2015-10-11 UTC
tantek joined the channel
# 00:11 tantek hey indieweb Curl fans, anyone understand a warning like: "Warning: curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when an open_basedir is set"
# 00:17 tantek apparently the top results for "open_basedir" are all about this error - talk about a badly designed option
# 00:17 tantek what even is open_basedir and what is it for?!?
j12t joined the channel
# 00:24 aaronpk oh it's a security thing, i'm guessing pretty common for shared hosts to set i
# 00:24 tantek in response to curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
scoates joined the channel
# 00:26 tantek aaronpk: I don't understand what a *local* open_basedir setting has to do with an HTTP curl request - this makes no sense
# 00:27 aaronpk i'm guessing it has to do with the fact that a lot of the php functions treat local files and http URLS the same, like you can use file_get_contents on a URL or a local file
# 00:28 tantek CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION is to get curl to follow redirects right?
KartikPrabhu, squeakytoy and j12t joined the channel
# 00:56 tantek does that mean PHP users of curl need to write their own redirect handling function to call before curl?
# 00:57 tantek because curl is too dumb to not redirect to file: URLs?
# 01:05 aaronpk i can't get my curl to attempt to fetch a file:// URL
j12t joined the channel
# 01:34 tantek so the warning and error due to open_basedir is just a bug in PHP then?
j12t joined the channel
# 01:38 aaronpk looks like before that check, curl *was* able to access the filesystem
# 01:40 aaronpk ugh js;dr caused archive.org to not get the contents of that URL linked
squeakytoy, squeakytoy2, voxpelli, snarfed, kronda, tantek, wolftune, davbo, hugs-bison, petermolnar, lewisnyman and ramsey joined the channel
loic_m, ventilateur, elf-pavlik, kronda, ramsey, voxpelli, davbo, catsup and lewisnyman joined the channel
lewisnyman, Tino__, loic_m, j12t and elf-pavlik joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 10:43 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
j12t, nitot, nitot_, joskar, scoates, Tino__ and snarfed joined the channel
wolftune, ventilateur, ttepasse, j12t and [shaners] joined the channel
# 16:15 [shaners] I think it’s really great the effort aaronpk put in to get Slack integration working so well. :star2:
# 16:26 iamshane.com created /User:Veganstraightedge.com (+2333) "Created page with "= Shane Becker = '''<dfn>Shane Becker</dfn>''' is a co-founder of Hypernova which is making Homesteading. He lives and works at The Farmhouse in Hollywood, California. <span st..."" (
view diff )
scoates and icco joined the channel
# 16:36 Zegnat [shaners], tantek isn't in right now, try that same message with !tell in front to have Loqi pass on the message
# 16:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
nitot joined the channel
# 16:44 [shaners] aaronpk: Is there somewhere on the wiki where people can specify their preferred pronouns?
# 16:44 aaronpk no but I want to do that, or have it read pronouns from the h-card on your home page
# 16:45 [shaners] I remember seeing someone suggesting a microformat property addition to h-card for prepositions. Maybe it was kylewm ?
# 16:57 aaronpk a nicknames cache is basically a list of h-cards right?
j12t joined the channel
# 17:08 aaronpk that means I can create them using micropub, which is great
# 17:08 aaronpk problem is they are not "posts" and I don't want them in my stream of posts, nor do I want their URLs or identifiers to follow the format of my posts
# 17:09 aaronpk the same is true for venues once I do that for checkins
# 17:09 aaronpk which means I need some concept of different collections/sets of objects, and Micropub needs a way to indicate which collection it's writing to
peacekeep3r1 joined the channel
mlncn, nitot, Tino__, j12t, friedcell, eschnou and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
lewisnyman and friedcell joined the channel
# 18:20 GWG I'm really enjoying following the commentary on the AMP project. Lots of familiar handles
snarfed, ventilateur, friedcell, Unifex, eschnou, j12t, nitot, lewisnyman and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 20:23 [kevinmarks] I think we are broadly in sympathy with their goals, but are trying to tone down the buts that are different from html just for the sake of it.
