2015-10-09 UTC
afrogeek joined the channel
# 00:08 ShaneHudson_ Oh. AMP is in the Wall Street Journal. Didn't realise it had gone mainstream
# 00:09 aaronpk yeah they launched with it live on a bunch of news sites
# 00:09 tantek ShaneHudson_: mainstream publications understand how to get press :P
# 00:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:12 tantek ShaneHudson_: note: news sites writing about news sites is usually something quite ignorable. AKA meta-news.
# 00:15 ShaneHudson_ Ugh I wish Wordpress would allow SVG by default. My client is using Rainmaker (a limited version of Wordpress) so all icons are going to have to be PNG as it doesn't give me enough control.
# 00:17 ShaneHudson_ The downside of being self employed... IWC and WG F2F, if I worked for anyone with budget I would be able to pursuade them hah.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:21 tantek.com edited /Planning (+129) "general future planning of camps, see specific camps' home pages for their planning pages, link to where 2015/SF/Planning should go" (
view diff )
# 00:22 tantek !tell aaronpk,kevinmarks,bear,KartikPrabhu,nissyen,gRegorLove since you had suggestions in IRC for improving how our IWC planning pages were organized, what do you think of /Planning for general cross-camp planning, and /YYYY/City/Planning for planning specific to each city?
# 00:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:23 bear I like the idea of Planning to be a meta info page on how to plan/prepare the different events
# 00:24 tantek bear - it's semi-meta - that is, it's still for concrete decision-making for dates for cities coordinating with other cities to either avoid overlap, or synchronizing
# 00:25 bear then maybe also have a HowToPlan page
# 00:25 aaronpk only reason the PDX one doesn't have a city on it is because there used to be only one
Unifex joined the channel
# 00:28 tantek since a / distinction is too subtle, just redir it to 2015
# 00:33 tantek gRegorLove: think you might be able to make it out to IWC SF?
# 00:35 tantek kylewm++ for already creating the indie event and FB posse copy for 2015-10-21 HWC SF!
# 00:36 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
alexhartley joined the channel
# 00:37 ShaneHudson_ By the way, I run a monthly meetup with short talks. If any of you happen to be near Chichester in England at any point and want to give a talk, give me a shout :)
# 00:38 GWG ShaneHudson_: Where is Chichester?
# 00:39 ShaneHudson_ South coast, about an hour train journey west of Brighton. 1.75 hour train south of London
# 00:40 GWG ShaneHudson_: I don't have plans to be there,much as I enjoyed my only trip to the UK
# 00:41 GWG Wait, if you count Belfast, that would be two trips
# 00:41 ShaneHudson_ Heh :) it's not very well known but has a pretty great web community, Dan Edwards and Mike Kus both live there (tend to be fairly big names these days).
# 00:42 GWG Of course, if you eliminate Belfast due the hurricane..
# 00:42 GWG ShaneHudson_: Belfast is in Northern Ireland. Not Ireland
# 00:42 GWG ShaneHudson_: But go. Ireland is nice.
# 00:42 ShaneHudson_ First meetup was last month, had Remy Sharp who gave a brilliant talk about the bad ways people have treated js bin
# 00:57 GWG I am still hoping for an IWC I can attend
# 01:12 tantek GWG - perhaps help make an IWC happen that you can attend?
# 01:13 GWG tantek: I need a partner in crime.
# 01:13 GWG I don't feel I can take this on solo.
# 01:14 GWG ShaneHudson_: I'm from NYC. So Northeastern U.S. I could probably handle. Maybe a few other locations, if a stretch
# 01:14 ShaneHudson_ Can't make it there myself but there are certainly a lot of people that could I'm sure
# 01:15 GWG But I am going to Wordcamp NYC at the end of the month. I need to figure out how to get interest from strangers there
