#tantekand implications for display and syndication, especially to tweets
bengo, sanduhrs, e-lima, eschnou, nitot, hober, glennjones, fkooman, Pierre-O, friedcell, peacekeep3r, modem, j12t and endi joined the channel
#endiPardon my ignorance of on-going projects and ideas but is anyone working on or talking about something resembling an aggregator for content originating on indieweb sites?
#endiawesome, I was reading through the project page and I must have missed it. thanks kevinmarks :)
#endiyeah, I was aware of Woodwind, what I was thinking was somewhere between Medium and Reddit. You'd register your site and it would automatically aggregate/categorize and perhaps surface individual posts based on activity
#endisort of a discover mechanism for people interested in the people that are active using their indieweb site
#voxpelliendi: IndieNews is sort of that – but only for IndieWeb-related posts
#kevinmarksKnown is working on it for institutional installs
#endivoxpelli: yeah, I'm taking a look at it now. What I was thinking of was not necessarily indieweb related or technology related
#voxpelliat the more general level, with POSSE and everything, the more IndieWebby idea would be to mix indieweb-content with silo-content if one wanted to do a more generic aggregator
#endiI think it would be really interesting to see people utilizing all the powerful tools I've been discovering and playing with sort of, in action, on a more general scale not necessarily feeding back into indieweb
#voxpelliwould eg. be pretty cool of something like Nuzzel added IndieWeb as another data source
#endiwhat I was thinking would be a way to aggregate and surface posts from indieweb people that would help discovery of sites and ultimately promote the idea that your content or posts can be discovered outside your personal network
#endithat's kind of why I say somewhere between a reddit and medium because I see posts on medium from people I don't follow, perhaps wouldn't follow, but it gets surfaced and that's kind of a cool aspect of medium
#endiso if I used indieweb tools and platforms let's say Known to make a 'chemistry-of-cooking' or 'sous-vide' style blog I could register it at indiewebaggregator.com/food and when I make posts it might pull it into the /food stream and perhaps surface it more based on activity
#endiI can see where someone would have to ban/moderate the included sites and that could smell of centralization, but I'm sure a reporting system with loose moderation could be effective. at least a 'hide posts from this domain'
#voxpellieg. Bloglovin, which I used to work for, does that
#endiso if I as a user were interested in Maker/DIY I could go to indiewebstream.com/maker and see posts people who have registered with the site and have tagged as 'maker' or 'diy' and see all the hardware projects etc that indieweb users are posting about, even if I don't know them or none of my friends know them
#voxpellibut just for regular blogs, not enhanced with any extra IndieWeb stuff, but from a perspective of Medium the IndieWeb stuff doesn't add that much – it's more when one try to duplicate Twitter/Facebook that IndieWeb does
#endiI suppose, I'm a noob around here so I don't even know half the tools that have been built by this community
friedcell joined the channel
#voxpelliright now not that many tools in the reader/aggregator space has been built – but since the IndieWeb is an evolution of eg. blogs, many tools that has long worked for blogs can easily be upgraded to make use of IndieWeb tech
#voxpellibut yeah, as kevinmarks points out, preferably with less spam :P
#endiI was just thinking "I wonder what 'indieweb' people use these tools/formats/etc to do" and from that came what if there was a place it was all aggregated based on the use of those tools rather than determined by my social media network or any other existing structure
#endiI like and appreciate the power of aggregators I use daily for content and sources I've curated. I just wonder sometimes what I'm missing because I haven't yet found that person/source
#rhiaronow I'm trying to decide whether I fix it or ignore it and my twitter followers can suffer
mlncn joined the channel
#rhiarobut I didn't actually posse everything before, and now I'm thinking twice about posting again
#aaronpki'm definitely a fan of not POSSEing everything
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message on 11/20 at 12:49pm: remember how we used to have the bright orange banner at the top of IndieWebCamp.com when there was an imminent upcoming IndieWebCamp (e.g. "IndieWebCamp 2015: July 11-12 in Portland, Oregon and Brighton, UK!"), could you flip that on for IWC SF? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-11-20/line/1448052538602
#cleverdevilthey do say, on one of the (many) calypso sites - "We're excited about the REST scaffolding going in WordPress 4.4, but the endpoints in the latest version don't cover a huge part of what we're doing. Automattic contributors to core have been heavily involved in the core API work so far, and we expect that to continue and increase in 2016, hopefully completely harmonizing the different APIs in one of the core releases next year."
