2015-06-28 UTC
# 00:00 GWG snarfed: I think it would be a useful little plugin. Wondering if I should make it standalone or write it into my location plugin.
# 00:01 gRegorLove GWG: My notes interface allows me to specify a timezone, otherwise defaults to Central. I need to update it to default to the last-used TZ
# 00:02 gRegorLove aaronpk: You mean your URLs are based on *your* local time (Pacific), or the users?
# 00:05 GWG Are we talking about user level or post level timezones?
# 00:08 GWG I was initially asking about post level.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 00:12 aaronpk Yes, per post, the time and time zone is based on my actual location
# 00:13 aaronpk I have a separate API that my Micropub endpoint queries to find the timezone to use for the specific post
KevinMarks__, frzn, KevinMarks___, KevinMarks, hidgw and tantek joined the channel
# 00:25 gRegorLove Oh, I was thinking of pagination, aaronpk. The before/after-timestamp
Guest88875, j12t, cuibonobo_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:34 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: did you remember to deploy? I'm not seeing any change on ben.thatmustbe.me home page or permalinks
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 00:38 ben_thatmustbeme also, tantek, i'm pretty close to getting micropub -> twitter running via micropub chaining
# 00:38 ben_thatmustbeme its going to be interesting to try to work out alternate content for syndicated copies
KevinMarks, KevinMarks__ and j12t joined the channel
# 01:09 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I didn't realize you were born in 83
Guerillero|BNC joined the channel
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# 02:04 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Is that how it works?
KevinMarks, j12t, lukebrooker and jciv joined the channel
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# 03:04 GWG Karma Points enhance longevity. Fun
cuibonobo and tantek joined the channel
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# 03:34 GWG MicroPub for WordPress isn't off channel.
cuibonobo joined the channel
hmans, snarfed, snarfed1, KevinMarks, wolftune, KevinMarks__ and cmhobbs joined the channel
cmhobbs, ScruffyDan, Deledrius, Erkan_Yilmaz, lukebrooker, nt0, keroberos, hless, snarfed, loic_m, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, eschnou, Sebastien-L, michel_v, KartikPrabhu and catsup joined the channel
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# 12:42 GWG !tell acegiak Thanks for the webmention. I haven't gotten one not from Bridgy in a while.
# 12:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
wolftune, cmhobbs, eschnou, KartikPrabhu, snarfed, j12t and mlncn joined the channel
# 15:01 rhiaro Oh. Hey. Twitter tells you if someone has 'retweeted your retweet' rather than just telling the original tweeter. But if I want to repost a retweet myself I can't do that... I can repost the original, but the person via whom I saw it won't get notified.
# 15:01 rhiaro Because the retweet I'm reposting doesn't have its own URL
# 15:02 rhiaro Has anyone discussed/documented this anywhere yet?
# 15:03 GWG rhiaro: I think you just identified a salmention
# 15:04 rhiaro But specifically this is a problem with POSSEing reposts to Twitter right now
# 15:05 GWG acegiak has been working on that lately.
# 15:05 rhiaro I guess the issue is just that retweets don't have their own URL
# 15:06 GWG Bridgy solves that by giving everything a Bridgy url, I believe
# 15:07 snarfed rhiaro: retweets actually do have their own url on twitter.com
# 15:11 rhiaro If I'm looking at someone's timeline and there's a retweet, how do I find the URL for the retweet?
# 15:11 rhiaro Oh okay, I thought maybe I was missing something
# 15:12 rhiaro I know bridgy gives everything a url, but that doesn't help for something only retweeted on twitter
# 15:13 snarfed interestingly, twitter gets this right on its own. if you favorite or retweet a retweet, it understands that and doesn't think you just faved/RTed the original tweet
# 15:13 snarfed (you can tell when you get email notifs that someone faved RTed your RT)
# 15:14 rhiaro That's why I realised I was about to repost something but the person I saw retweet it wouldn't get notfied
# 15:17 Loqi slack/tantek: Rhiaro, could you rephrase that as a "how do I ...?" question?
# 15:18 rhiaro tantek: How do I repost a retweet and syndicate it back to twitter as a retweet of a retweet, rather than a retweet of an original?