# 01:15 GWG tantek: I'm positive I put my interest and caveat somewhere in the wiki
# 01:15 ShaneHudson_ Are you able to do some kind of lightning talk about indieweb on wordpress?
# 01:15 tantek put down specific +1/0/-1 interests in co-organizing for specific dates/cities
# 01:15 GWG ShaneHudson_: I think I'd have had to apply to be a speaker.
# 01:16 GWG tantek: Anything going on the week of November 9th? I postponed my vacation
# 01:16 GWG Basically, I would try to go anywhere with an IWC I could get to from the 6th to the 14th.
# 01:17 GWG I was hoping maybe rhiaro might try something once she gets settled in. She seems good at recruitment.
# 01:17 tantek gotta capture such things in a place where other planners can find them (rather than just IRC logs)
j12t, nitot, lukebrooker and fiatjaf joined the channel
# 02:34 fiatjaf is it interesting for brid.gy to support publishing to medium.com?
mblaney and alexhartley joined the channel
# 02:39 mblaney !tell GWG I think I missed what you were saying the other day.... If I'm only looking for h-entry's as top level items then I'll miss them when someone uses an h-feed, correct?
# 02:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:43 mblaney I'll update the code I shared with you, but don't know of too many cases to test it on as many people don
tantek joined the channel
# 02:53 mblaney in other microformats realizations, my use of p-author has been a bit lacking. ie just publishing and consuming plain text.
# 02:54 mblaney I'm in the process of "upgrading" my use of it to include h-card on all posts and looking for it when receiving replies.
todrobbins and tantek joined the channel
shiflett and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 03:31 mblaney ben_thatmustbeme I have a multi user project you could work on :-D
alexhartley joined the channel
# 03:40 mblaney it's gone from zero indieweb support about a month ago to an indie mark of around level 4 now...
# 03:41 mblaney actually I was thinking of asking for some feedback about adding it to the /projects page at some point, though I know the barrier should be high for that.
# 03:47 mblaney dobrado is a Content Management System created by Malcolm Blaney
yakker joined the channel
# 04:52 acegiak I think iframe has dropped out of my kses ok list so I went to add it back in but the kses ok list isn't in options screen anymore?
# 04:53 GWG Click Disable Content Protection in settings and save.
# 04:57 GWG I've been working on mf2 parsing to get Metadata.
tantek, Lancey_ and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 05:14 GWG an h-feed doesn't have an explicit p-name, parsers generate one. How do I only get explicit and not implied properties?
# 05:19 tantek start with the presentational problem you're trying to solve and work backwards from there
# 05:20 GWG tantek: Trying to extract a title for a page and need to develop an algorithm
KevinMarks and eschnou joined the channel
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# 05:44 tantek and now I'm trying to workout how to do a manual "repost" from an indie site to a silo
j12t joined the channel
# 05:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 05:49 mblaney would be happy to get some feedback about what other information would be useful on a project page.
# 05:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 05:50 mblaney there's always plenty to write, but harder to prioritize what's important to say
# 05:53 tantek indeed! consider a "Why" section where you explain why you built your own CMS, and a "Features" section listing what features it currently has
# 05:53 tantek is hesitant to link to something that has a word in the slug with a typo :/
Tino, joskar and wolftune joined the channel
# 06:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Jihaisse, nitot, sanduhrs, j12t, fkooman, eschnou, alexhartley, rosetree, friedcell, elf-pavlik, sivoais and squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# 07:52 voxpelli !tell tantek We're aiming for a monthly HWC in Malmö so we won't be doing one for a couple of weeks
# 07:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
sivoais, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and petermolnar joined the channel
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
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# 09:17 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
j12t, sivoais and ttepasse joined the channel
sivoais, Tino, kronda, elf-pavlik, lewisnyman, ttepasse, ramsey, voxpelli, j12t, davbo and Tino_ joined the channel
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# 13:49 petermolnar no, not really, although I've been trying to reduce the complexity of my site ( as in post format, tag, category, etc ) and use an algorithmic approach, like the post discovery, to select how a post is displayed
j12t and ventilateur joined the channel
# 13:53 petermolnar one of my problems is to differentiate between a photo and an image post
# 13:53 petermolnar so has attached thing and is attached thing an image is not enough
# 13:54 petermolnar I could get the exif and see if it's made with one of my cameras ( current and previous ones ), but that's a bit tricky
