tantek!tell aaronpk, benwerd, snarfed - you may want to consider submitting a short (one paragraph?) proposal for a brief discussion of indieweb comments/likes/reposts at this workshop 2014-04-02: http://www.w3.org/2014/04/annotation/#participate
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 42 minutes ago: - you may want to consider submitting a short (one paragraph?) proposal for a brief discussion of indieweb comments/likes/reposts at this workshop 2014-04-02: http://www.w3.org/2014/04/annotation/#participate
benprew, acegiak, friedcell, Sebastien-L, eschnou, iangreenleaf, bnvk, glennjones, caseorganic, jschweinsberg, skinny, snarfed and paulcp joined the channel
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 56 minutes ago: - you may want to consider submitting a short (one paragraph?) proposal for a brief discussion of indieweb comments/likes/reposts at this workshop 2014-04-02: http://www.w3.org/2014/04/annotation/#participate
tantek_, BjornW, acegiak, tantek, j12t, bnvk, paulcp, Kopfstein, KartikPrabhu, lmjabreu, rknLA_, tommorris, jancborchardt_, michielbdejong, dvirsky, gRegor`, pasevin, glennjones and friedcell joined the channel
KartikPrabhuinteresting article. Particularly the paragraph "Zootool made us realize that the general idea of running a central service is nothing we believe in any longer. Your data should belong to you and shouldn't be stored on our servers. You shouldn't have to rely on us or on any other service to keep your data secure and online."
KartikPrabhusaeidw: you should only add details that you are comfortable having on line. snarfed: obfuscating would be contrary to the entire point of having visible markedup data
Jeenajesus so many people are pissed about me posting longer then 140 chard to twitter with a link to my website, If it will go on like that I am considering just to stop posting to it and stick to my own website.