wolftune, cmhobbs, eschnou, KartikPrabhu, snarfed, j12t and mlncn joined the channel
#rhiaroOh. Hey. Twitter tells you if someone has 'retweeted your retweet' rather than just telling the original tweeter. But if I want to repost a retweet myself I can't do that... I can repost the original, but the person via whom I saw it won't get notified.
#rhiaroI know bridgy gives everything a url, but that doesn't help for something only retweeted on twitter
#snarfedinterestingly, twitter gets this right on its own. if you favorite or retweet a retweet, it understands that and doesn't think you just faved/RTed the original tweet
#snarfed(you can tell when you get email notifs that someone faved RTed your RT)
#snarfedin other news, PSA: activitystreams-unofficial has been renamed granary! if you have a fork, you'll want to update your git remote url. https://github.com/snarfed/granary
#rhiaroThat's why I realised I was about to repost something but the person I saw retweet it wouldn't get notfied
#Loqislack/tantek: Rhiaro, could you rephrase that as a "how do I ...?" question?
#rhiarotantek: How do I repost a retweet and syndicate it back to twitter as a retweet of a retweet, rather than a retweet of an original?
#tantek__it sounds like tarr11 does not want to have to have his site send webmentions maybe?
#tantek__one "passive" solution to that is for the receiving server to synthesize incoming webmentions from HTTP referer headers
#tantek__thus when a human clicks a link on a reply back to the original, the original sees the reply as a referer and sends itself a webmention accordingly, then handles it as it would handle any incoming webmention
#kylewmtantek__: no I don't understand it either, it was just the first RT I had handy in my reader
#tantek__kylwm the more interesting question is the oddness you pointed out
#tantek__namely Twitter giving you the RT @tarr11 as part of the tweet content
#tantek__should you really be showing that just as inline text? or is there a better display for showing that you reposted a retweet, rather than just reposted the original tweet?
#tantek__I'll note that @dkreuz ("author" of the retweet) is not linked anywhere on your post, and original tweet author is not displayed/linked at all!
#tantek__(which both seem like missing post context / info)
#tantek__that's even stranger. a repost icon down there after the post usually means a repost *button* (i.e. a webaction) that if you click, will repost YOUR repost
#tantek.comedited /Twitter (+226) "/* POSSE Reposts of Tweets */ add kylewm example repost of a retweet" (view diff)
#kylewmhmm, not sure i agree, it means approximately the same thing that it does on twitter when the repost icon is highlighted ... i.e. "this thing was reposted"
#tantek__kylewm++ the nice thing is we finally have a real world example of a repost of a retweet where we can find these challenges and ask questions!
#kylewmbut suffice it to say, it's very difficult to cram all the data you want to convey in a repost, in a visually pleasing manner
#tantek__kylewm - except Twitter at that point in their UI indicates "this thing was reposted by YOU" (the reader), using *color*, instead of indicating just "this thing was reposted"
#tantek__and the big difference is what happens if you *click* the icon/button
#tantek.comedited /repost (+265) "How to Display - link to existing display thinking, and past repost display whiteboarding. Also not really a stub anymore." (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /reposts (+22) "more specific redirect. start the transition of this page to be more like the separate [[likes]] page" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /repost (+295) "/* Display */ capture question about repost of a repost display - intermediate author etc." (view diff)
#kylewmso i guess we need a service like bridgy's webmentions for blogs, but for any PuSH enabled mf2 blog? where it would send webmentions automatically for new posts
#GWGNo one liked my Location plugin for WordPress. I'm trying to 'fix' it. Those were the areas I thought needed help
#GWGI'm only concerned with free for non-commercial use
#GWGI figure if I put in a common interface, then if I have to change services, then it is just a matter of writing a function that outputs in the format I need.
#GWGThen I have to figure out how to return a timezone for a location
#KartikPrabhutantek__: re-repost-of-repost etc... I on't know why I would repost a repost honestly. I might like-a-like to like the fact that someone else liked something but if I had torepost something it would definitely be the original
#ben_thatmustbemeah ha, aaronpk, i wanted to toss an idea or two by you
#ben_thatmustbemefor the token exchange bit, if a service already has a token to access my site, would it be safe for it to just pass a token across
tantek and parzzix joined the channel
#tantekFacebook's "share posts" are dynamic / hot-inlined! That is, if you share someone's post, and then afterwards they edit it, your shared copy (if it even is a copy) is edited too! Example: (not sure this is a public or any-logged-in-user link) https://www.facebook.com/shares/view?id=10101755232551693
#ben_thatmustbemeTantek. It's ui I find really annoying too. I need to take some screenshots but if people comment on the share it's nearly impossible to get from mobile
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: I guess it's time to start documenting "reposts" (plural) as a separate page to capture all this
#ben_thatmustbemeExample "john doe shared a post from somefamousperson. 3 comments" any clicks bring you back to the original comments not the share copy
#kylewmwebmentions for bridgy might finally be an excuse to work my indieauth library into it :)
#tantek.comedited /2015/Guest_List (+109) "link for register for a ticket text for more direct / discoverable call to action, update counts" (view diff)
#tantekkylewm I don't understand what that means - bridgy already accepts and sends webmentions right?
#kylewmtantek: conversation from earlier -- bridgy sends webmentions on the behalf of hosted blogs (for blogspot.com, wordpress.com, and tumblr)... snarfed was talking about extending it to support any blog, just needs a text box to enter the blog name
#kylewmand optionally, could use indieauth to verify that they are actually the owner of the blog being signed up
#tantekkylewm wait what? bridgy *sends* webmentions *from* hosted blogs? as in you post on your hosted blog, Bridgy detects this (polling?), and then sends webmentions to whoever you linked to?
indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#LoqiFacebook is a popular content hosting silo and activity aggregator most well known for being the largest centralized social network on the web https://indiewebcamp.com/Facebook
#kylewmtantek: bridgy uses superfeedr instead of polling, but yes
#tantekkylewm: sure, polling as a service - for those blog hosts
#cuibonoboin many cases they use both names simultaneously, depending on the context of who they are interacting with
#KartikPrabhuhmmm yeah that is an interesting problem...
#tantek.comedited /Facebook (+180) "/* Real Name demands */ stronger more specific text, include article title in citation (impactful), date a couple of items" (view diff)
#tantekcuibonobo: I think the short answer is different domain names for different identities. You can have as many as you want.
#KartikPrabhutantek: so if one wishes to change their name they have to get a new domain?
#tantekKartikPrabhu: no - that was not the question
#tantekthe question was one of simultaneously using multiple identities
#tantekfor changing your name, sure, just change your h-card
#tantekcuibonobo: that makes sense. is the term "deadname" informal or commonly used to refer to that? and what is the "new" name called? would post-trans name be accurate?