2014-03-03 UTC
# 00:08 snarfed interesting. "…Everyone should be identified by a URI…That premise turned out to be wrong
# 00:08 snarfed ordinary human beings apparently don’t think of themselves as Resources that need Uniform Identifiers, or some such."
tantek and scor joined the channel
# 00:23 tantek also, one does not prove a negative by providing examples of failure
# 00:23 snarfed oh, definitely, but we're conflating a few different things
# 00:23 snarfed i think we're doing the right thing by building for us, not for the "mass audience"
# 00:23 tantek just because ALL OpenID UIs sucked, it doesn't mean that URLs intrinsically have any problems whatsoever
# 00:24 tantek it's a classic mistake that (perhaps former) OpenID enthusiasts are making (repeatedly)
# 00:24 Loqi tantek meant to say: but that's their mistake to pursue
# 00:24 snarfed to be fair, he wasn't saying URLs had inherent problems, just that the average (non-technical) person did currently think of themselves as an email address, but not as a URL
# 00:25 tantek sure, and they didn't think that either, before email became popular
# 00:25 snarfed assertions about the "mass audience" like that are always debatable
# 00:25 tantek forgetting that new tech / identity is always awkward at first
# 00:25 tantek aaronpk HAHAHAHAH you're kidding right? when was the last time you walked through all the screenshots of setting up a NEW email account?
# 00:27 snarfed i agree that concluding "don't design for URI identities" is probably wrong
# 00:28 snarfed but i have to also agree that *currently*, people get email addresses as identity but not URIs as identity
# 00:28 snarfed which makes me all the more happy that we don't care about that and do it anyway, for ourselves to start
# 00:28 tantek snarfed - well, he's welcome to go explore the non-URI-identity design space. I mean, *I* think it's a waste of time and doomed to fail, but his exploring it will help map that out too.
# 00:29 tantek it's always a surprise when well experienced people like Tim Bray fail to take a long term technology adoption overview.
# 00:29 tantek and not realize: "Email is simply the current such transitional legacy technology."
# 00:30 tantek and he has plenty of decades of experience. maybe insufficient reflection?
# 00:30 tantek I remember when (non-tech) friends made fun of me for saying that everyone would have an email address and use it (nearly) daily.
# 00:31 tantek snarfed, difference of opinion? on what? the patterns I pointed out about landline # -> fax # -> email? that's more than just opinion.
# 00:31 tantek that's the longterm perspective that's apparently lacking from the anti-URI-identity crowd
# 00:32 snarfed sure. difference of opinion on what will catch on, which patterns to pay attention to, etc.
# 00:32 snarfed one conclusion i take is that picking winners is hard. email won, but lots of others didn't. it's too early to say whether URIs for people is a winner or not.
# 00:33 snarfed are you kidding? history of tech is littered with failures
# 00:34 tantek "tech" sure. The pattern I pointed out is very focused.
# 00:34 snarfed sure! my point is that we can only identify those patterns in hindsight
# 00:34 snarfed still. email is old enough that we can call it. URIs, not yet.
# 00:34 tantek we can see the benefit/adoption curves and extrapolate from there.
# 00:35 snarfed sure. and sometimes that gets it right, sometimes not.
# 00:35 snarfed regardless, we're mostly agreeing violently. i *love* that we don't use arguments like tim's for deciding what to design
# 00:35 tantek right, we document them, and then encourage experimentation in the space
# 00:36 tantek as long as people aren't doing things that are *obviously* wasteful
# 00:36 tantek e.g. doing extra work for microdata or RDFa or JSON-LD as compared to microformats2
# 00:36 tantek alternatives that are more work and provide no benefits are ignorable
# 00:36 tantek the only motivator for that that I've found is the selfdogfood principle
# 00:37 tantek people that don't need to build things themselves tend to design far more complicated shit
# 00:39 tantek From Tim's post: "OIDC assumes you’ll identify people using email addresses, which isn’t perfect but app-builders like it