# 15:29 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Good morning, young man.
tantek_1, tantek__ and j12t joined the channel
# 15:46 kylewm I'm going to try retweeting a retweet in Woodwind...
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# 15:53 kylewm apparenty twitter gave me the "RT @tarr11" text as part of the tweet content, I did not do any processing to add that stuff
# 15:55 tantek__ it sounds like tarr11 does not want to have to have his site send webmentions maybe?
# 15:56 tantek__ one "passive" solution to that is for the receiving server to synthesize incoming webmentions from HTTP referer headers
# 15:57 tantek__ thus when a human clicks a link on a reply back to the original, the original sees the reply as a referer and sends itself a webmention accordingly, then handles it as it would handle any incoming webmention
# 15:57 kylewm tantek__: no I don't understand it either, it was just the first RT I had handy in my reader
# 15:57 tantek__ kylwm the more interesting question is the oddness you pointed out
# 15:58 tantek__ namely Twitter giving you the RT @tarr11 as part of the tweet content
# 15:59 tantek__ should you really be showing that just as inline text? or is there a better display for showing that you reposted a retweet, rather than just reposted the original tweet?
# 15:59 tantek__ I'll note that @dkreuz ("author" of the retweet) is not linked anywhere on your post, and original tweet author is not displayed/linked at all!
# 16:01 kylewm do you mean that his twitter handle is not linked?
# 16:03 tantek__ kylewm - dkreuz's personal site is linked at the top - where you can't find the retweet that you're reposting
# 16:03 tantek__ @dkreuz (where you *can* find the retweet that you're reposting) is not linked from your repost
# 16:05 tantek__ that's even stranger. a repost icon down there after the post usually means a repost *button* (i.e. a webaction) that if you click, will repost YOUR repost
# 16:07 kylewm hmm, not sure i agree, it means approximately the same thing that it does on twitter when the repost icon is highlighted ... i.e. "this thing was reposted"
# 16:07 tantek__ kylewm++ the nice thing is we finally have a real world example of a repost of a retweet where we can find these challenges and ask questions!
# 16:08 kylewm but suffice it to say, it's very difficult to cram all the data you want to convey in a repost, in a visually pleasing manner
# 16:09 tantek__ kylewm - except Twitter at that point in their UI indicates "this thing was reposted by YOU" (the reader), using *color*, instead of indicating just "this thing was reposted"
# 16:09 tantek__ and the big difference is what happens if you *click* the icon/button
# 16:09 tantek__ on Twitter, it does a repost (or tries to undo your previous repost)
# 16:09 tantek__ on yours it clicks through the retweet permalink which redirects to the original tweet, which is confusing
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 16:18 tantek.com edited /repost (+265) "How to Display - link to existing display thinking, and past repost display whiteboarding. Also not really a stub anymore." (
view diff )
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# 16:45 tantek__ bret, could you reply to ^^^ with how you are sending webmentions from your static site?
# 16:45 bret never got automated webmentions working well enough to leave unattended
# 16:45 tantek__ I thought maybe you had a clever github commit hook or something
# 16:45 bret i send PuSH automatically with webhooks
# 16:46 bret I'm rewriting my micropub server to do do webmentions
# 16:46 rhiaro doesn't really want to deal with twitter API any time soon
# 16:47 kylewm rhiaro: woodwind subscribes to a url from twitter-activitystreams.appspot.com
# 16:47 kylewm which doesn't do any special handling of reposts, afaik, so they just show up like tweets with RT @originalAuthor: at the front
# 16:47 rhiaro thanks kylewm (and snarfed!) I'll look into this more later (at a conference)
# 16:51 sandro good lunchtime, aaronpk and rhiaro :-)
j12t joined the channel
# 16:52 aaronpk rhiaro: the retweet does have its own URL, you can see it in the API
# 16:53 rhiaro aaronpk: I know, I don't want to have to go via the API to find a URL >:(
# 16:53 rhiaro Because my reposting is semi-manual, ie a Quill hack :)
# 16:54 rhiaro Maybe I need to work out how to make a browser extension to add retweet URLs into the UI
# 16:55 rhiaro Or probably just need to look at twitter-activitystreams.appspot.com properly
# 17:02 kylewm so i guess we need a service like bridgy's webmentions for blogs, but for any PuSH enabled mf2 blog? where it would send webmentions automatically for new posts
# 17:02 aaronpk i feel like there's an issue open on some project to do that
# 17:03 Loqi gives kylewm an IFTTT channel for webmentions
# 17:03 kylewm if new post on this feed -> send webmentions for it
# 17:04 aaronpk i wonder if we could get IFTTT to add h-entry as a channel
# 17:04 kylewm once again frustrated by how awesome IFTTT could be if it let you plug in your own services
# 17:08 kylewm goes to add webmention-sending service to Itches and realizes it's already there
KevinMarks__, uranther and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 17:14 cuibonobo interesting seeing an IndieMark reference in the wild (last tweet by @dkreuz).
