#voxpelli!tell rhiaro Edingburg HWC switching to tuesdays? Malmö is looking at a non-wednesday date as well due to our venue – would be nice to pick same day
#rhiarovoxpelli, discuss with tbrb and kongaloosh!
#Loqirhiaro: voxpelli left you a message 1 minute ago: Edingburg HWC switching to tuesdays? Malmö is looking at a non-wednesday date as well due to our venue – would be nice to pick same day http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-09-28/line/1443429374270
#voxpelli!tell tbrb Edingburg HWC switching to tuesdays? Malmö is looking at a non-wednesday date as well due to our venue – would be nice to pick same day
petermolnar, eschnou, interactivist, pfefferle, lewisnyman, friedcell, blueyed and LauraJ joined the channel
#tbrbvoxpelli: There seems to be a consensus for Tuesdays so I think that may be a go ahead. We'll leave this week as Thurs and then go from there
#Loqitbrb: voxpelli left you a message 2 hours, 1 minute ago: Edingburg HWC switching to tuesdays? Malmö is looking at a non-wednesday date as well due to our venue – would be nice to pick same day http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-09-28/line/1443429470180
#voxpellitbrb: ok, I'll look into whether we will follow you next week
pfefferle, eschnou and LanceyWork joined the channel
#Kongalooshtbrb: yeah, tuesdays would be best since they don't clash with Pre-wired, TARDIS, and SociTEA
#Kongalooshdo we have any consensus on where we should be?
#KongalooshI heard that Alistar was willing to offer up some space in the SkyScanner offices. This way we'd be in a more public location. Also, it's central.
yakker joined the channel
#Kongalooshtbrb: that's what I was hailing you about.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
#tbrbOh, herp, it helps if I scrolled my channel list down
#Kongalooshtbrb: so what are your thoughts on venues?
#tbrbWe were going to have a look at Café Truva on Lady Lawson St I think
#tbrbI just need to confirm with them that there'll be space at least for this week
#aaronpkyeah no idea where it came from but that's popular usage
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#aaronpkah it's this definition of against: "in anticipation of and preparation for"
#tantek.comedited /SleekXMPP (+125) "presumably relevance of this project is that you can run it on your indie web site, noting no known indieweb examples yet" (view diff)
snarfed, cleverdevil and cleverdevil- joined the channel
#tantek!tell tbrb when you have this week's HWC Edi confirmed (one way or another) could you update https://indiewebcamp.com/Events#Upcoming and the event page week's HWC Edi accordingly? Thanks!
nitot, elf-pavlik and peacekeep3r joined the channel
#snarfedbear: re gtalk and xmpp federation, you're right about that encryption gotcha, but federation does still work with servers that don't require that (even though i know the recent spec says it's required)
#snarfede.g. i interacted with micropub@kylewm.com from an @gmail.com account fine
#kylewmohh I was wondering about that -- so it works becuase encryption is not required on my prosody server??
#snarfeddavidmead: do you use ownyourgram to copy your photos from IG to your site?
#tantekkylewm: sounds like my understanding of XMPP is too poor to capture the indiewebness of it - could you fix my inaccuracies here? https://indiewebcamp.com/SleekXMPP
#aaronpkoh man ownyourgram has been acting up lately too. instagram is just not including some people's photos
#aaronpkit's still working for some people tho which is frustrating
#davidmeadHmm. I think the issues started Saturday. I posted (in quick succesion) about 8 photos from a conference on Instagram. Only 4 made it to my blog…
#davidmeadthe privacy settings seem to be all over the place with the silos - Flickr does a good job I think, Twitter tells you no-retweeting a private account
#Loqibusiness models are ways to offer indieweb products and or services that users pay for both for their own benefit, and in support an open indie web https://indiewebcamp.com/business-models
#tantekkylewm: I'm convinced that reasoning by "not convinced" statements is unlikely to lead anything actionable.
#kylewmonce it becomes a business, money is a centralizing force, look at the successful podcast networks ... they started out as a couple people in a basement recording, and grew and acquired other podcasts, took over distribution of their t-shirts and marketing and selling advertising for them, until there are only a few big networks making money
#tantekkylewm: I think it's more likely there are some (most?) businesses that benefit from economies of scale (a weaker assertion of centralization), however that does not imply that all businesses do so.