#cleverdevilin response to the question "Will you be using the WordPress core REST API in the future?"
#aaronpkinteresting. seems like that UI might be able to manage content on non-wordpress sites too then?
bengo joined the channel
#cleverdevilprovided that those sites support the same APIs, I would assume so.
#tantekdoes the API between Calypso and the WordPress PHP backend require sending username/password? Or does it use OAuth to authenticate the front-end?
#snarfeddefinitely interesting...and thank god it's not the render path. i would be pissed if wp core went js;dr for rendering.
#aaronpkjeez it'd better not be doing password auth still
#tantekaaronpk - how could it not? assuming that was the path of least resistance.
bengo joined the channel
#tantekalternatively it could be doing wordpress.com-auth, becoming another silo identity provider
#aaronpkregardless, the API does not appear to use HTTP basic auth
#aaronpkso at least teh API calls are using OAuth tokens
#snarfedthey've been pretty clearly that self hosted wp shouldn't require wp.com, jetpack, etc. so calypso could require it if calypso itself is optional, but otherwise doubtful
#tanteksure, OAuth'd to what service though? something has to log you in via https and then hand out the OAuth tokens
#aaronpk"If you run your own self-hosted WordPress site, you can install the Jetpack plugin to use the Calypso-based editing and management tools. Your site will be ready to go once you log in to WordPress.com or download the Mac desktop app."
#snarfedsorry, gRegorLove is right, jetpack strongly wants but doesn't require a wp.com account
#tantekseems like a natural fit to upgrade Calypso to use IndieAuth instead, and add WordPress.com as yet-another-IndieAuth provider
#cleverdeviland then, potentially Calypso will be usable without WP.com
#bengo(in the indieweb of microservices, should everyone have a personal Authorization server that is complementary to their personal www site? I think so, even if it delegates authentication to something like indieauth or wp.com or webid or something)
#snarfedyup. self hosted wp auth is very configurable. there are good plugins that make it provide/consume openid, add 2fa, etc
#tanteksuch a pull request will test how "open sourcey" "they" want Calypso to be
#aaronpkexcept you should have said "delegates to something like indieauth.com" instead of "indieauth" since indieauth is the protocol and indieauth.com is the service
#tantekwell except for webid, I agree, since keygen is dead, and browser client certs are getting ripped out for security reasons
#tantekas long as you have a good FAQ (diagram even) to point that 1% to - that's easier than adding a name and making it more complicated for everyone
#snarfedgRegorLove: i believe it doesn't but not 100% sure
#gRegorLoveLooks like it does. "Why do I need a WordPress.com account? Many of our core features (like Photon, Stats, and Protect) make use of the WordPress.com cloud. For this to happen Jetpack requires a (free) WordPress.com account. If you don't have one already you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process." https://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/faq/
#aaronpkyeah I suspect the technical reason is not just because the actual authenticaiton is simpler, but it also makes a bunch of other things simpler
#kevinmarkshm, if all @ replies on twitter get sent to my micropub endpoint, my homepage is going to get very long
snarfed joined the channel
#kevinmarksinteresting, my SERP now is no longer someon saying 'kevin marks was…" in the comments, but is the summary of my top post
#kevinmarksno, weirdly the summary of my 2nd from top post
#cleverdevilI'd be even more curious to see Known implement the server-side APIs required to support Calypso as a frontend :)
#rhiaroHey everybody! This is a call for you to add yourself to indiewebcamp.com/mentions if you have a page displaying your mentions/replies/etc. If you have a private one/behind auth just for yourself, also note that
#rhiaroI know people were debate what to call 'mentions' sometimes and I can never remember all the alternatives
#rhiaroso if there's another wiki page with a similar list, can you point me?
[snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed]kevinmarks: you mean the new bridgy feature? definitely not. we try to limit to explicit mentions.
#voxpellikevinmarks: give me a shout or add an issue on the project if you start feeling the need for some pagination – you will probably be the first one ;)
#gRegorLovesnarfed: So this is for anytime someone posts on my wall, regardless of privacy setting?