# 00:39 tantek and bothers people less than URIs. " <--- and yeah, Persona is/was about 2+ years ahead on this.
# 00:39 tantek snarfed, note that Tim's post fails to mention Persona at all.
# 00:39 tantek So I dismiss his reasoning/predictions etc. based on that alone.
# 00:39 tantek But he's welcome to go try to validate Persona's "failure"
# 00:40 tantek so then why didn't he mention it in his blog post which discussed history of these things?
# 00:40 snarfed i doubt he thinks it "failed," but maybe that it's too early
# 00:40 snarfed most good writing doesn't try to be exhaustive :P
# 00:40 snarfed good for encyclopedia articles, not so much for blog posts
# 00:40 tantek snarfed - it's not a matter of being exhaustive
# 00:41 tantek of leaving out an OBVIOUS similar/same approach
# 00:41 tantek failing to cite priori similar/same work/research in your field is reason to dismiss a paper
# 00:41 snarfed true, yeah. it is one of the few obvious alternatives worth mentioning.
# 00:41 Loqi tantek meant to say: failing to cite prior similar/same work/research in your field is reason to dismiss a paper
# 00:43 tantek snarfed, IMO this is partly due to Tim working at Google
# 00:43 tantek I've noticed from some (maybe most? not all certainly) Googlers that there's a level of arrogance that translates into ignoring others' efforts at similar things.
# 00:43 tantek so he may be succumbing to some of that culture
# 00:43 tantek so it's good that he's leaving. we'll see how long his perspective takes to reset.
# 00:43 snarfed yeah, maybe. imho it's usually not arrogance as much as working somewhere with extreme NIH
# 00:44 tantek snarfed - yes, the two are often hard to distinguish.
# 00:44 snarfed google builds *so much* itself, they don't get the chance to work regularly with external stuff
josephboyle joined the channel
# 00:46 tantek !tell aaronpk, snarfed thanks so much for uploading the FB mobile web event screenshots!
# 00:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:46 Loqi snarfed: tantek left you a message 14 seconds ago: thanks so much for uploading the FB mobile web event screenshots!
emmak and tantek_ joined the channel
# 00:49 tantek_ snarfed re: arrogance, indeed, hence labeling a culture/company as being (tending to be) arrogant rather than a specific individual, which would be ad hominem
# 00:49 tantek_ so glad you guys were able to screenshot the "old" FB mobile web event UI! (switching to a more productive topic :) )
# 00:50 tantek_ they lost the nice map bar in both mobile and "large" UIs. so sad.
# 00:50 tantek_ I'm using what you uploaded as inspiration for my indie event UI design
# 00:50 tantek and now that they've made THEIRs look worse, I have even more incentive to get my implementation working
# 00:50 tantek it's a powerful story to tell - that the indie web can pick and choose from the best of what silos invent
# 00:51 tantek and then when the silos inevitable gunk up or otherwise regress their UIs, the indie web can keep doing better.
# 00:51 gavinc tantek: so reading the event wiki, as of yet no one's got RSVPs/events POSSEing to FB without doing it twice?
# 00:52 tantek what you're seeing with event posts right now
# 00:52 tantek ideally the "post it on facebook" step is done automatically by your server
# 00:52 tantek as a bunch of us do with automatic POSSE of notes to Twitter (and FB, and other kinds to other silos)
# 00:52 tantek but nearly everyone with nearly every post type starts with manual POSSE
# 00:53 gavinc Yeah, was starting to get into facebooks API for that
# 00:53 tantek manual POSSE is a good way to get a feel for what you want your automatic POSSE to do
# 00:53 tantek there's lots of design to do for each silo and post type to silo
# 00:54 tantek there's URL design, microcopy, abbreviation/ellipsing, permalinks, defaults for silo fields
# 00:54 gavinc Sadly my current answer is event.md file + Google Calander Add + Facebook event, and none of the events really connect very well