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# 17:27 kylewm funny that loqi is picking up this whole conversation
wolftune, nxd4n_ and nxd4n joined the channel
# 17:37 GWG How many geolocation and static map services can people name? Preferably with php code? Trying to improve my location services
# 17:38 GWG aaronpk: That covers the static maps. What about reverse geocoding?
# 17:39 GWG No one liked my Location plugin for WordPress. I'm trying to 'fix' it. Those were the areas I thought needed help
# 17:39 GWG I'm only concerned with free for non-commercial use
# 17:41 GWG I figure if I put in a common interface, then if I have to change services, then it is just a matter of writing a function that outputs in the format I need.
# 17:42 GWG Then I have to figure out how to return a timezone for a location
# 17:46 Loqi slack/snarfed: kylewm aaronpk: man, bridgy already does so much of that generic webmention sending service
# 17:46 Loqi slack/snarfed: all it's missing is a text box to input your url and a one time backlink check for auth
# 17:47 Loqi slack/snarfed: you could arguably even skip the auth part. unclear whether it's necessary. probably good etiquette though
# 17:47 GWG aaronpk: I feel like I should just be browsing the EsriPDX repositories
# 17:49 KartikPrabhu tantek__: re-repost-of-repost etc... I on't know why I would repost a repost honestly. I might like-a-like to like the fact that someone else liked something but if I had torepost something it would definitely be the original
# 17:54 aaronpk sounds like a great feature request for bridgy :)
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:55 aaronpk need something that watches a feed and sends webmentions for new posts automatically
# 17:57 aaronpk they're not tied to the identity, so they can be swapped out
# 17:58 aaronpk the "indie" part of indieweb is more about independent identity than it is about doing everything yourself
# 17:59 cuibonobo agree. plus the 'do everything yourself' mentality leaves out a lot of people
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# 18:08 ben_thatmustbeme for the token exchange bit, if a service already has a token to access my site, would it be safe for it to just pass a token across
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# 18:43 ben_thatmustbeme Tantek. It's ui I find really annoying too. I need to take some screenshots but if people comment on the share it's nearly impossible to get from mobile
# 18:44 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: I guess it's time to start documenting "reposts" (plural) as a separate page to capture all this
emmak joined the channel
# 18:45 ben_thatmustbeme Example "john doe shared a post from somefamousperson. 3 comments" any clicks bring you back to the original comments not the share copy
# 18:48 kylewm webmentions for bridgy might finally be an excuse to work my indieauth library into it :)
# 18:49 tantek kylewm I don't understand what that means - bridgy already accepts and sends webmentions right?
# 18:56 kylewm tantek: conversation from earlier -- bridgy sends webmentions on the behalf of hosted blogs (for blogspot.com, wordpress.com, and tumblr)... snarfed was talking about extending it to support any blog, just needs a text box to enter the blog name
# 18:57 kylewm and optionally, could use indieauth to verify that they are actually the owner of the blog being signed up
# 18:58 tantek kylewm wait what? bridgy *sends* webmentions *from* hosted blogs? as in you post on your hosted blog, Bridgy detects this (polling?), and then sends webmentions to whoever you linked to?