#aaronpkthe startup model being the road of venture funding, acquiring large numbers of users, rapid exponential growth, etc
#aaronpkgood thing that's not the only way to have a successful business
#tantekaaronpk: there is no one "the" startup model. I've done one without venture funding, one with. Guess which one had a better (more profitable for the founders) exit?
#aaronpkI've been listening to the Startup podcast, and they do a good job of illustrating the problems/challenges with the venture-backed startup model
#Loqitantek meant to say: benwerd, OTOH, "was going to be just a note but then I kept going" seems like a reasonable Known feature request for status update UX ;)
#benwerdIt's been simmering for a while. I also completely agree with what aaronpk said before I joined the room, about venture funding not (thankfully) being the only route
#tantekI think it's more effective to blog, build open source, and communities to see what you want to see in the world.
#benwerdThe big big big elephant in the room is that the two "free"s in open source - beer and speech - have been conflated, and we're finding that people are seeking open solutions out because of the price point
#benwerdWhich obvs makes sustaining a business through revenue quite hard
#tantekI think it's quite reasonable to start something as a hobbie (zero expected revenue), maybe transition (even just a part of) it to "speculative revenue source" where you expect some revenue but not enough to offset costs.
#benwerdReally that is the definition of a startup vs small business - you're trying things speculatively
#tantekAnd then if by some matter of luck or circumstance revenue or demand picks up faster than expected, it might be reasonable to transition (even just a part of) it to a "startup" where you're committing to a path to profitability.
#tantekor put in "negative reasoning", without a path to profitability, a startup is a speculative revenue source at best, and more likely just a hobbie.
#tantekto me the very framing "startup" implies you are starting something that is going to up, up in revenue, enough to offset costs = path to profitability
#Loqitantek meant to say: to me the very framing "startup" implies you are starting something that is going to go up, up in revenue, enough to offset costs = path to profitability
#tantekthat being said, there are certainly lots of hobbie projects and speculative revenue sources that are receiving VC funding for who knows what reasons
#aaronpkinterestingly, flickstagram.org has received almost enough money that it is break-even
#tantekpay what you will is [[business-model]] based on a donation button or other [[UX]] that allows and encourages the user of a service to pay what they think the service is worth as a donation.
#kylewmdo we have any idea how many people make enough to pay their rent on Patreon?
#tantekthe instructions for creating barcamps were published freely, and transferred power from a (smaller) handful of professional conference organizers to a much larger handful of independent conference organizers.
#tanteksimilarly, I think "free" (both as in beer/freedom) software has transferred power to many smaller players from fewer larger players
#tantekHowever I do struggle with figuring out what/when to attempt to charge for some creative output (e.g. writing, like a book, or speaking like at a conference) vs. blogging/speaking freely, or what mix / transition of the two.
#benwerdtantek: There are definitely huge, stonking exceptions. My entire rant is really inspired by a surprising number of people who want us to live in a post-capitalist society - which I'm theoretically on board with, but not at the expense of taking care of practical realities
#benwerdI completely agree, but I get a lot of criticism for doing so
#tantekbenwerd, are any of those people who want us to live in a post-capitalist society actively working on building something towards it?
#tantekbenwerd, you are a builder, you may ignore such criticism from non-builders so you can focus on building :)
#tantekor if you wish, you may respond to their criticisms with questions asking them what are they doing (creating, building) towards their desired post-capitalist society?
#tantekthey'll either not respond, or you might turn a few from critics -> creatives, in which case, you've done them a huge favor
#tantekor if they continue criticizing without creating/building, then you may de-prioritize them, knowing that they are unlikely to have an impact by criticism alone
#KartikPrabhudon't criticise if you don't have a solution ?
#snarfedjust as one data point, i don't plan to let people donate/pay what they will for bridgy anytime soon
#snarfedi consider my time, effort, and money (paying for hosting) all donations to indieweb
#snarfedi'm lucky that i have a good day job, of course)a