#tantek.comedited /h-entry (+1619) "move why to top, expand for publish/consume, expand how to for publish / consume, indieweb examples, requests" (view diff)
#LoqiIndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather semi-regularly to meet in person, share ideas, and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites http://indiewebcamp.com/IWC
#tantekbasically if you have a question about something, like IWC, you can usually just ask "what is" to get the overview of it and likely the answers you're looking for
#aaronpktantek: as requested, top banner is updated with the next indiewebcamp!
#aaronpkwait why does that have to be an SDK that the app uses? the whole point of the new iOS share stuff is so apps can delegate that to the system
#voxpelliwell, that's only for simple shares + it requires at least two-three taps per publish rather than just having it as a maybe default on share option in the posting ui
#voxpellihard to argue with those independent app creators today that they should learn indieauth, micropub etc – too much effort for too little gain for them
#aaronpkI think the in-app share buttons are an artifact from before iOS had system sharing
#aaronpkbut yeah app developers want an SDK they can drop in, not an API. you see that with APIs like facebook too.
#aaronpkthe app developers don't want to use the facebook API, they just want to drop in the SDK and use it
#voxpellithat's why eg. http://pragmaticcode.com/linky/ is used by some social media people rather than just doing multiple individual sharings – that + some better options
mlncn joined the channel
#aaronpki still want to make myself an iOS micropub app that is a share target. when I do that I'll make the indieauth part its own library
#Loqishare is a watered down verb that's used on the "social web" (and other platforms like Google's Android) to mean pretty much any action https://indiewebcamp.com/share
#voxpellitantek: yeah, eg. the share sheet has become a trigger of all social actions
#tantekbasically, if you want vagueness in your UI, or you're not sure what to call an action, call it "share", because that's what (nearly) everyone else does when they don't have a precise name for something
#tantekif you want to communicate more precisely pick a more specific term, e.g. repost for reposts.
#kylewmgRegorLove: this may already be resolved, but bridgy used to have h-as-repost but I (sort of unilaterally) changed it recently to h-as-share since "repost" wasn't in AS1
#voxpelliI think 403 makes sense for the case of unaccepted source / vouch – makes it clear that it's not anything about the format of the reuqest that isn't accept but rather the actual content
#voxpellia 403 points in a better direction in regards to debugging than a 400 does I think
#voxpellia 401 would convey that the password is wrong, a 403 conveys that the permission of the requester to perform the action has for some reason been denied
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: 403, SHOULD NOT be repeated with the SAME data
#tantekvoxpelli: per the cited wikipedia reference, 403 is more specific than that
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: well, right now allmost all errors in Vouch uses 400 so to have two errors both use 403 wouldn't be that bad – after all, detail error information should be delivered in addition to HTTP code
#tantekvoxpelli: not necessarily - it's not clear if you want to provide that much information to attackers
#tantekand since vouch is specifically intended to help filter attackers, that must be a considerations
#tantekbasically, attackers should be given as little information as possible in terms of why their attack failed
#tantekthe days of overly precise error messages in protocols are long past - those days when everyone developing protocols assumed people were "nice" on the internet
#gRegorLoveRe: Vouch, I'm hoping to finally have an implementation ready to test in the next couple of days.
#voxpellitantek: it was in response to ben_thatmustbeme's feedback that using the same code for two things would be bad, with that thinking one should specifically avoid using a code for just that purpose
#voxpelli(eg. http://jsonapi.org/format/ also lists lots of 403 uses that are not directly linked to authentication but rather just refusals of different kind)
#tantekgRegorLove: spam is an issue for Bridgy webmentions e.g. from Twitter
#voxpellia 400 is actually documented as "something that is perceived to be a client error" – and a denied vouch isn't really that, but I can see a reason to disguise as it
#gRegorLoveTrue, though Bridgy's going to be a whitelisted exception, unless they start sending vouch.
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: well, /mentions refers to both post mentions and homepage mentions – but mostly for having a separate page for mentions I guess now when I reread so you don't fit that
#voxpellione can consider a mention of a post to be a mention of a person to mimick behavior of Twitter – I guess that's what the three of us has currently done
#voxpelliwhen building the list that is, not in the actual presentation of each mention in that list