realzies joined the channel
# 00:54 gavinc It goes okay until there's an update to the event ;)
# 00:54 tantek Google Calendar is shit for that unfortunately
# 00:54 tantek it's interop with anything else event related is very poor
# 00:55 tantek it can't even get its own interop with its own way of doing things, and staying in the "google" world
# 00:55 tantek did I mention Google sucks at email identity?
# 00:55 tantek unless you use a single Google gmail identity publicly for everything
# 00:56 snarfed gavinc: shh, don't tell yet, but i have automatic posse for FB rsvps working
# 00:56 snarfed still pre-alpha, but i'm going to demo it at IWC SF this weekend
# 00:57 snarfed along with posseing Twitter retweets and favorites, FB comments and likes, etc
# 01:04 tantek is hosting the W3C AB meeting @MozSF TW which will cut into his pre-IWCSF last-minute-hacking time.
# 01:04 snarfed eh don't worry about it. you do more than enough with community organizing
# 01:07 tantek snarfed, everyone must create and contribute. no exceptions. no excuses.
# 01:09 snarfed community mgmt and writing are absolutely contributing
# 01:12 gavinc tried to get someone else who has their own site and has working indyauth to go, but their too busy that weekend
# 01:13 gavinc and since I haven't managed even a blog post since uh... October 2011. Ouch.
benprew, melvster, indie-visitor, krendil, pfenwick, pasevin, snarfed, josephboyle, benprew_, fmarier, friedcell and skinny joined the channel
# 03:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 03:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
melvster, j12t, benprew, josephboyle, snarfed, gRegor`, cweiske, eschnou, tilgovi and pfenwick joined the channel
benprew and pfenwick joined the channel
pfenwick, Jihaisse, friedcell and tantek joined the channel
# 07:47 Loqi tantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 3 hours, 53 minutes ago: http://ruben.verborgh.org/phd/semantics/ A chapter in a thesis dealing with semantic hypermedia. Microformats make an appearance. Though this might be too much academic theorising for your tastes
# 07:49 tantek KartikPrabhu - it's interesting that the academic papers are trailing the state of the art by about 2-3 years. That paper only mentions "classic" microformats and failed to notice / recognize microformats2 (generic syntax etc.)
josephboyle joined the channel
# 07:58 tantek !tell KartikPrabhu - thanks for the link. Always good to see how others outside a core community are interpreting the work that is being done. it's interesting in particular that the academic papers are trailing the state of the art by about 2-3 years. That paper only mentions "classic" microformats and failed to notice / recognize microformats2 (generic syntax etc.)
# 07:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 08:00 Loqi tanek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 4 hours, 6 minutes ago: http://ruben.verborgh.org/phd/semantics/ A chapter in a thesis dealing with semantic hypermedia. Microformats make an appearance. Though this might be too much academic theorising for your tastes
# 08:02 tantek !tell benwerd good to see more idno adoption - just saw unreally.com
# 08:02 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
eschnou joined the channel
benprew, Sebastien-L, eschnou, michielbdejong, melvster, friedcell, sparverius, CheckDavid, npdoty, LauraJ, pasevin, barnabywalters and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 13:23 Loqi KartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 5 hours, 24 minutes ago: - thanks for the link. Always good to see how others outside a core community are interpreting the work that is being done. it's interesting in particular that the academic papers are trailing the state of the art by about 2-3 years. That paper only mentions "classic" microformats and failed to notice / recognize microformats2 (generic syntax etc.)
benprew, onewheelskyward, catsup, eschnou and bnvk joined the channel
npdoty, adactio, onewheelskyward, hober2, JasonO, Garbee and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 14:43 adactio KartikPrabhu: Thanks for the heads-up. Should be fixed now.
ttepasse, chloeweil_, tobiastom, LauraJ, jcbsnd, j12t, tantek and benprew joined the channel
snarfed, caseorganic and npdoty joined the channel
# 15:55 tantek going to remind folks at Mozilla today about IndieWebCampSF
caseorganic and eschnou joined the channel
# 16:04 tantek fascinating, the not-logged-in FB event web presentation is still the "old" one
# 16:06 tantek I wonder if it's worth capturing the "not-logged-in" presentation as well
caseorga_, gRegor` and pfefferle joined the channel
# 16:08 Loqi pfefferle: tantek left you a message on 2/28 at 11:54am: awesome work with the webmentions and reply context functionality! POSSE (especially POSSE threading) is definitely more challenging. Glad to hear you're looking at it, and looking forward to see you @-reply from your own site :)
# 16:13 tantek aaronpk - how did you take the long iOS screenshot?
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# 16:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:40 caseorga_ tantek: will you be going to dconstruct this year and should we do an indiewebcamp there again?