# 13:56 GWG petermolnar: In Post Kinds I have been looking at implied types.
sivoais joined the channel
# 13:57 GWG petermolnar: But I've never distinguished between photo and image.
# 13:58 GWG I use the featured image feature for photo posts
sivoais, snarfed and loic_m joined the channel
sivoais and hs0ucy joined the channel
# 14:20 j4y_funabashi Cheers ShaneHudson_ feels good to be publishing on the actual (non-silo) internet again. Looking forward to implementing web-mentions/micropub
# 14:24 ShaneHudson_ j4y_funabashi: Some CMSes already have web-mentions and micropub plugins which may help. Also adactio has some really great snippets on github/gist somewhere :)
# 14:25 ShaneHudson_ My two biggest projects (data visualisation 'web apps') both used flask for the api
# 14:26 ShaneHudson_ Not sure how many python implementations there are for webmentions and micropub though, so you may need to write your own/port them
# 14:26 j4y_funabashi Me too! I am coming to python from php, really noticing the difference a well designed language makes
sivoais joined the channel
# 14:27 j4y_funabashi I have the micropub endpoint already built - used Bear's libs (Cheers Bear)
# 14:28 ShaneHudson_ Heh the indiewebcamp wiki is definitely getting there as a knowledgebase :)
# 14:34 j4y_funabashi Yeah bear's repo has lots of gems for getting indiweb up and running quickly
sivoais joined the channel
# 14:39 aaronpk !tell gRegorLove pretty sure I got that from the Persona site, so sure!
# 14:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:39 petermolnar GWG apparently, if I combine the post length and an in_array of my camera models with the exif of the picture I can pretty accurately tell if it's a photo, an image post, a note or an article, and so far that's enought for me
# 14:40 petermolnar and adds hardcoded camera ids and word count length instead, but still sounds better :)
# 14:41 GWG petermolnar: I figured I would keep the taxonomy I set up, but auto set
j12t joined the channel
# 14:44 bear voxpelli - earlier versions of ronkyuu had a sample flask app that did things like that
# 14:45 bear now tho I have another that I split things out into just for micropub
# 14:45 voxpelli bear: I see :) Was thinking it would be interesting to see another micropub-library and see if one could work together on a shareable test suite
# 14:45 voxpelli bear: I'm building micropub libraries for node.js now
# 14:46 bear I have tests for ronkyuu already - nothing big, but some
# 14:46 voxpelli aaronpk: yes, kind of like the reverse of the mf2 test suites
# 14:46 bear but it's currently broken because I have to get it up to date
# 14:47 voxpelli bear: "to enable a IndieWeb Micropub endpoint for my static site" – we have the same use case then even! :)
# 14:47 bear j4y_funabashi - oh cool - I'm glad that is what you did, ninka is very helpful
# 14:47 bear the handling of the POST data is what I messed up so you picked the write lib :)
sivoais joined the channel
# 14:48 ShaneHudson_ I am awful at making test suites, something I drastically need to improve. A cross platform one would be very useful for everyone I think
friedcell joined the channel
# 14:53 j4y_funabashi Yeah I wanted to save posts as json files + resize photos. Also trying out using the filesystem as a database
# 14:56 bear IIRC there is a good discussion of the different fs-as-database on the wiki
# 14:58 j4y_funabashi also with learning docker+flask+gunicorn+nginx I didnt want another moving piece :)
# 14:58 Loqi The database antipattern is the use of a database for primary long-term storage of posts and other personal content (like on an indieweb site), and is an anti-pattern due to the additional maintenance costs, uninspectability, platform-dependence, and long-term fragility of databases and their storage files, as documented with specific examples below https://indiewebcamp.com/database-antipattern
sivoais joined the channel
# 14:59 bear ah - flask + gunicorn I would love to see documented - the uwsgi method works but it would be cool to see alternatives
