2015-08-18 UTC
# Loqi [mention] Stephanie Haupt Sullivan Rewis, Zack Fischmann, Sarah Austin, Brendan Eich, Joichi Ito, Will Norris, Shing Wong, David Baron, Michael Owens, Mike Sofaer, Cariwyl Hebert, Dan Mosedale, Natalie Downe, George Kelly, Liza Sperling, Jeffrey Veen, Tom Coates, Jeff Rider, Matt Biddulph, Thomas Vander Wal, Jason Shellen, Loic Le Meur, Kitt Hodsden, Doc Searls, PJ Khalil, Daniel Appelquist, Daniel Burka, Beau Smith, Leonard Lin, Stephen Wyatt Bush, Jeremy Anderson, Pius Uzamere, Atul Varma, Arezu Aghasey, Jesse Vincent, Amy Muller, and Paul Mison were invited to https://webmention.io/notification/7z-4TPkPYLcwMGs2CX8FZA