# 16:41 tantek caseorganic, yes, and Adactio is already reserving space at the new Clearleft offices for us for that :)
benprew joined the channel
# 16:42 tantek you're of course welcome to help co-organize, but I'm not going to explicitly ask you since I know you're already fairly overloaded. ;)
# 16:45 caseorga_ tantek: Scott Jenson is coming? YES! I love him!
# 16:45 caseorga_ tantek: that's going to be fantastic. I think I talked with him about IndieWeb last year.
# 16:46 caseorga_ tantek: wonderful! so excited about that
# 16:46 tantek he was at dConstruct - and I challenged him a lot to go forth with his own identity rather than tweeting everything
# 16:46 tantek so looks like he finally signed up on the wiki!
# 16:46 tantek love this: "As a UX designer I loathe the fact that this is so damn hard. I want to fix that. "
# 16:46 caseorga_ tantek: ok, good. aaron and i are doing calendar planning for 2014 right now and there's room to go do dConstruct. if either of us somehow spoke there it would make it super easy to get approval from Esri to go to dConstruct like last year, otherwise it may be a 50/50 chance
# 16:47 caseorga_ tantek: excellent!
# 16:47 tantek caseorganic - you do know that dConstruct typically always has new speakers right?
# 16:47 tantek (like I think only one person in its entire history has spoken twice)
# 16:47 caseorga_ tantek: yep! i don't think aaron spoke last year, right?
# 16:48 tantek no I don't think aaronpk has every spoken at dConstruct
# 16:48 caseorga_ tantek: hehe, i think i might do that
# 16:49 caseorga_ tantek: i might need a backup voucher once i make the initial vouch, so i might ask you about it in the future
# 16:49 caseorga_ tantek: but yes, if i can get approval to do dConstruct, aaron and i will be happy to help with indiewebcamp uk, one of the best times of last year
# 16:49 tantek would be wonderful to co-organize that with you two and adactio of course.
pfenwick, iangreenleaf and friedcell joined the channel
# 17:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:15 aaronpk tantek: re screenshot: I took 4 screenshots and combined them in photoshop
# 17:15 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message on 3/2 at 4:46pm: thanks so much for uploading the FB mobile web event screenshots!
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:18 tantek oh cool! I took 3 screenshots and cropped them using the iOS Photos app and then uploaded them and stitched them in the embedded markup.
# 17:18 tantek your solution sounds better. I haven't used photoshop in years
skinny joined the channel
# 17:21 aaronpk yeah, like email 3 photos and the service figures out how to stitch them and emails them back
# 17:22 jedahan wondering the chance of participating remotely...
# 17:22 tantek aaronpk - disagree, email is rarely easier for anything :P
# 17:22 tantek (especially if you don't set it up on your mobile device)
# 17:22 aaronpk in this case I believe it is, only because of the integration with the photos app
# 17:24 tantek aaronpk, caseorganic, do you know if Jessy or any other Embassy folks will be joining us at IndieWebCampSF? If you could reach out to your Embassy contact(s) and explicitly invite them to RSVP (or be your apprentices) that would be great.
# 17:24 tantek Always good to involve the hyperlocal community.
# 17:25 tantek caseorganic, then who is our contact for getting setup and getting the space etc.?
# 17:25 tantek that doesn't work - we need someone physically there to let us in etc. perhaps an hour before opening for setup etc.
# 17:26 tantek ah, so YOU are the local resident contact, got it ;)
# 17:27 tantek aaronpk - I think the Embassy has a house calendar or something - is IWC on it so the other residents know about it? Can check it out?
# 17:27 tantek do you know any of the residents that will be in town for it?
# 17:28 aaronpk ah it's marked private right now. should I make it public?
# 17:29 tantek aaronpk - make it public if you can put in the explicit RSVP link
# 17:29 tantek and if you can reach out directly (IM, txt etc.) to other residents, that would be great too. I'll try to do the same.
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# 17:32 tantek aaronpk - would be good to assess # of rooms for breakout sessions and availability of projector(s) / whiteboards also.
# 17:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:35 brianlovewords yo Loqi clear that mismessage.
# 17:37 barnabywalters I love that switching identities is a tool for calming overenthusiastic robots
barnabywalters, caseorganic and snarfed joined the channel
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# 18:47 Jeena I'm now officially payed to write C++ code which is kind of odd because I never wrote real C++ code in my life.
# 18:49 KevinMarks_ presumably you have to read a lot of C++ code first. Hope the codebase is in a good state.
caseorga_ and paulcp joined the channel
# 18:50 Jeena yeah it looks like that and they seem to have tests for everything as far as I could see in the repos
# 18:52 Jeena My bigger problem during the first month will be money, I have two old customers who should have payed by now but didn't and I had to talk to my father so he would send me some money.
cweiske and tantek joined the channel
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# 19:02 tantek aaronpk, caseorganic thanks for adding the lanyrd & plan cast urls!