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 19:00 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 19:01 tarr11 Thanks for engaging me on this! Very excited by what you guys are doing. :)
# 19:08 kylewm tantek: bridgy uses superfeedr instead of polling, but yes
# 19:08 tantek kylewm: sure, polling as a service - for those blog hosts
# 19:12 tantek e.g. the facts that her name was good enough to work and be paid there
# 19:17 cuibonobo that Facebook story got me thinking: is 'identity' necessarily tied to a specific name?
# 19:17 cuibonobo many trans people use their deadname at work but their new name in other circles
# 19:18 cuibonobo i'm not sure how indieweb could accommodate that besides just making a new site
# 19:19 cuibonobo in many cases they use both names simultaneously, depending on the context of who they are interacting with
# 19:19 tantek.com edited /Facebook (+180) "/* Real Name demands */ stronger more specific text, include article title in citation (impactful), date a couple of items" (
view diff )
# 19:20 tantek cuibonobo: I think the short answer is different domain names for different identities. You can have as many as you want.
# 19:20 KartikPrabhu tantek: so if one wishes to change their name they have to get a new domain?
# 19:21 tantek the question was one of simultaneously using multiple identities
# 19:22 tantek for changing your name, sure, just change your h-card
# 19:25 tantek cuibonobo: that makes sense. is the term "deadname" informal or commonly used to refer to that? and what is the "new" name called? would post-trans name be accurate?
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# 19:27 cuibonobo tantek: i have seen many references to 'deadname' as the 'old' name. interestingly, the 'new' name is treated as the 'real' name
# 19:28 cuibonobo in any case, 'deadname' can refer to either the old name, or when used as a verb, it's essentially 'outing' someone
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# 19:31 cuibonobo after some googling it seems like "post-transition name" does turn up a bunch
# 19:32 tantek thanks cuibonobo - appreciate the background and research
# 19:33 cuibonobo using a new domain name to encompass your new identity still has a big problem tho: WHOIS will snitch on you
# 19:33 cuibonobo this is especially problematic if you decide to switch identities because of safety concerns
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:42 tantek it's worth documenting it as a general issue IMO
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# 19:47 ben_thatmustbeme its because mobile web viewing takes 3rd place. i guess the UI guys only really pay attention to desktop web or the mobile app
# 19:48 tantek supposedly - yet their mobile site is quite good
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# 19:50 ben_thatmustbeme mpTweet is a micropub to twitter software being developed by {{benthatmustbeme}}
to demostrate micropub chaining
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# 21:12 cuibonobo a thing i'm currently struggling with that might be missing from indieweb post types: presentations / slides
# 21:13 tantek my presentations / slides are still part of my non-Falcon static archives on my site. so they're not part of any "post" in any "stream".
# 21:14 tantek aaronpk figured out how to make them work / make sense as post types
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# 21:14 cuibonobo oh?? i don't have any presentation-making software so i made a deck at slides.com
# 21:15 tantek we've been making HTML presentations with shower.js so they're 100% static web based (can put them anywhere in a folder and they just work)
# 21:15 tantek cuibonobo: all my indiewebcamp presentations are done in it
# 21:19 cuibonobo so the slides are `section` blocks within a single HTML page. awesome
# 21:31 tantek cuibonobo: exactly. feel free to re-use if it's helpful!
# 21:32 cuibonobo thanks! i was 'between computers' for a long time, but now that i'm settled again, i decided to get my irc bouncer back up
# 21:35 tantek and with that I'm heading out for the rest of the afternoon to spend some time outdoors!
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# 21:41 aaronpk it's also nice that it's a totally self-contained thing
# 21:47 cuibonobo would it be possible to have the slides embedded into a presentation permalink page?
# 21:47 cuibonobo or does the shower.js stuff interfere too much with other page elements?
# 21:51 aaronpk probably would conflict. it kind of takes over everything
KartikPrabhu and j12t joined the channel
# 22:22 rhiaro 's officemate discovered twitter recently and is using it to mock her ^
wolftune joined the channel