# 20:24 GWG kevinmarks: I'm conflicted about the javascript library part. And I don't use javascript myself.
# 20:25 KartikPrabhu [kevinmarks]: I agree. just usual HTML/CSS/JS written with performance in mind is pretty good
# 20:30 GWG Do we have something in the wiki about pages and how they display with JS disabled?
# 20:30 GWG That might be a fruitful endeavor
# 20:37 GWG kevinmarks: That is pages that require Javascript. I was thinking of some thoughts on designing for JS to act as an enhancement as opposed to a requirement.
# 20:41 [kevinmarks] That is the deeper point, yes. That is what I was getting at with 4 versions of my page
nitot joined the channel
# 20:48 GWG kevinmarks: I was suggesting elaboration on deeper point in the wiki somewhere.
# 20:49 GWG I have one page I maintain for someone with 48 scripts loading. It shocked even the owner.
# 20:50 GWG And it isn't the worst I've seen.
# 20:50 GWG I once quit an admin side gig I was doing over that issue.
snarfed joined the channel
elf-pavlik_ joined the channel
# 21:10 GWG aaronpk: Does this mean I might finally get a chance to see you record your food intake in person?
# 21:24 GWG If it is you, rhiaro, and tantek I'll be surrounded by vegetarians/vegans. Which is probably fortunate that when out I usually eat like a pescatarian.
mlncn and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
joskar, nitot and j12t joined the channel
# 22:01 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: do you store contacts on your site yet?
tantek and j12t joined the channel
lewisnyman joined the channel
# 22:20 aaronpk yeah pretty sure i'd includ my permalink for the thing
# 22:22 ben_thatmustbeme its more like 'create a new contact' and then the system on the site recognizes, OH, i already have one of those in an existing contact
# 22:23 aaronpk that wouldn't work for many of my events though, since i've seen a bunch of events that re-use the same permalink for future years :(
[shaners] joined the channel
# 22:25 [shaners] aaronpk: I don’t like mp-url. It’s not very obvious or self-documenting to my eyes.
# 22:25 aaronpk even when you'd be including a parameter "mp-action=edit"?
# 22:28 [shaners] Yeah. Bc it’s not the url of your micropub dingus. It’s the url of an object/resource/contact/thing in your collection of things.
# 22:29 [shaners] To me, it’d read better if it was like: thing-url or mp-thing-url
# 22:32 [shaners] I thought you just meant that uid is on hcard and would conflict all the same
# 22:32 [shaners] (or at least, it’s on hentry and would click there, but not if you prefixed it)
# 22:32 [shaners] also, how married to abbreving your micropub prefix to `mp-` as opposed to spelling it out ‘micropub-`?
# 22:33 aaronpk if uid is supposed to be the canonical URL, then yeah I can't use it for the local URL
# 22:35 aaronpk hadn't thought about micropub-* vs mp-*, but went with "mp" in the first place because it's short
# 22:35 [shaners] Mostly humans won’t be writing these HTTP posts. Software will, right?
# 22:36 [shaners] (AtomPub called this kind of thing `Location` or `Content Location`. Both are not great.)
# 22:36 [shaners] I’m generally in favor of spelling it out and not abbreving (see what I did there?) unless it’s a thing that’ll be human typed a lot.
# 22:42 aaronpk (for the record, the <> around those URLs are an artifact from Slack)
# 22:43 aaronpk my filter must not have matched those because of the = right before them
# 22:45 aaronpk I think I'll wait for some more people to weigh in on this before doing anything
nitot, KartikPrabhu and peacekeep3r1 joined the channel
# 23:25 aaronpk it has the same problem as "url" tho, since it's supposed to be the canonical URL, which means for an event that lives on indiewebcamp.com, the uid of that on my site would still bet he indiewebcamp.com URL
# 23:27 aaronpk if "canonical" means canonical within the domain, then this isn't a problem and I can use it
# 23:28 aaronpk what's the proper value for "u-uid" on that post?
# 23:29 aaronpk okay then I can't use that as the local identfier for the post on my site
# 23:29 tantek there's no logical room for "if "canonical" means canonical within the domain"
# 23:30 aaronpk the confusion came from the mf2 wiki, which said "canonical" for uid on h-card but not for uid on h-entry
# 23:31 aaronpk (also "uid" is not actually expanded to "universal id" there)
nitot joined the channel
# 23:49 tantek that's a good point. uuid is used for that universally unique id
# 23:51 tantek "universally unique identifier, typically canonical URL"
# 23:54 tantek done. thanks for the heads-up about the specific point of confusion!