you're scrolled down and click the twitter bird it takes you back to top.
#gRegorLoveI have a humans.txt, but I was wondering about it last night as I was working on webmentions. Could be a problem with rel=author lookups that look for an h-card.
_6a68 joined the channel
#gRegorLoveI forgot I had it and admittedly just added it at the time because it seemed interesting. Probably not very useful.
#snarfedif you have a local/staging install of your site, i can imagine pointing something at it and letting it generate a bunch, with different types, then telling you what to check for
#aaronpkHA it's cause of your single quotes, and i'm using a regex to check for the link *headdesk*