# 19:03 tantek I'm going to try to recruit more people from Mozilla today.
tilgovi, caseorganic and jcbsnd_ joined the channel
# 19:20 caseorganic snarfed: i'm still thinking about a day where everyone works on their various domains that haven't been developed
# 19:20 snarfed you mean, you wish more people would follow through on projects?
# 19:20 caseorganic snarfed: there are a lot of hackathons out there where you work with other people's technology on a new project, but there's not a day for working on your own domains
# 19:21 caseorganic snarfed: yeah! people have lots of fun domains they own lying around with project ideas for each, but then don't have the time to develop them
# 19:21 snarfed i think "domain" as a first class entity is maybe a red herring, though
# 19:22 snarfed lots of people have wishlist of projects and/or web sites they'd like to make
Garbee joined the channel
# 19:22 snarfed whether you also have domains sitting around for some of them, ok, but that probably doesn't make a project more or less worth doing
# 19:23 snarfed sparverius: hell yes! i love doing most small projects on appspot.com, not as their own domains
# 19:23 snarfed aaronpk: agreed. sunk cost fallacy, whee. gotta distrust your brain.
# 19:23 aaronpk better to have a subdomain of one of your own IMO
# 19:23 sparverius dude i have such a sunk cost fallacy going on. i collected old video games for like 5+ years
tantek joined the channel
# 19:24 snarfed sparverius: eh, it's only the fallacy when it guilts you into doing things that you otherwise wouldn't care about as much
# 19:26 sparverius although also some of them are really expensive so i've got that going for me too *fuck
# 19:27 snarfed sinking costs isn't inherently bad. you can't predict the future. following sunk costs with more time/money when you otherwise wouldn't, that's the bad part.
# 19:28 snarfed and of all of the problems in your life, i'd guess shelf space isn't the top of the list
bnvk joined the channel
# 19:30 tantek so many domains. so many projects. so little time. :/
# 19:31 sparverius i'm really good at finding problems and then dismissing them with predjudice
# 19:31 snarfed sparverius: wow, ok. i'm jealous, your life must be pretty good otherwise!
# 19:33 sparverius i mean you know, i have problems that i cant fix but i try not to count those because they're largely out of my control
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# 19:41 sparverius yo anyone want to be my creator? i'm going to sign up as an apprentice since i dont really run anything public
# 19:42 sparverius actually i do have something that could probably qualify but it's not really "mine"
# 19:46 snarfed it sounds like you can probably be a creator yourself
# 19:46 snarfed you don't have to have anything big that's already existing
# 19:46 sparverius except for all my twitter<->irc stuff and i think most of that is protected
# 19:46 snarfed throw up a bare bones personal web site with an h card, then you can sign in via indieauth
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# 19:51 snarfed you can plan to flesh out more of that stuff when you're actually at IWC, too
# 19:51 sparverius i have dozens of txt files ive written on my site, i should just fucking put a php header on all of them and call it a day
# 19:51 snarfed do whatever's fastest right now, then iterate on it
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# 20:04 sparverius any time i start doing anything with front end, clown music starts playing at about 20% slower than it was meant to
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# 21:35 tantek "2pm-3:30pm - Practical Implementation Session (Salon 2&3)
# 21:35 tantek Accelerating Impact: Exceptional Real-World Applications of Open Access Research. Sponsored by PLOS. " - "Herbert Van de Sompel, Digital Library Research & Prototyping, Los Alamos National Library "
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# 22:19 j12t On Friday, is there any hope of parking in the neighborhood?
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# 23:45 barnabywalters next steps: being able to subscribe to more than 4 feeds per column, making columns easier to reorder, add reply contexts to columns, speed loading up
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# 23:49 barnabywalters sad to hear that cloudmade are turning off free mapping services for tinkerers in favour of enterprise-only plans — they did good maps
# 23:53 barnabywalters at least Leaflet is provider-agnostic, so in theory changing providers is a matter of swapping a URL out
_6a681 joined the channel
# 23:55 aaronpk esri does too, technically you need a free developer account to use the tiles
# 23:57 aaronpk wel, compliled from several different providers behind the scenes, but as far as you're concerned it's esri data
# 23:57 aaronpk but yeah if you're using leaflet it's really easy to swap out the tiles. I definitely would do that.
# 23:58 aaronpk open mapquest (not regular mapquest) is the easiest/free-est