LanceyWork joined the channel
# 15:02 j4y_funabashi I do intend to write something up - just been hacking away to get it all working
# 15:03 ShaneHudson_ There we go. Text in irc always makes it easier to answer the question :)
# 15:04 ShaneHudson_ j4y_funabashi: I edited the article and added <dfn>'''the thing'''</dfn> to the first line.
# 15:04 ShaneHudson_ Also, if Loqi didn't have an answer you can reply with: The thing is a thingy thing. which would also add it
# 15:05 bear yea, even if you just add some simple text and a sample config - that is a perfect start to the documentation
# 15:05 j4y_funabashi I was perfectly happy using flask's built in app.run() until I read the deployment docs :)
# 15:05 bear I used uwsgi because I already had one running for another project
# 15:06 ShaneHudson_ I can't remember what we ended up doing but I remember every new installation took ages extra to fix some issue
# 15:06 bear my biggest issue was that uwsgi used a different python version than the default system version
# 15:06 bear well, that and about a dozen other tiny glitches
# 15:07 bear oops - need to get ready for a morning meeting
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# 15:26 GWG petermolnar: I'm trying to figure out what I can do with term meta.
# 15:27 petermolnar I've been waiting for that for years; now, that it's here, I have no reasons to use it :D
# 15:28 GWG petermolnar: I haven't figured out how it would be used in my taxonomy
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# 15:37 petermolnar WordPress has 'meta' things; additional data attached to things like post & user
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# 15:42 GWG I'm just pondering how to take advantage of it in my custom taxonomy.
# 15:43 GWG Which is the IndieWeb post type of a post.
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# 15:59 j4y_funabashi Indieweb post type would be a nice to have filter as I add more stuff though
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# 16:00 Zegnat There are some examples in there of people with post types in the URL, I think. It is a pretty complete page
# 16:01 aaronpk i am strongly against post type in the URL, at least post type as any part of the uniqueness of the URL
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# 16:01 aaronpk i'm in the middle of rebuilding my whole site because of that
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# 16:11 gRegorLove Yours is altered from "sign in with persona" to "sign in with your email." I figured it was cool, just wanted to check aaronpk
# 16:12 gRegorLove I'm adding back local comment capability but behind a Persona login. No fallback for those without js, other than the webmention form.
tvn joined the channel
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# 18:32 tantek who was advocating slugs as actual necessary parts of permalinks?
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# 18:33 tantek when I see a slug with a typo, if fixing the typo breaks the permalinks, then I'm likely not going to link to your permalink
# 18:33 Loqi tantek meant to say: when I see a slug with a typo, if fixing the typo breaks the permalink, then I'm likely not going to link to your permalink
# 18:34 Loqi Homebrew Website Club is a bi-weekly meetup of people passionate about or interested in creating, improving, building, designing their own website, in the same structure as the Homebrew Computer Club meetings http://indiewebcamp.com/hwc
# 18:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:35 aaronpk yeah typos in slugs is exactly why I don't like using the slug as the lookup for posts
# 18:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 18:36 tantek and that permalink makes me realize that Known needs a facepile
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# 18:44 snarfed re shared micropub test suite (voxpelli bear aaronpk), GWG would probably kiss you if you do build it
# 18:45 GWG snarfed: I don't swing that way. But, I haven't forgotten about it.
# 18:46 snarfed no worries, my fault for being high maintenance but not handling that maintenance myself :P
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# 18:48 GWG snarfed: I've just been limited since August with a physical ailment. I would have gotten to it by now otherwise.
yakker, tvn, sparverius, sivoais, KartikPrabhu, elf-pavlik, lewisnyman, KevinMarks__, cmhobbs and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
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# 19:51 tantek (on too small a display to get the whole thing)
# 19:52 tantek (will be useful to answer the - why you should use your own Etherpad instead of Google Docs question)
# 19:54 GWG tantek: I forgot to finish configuring it, is a reason
lewisnyman, sivoais, snarfed and ttepasse joined the channel
# 20:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:21 tantek now the question is, how *long* is Google Docs etc. going to be down
eschnou joined the channel
# 20:23 kylewm I left out the date of the original post -- it felt too cluttered
# 20:23 aaronpk i show the date of the original post as well as the date I RT'd it. I would agree it feels a little cluttered.
snarfed and ventilateur joined the channel
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# 20:50 tantek invited to a photo huh Loqi? well that's quite interesting.
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# 21:14 kylewm I wonder how Loqi got "photo" from that, the h-entry doesn't have any photos
# 21:19 tantek perhaps Loqi needs to follow Post Type Discovery ;)
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