#matrrixIs there a way to get a username/password for the IWC wiki along with using indieauth? I do most of my editing on a machine lacking a browser capable of doing indieauth...
#matrrixtries signing up on his phone and looking for a password reset doodad.
#matrrixhmm, is there no signup to just get my username? my indieauth signup is my domain rather than pulling my h-card?
#matrrixAlso the email confirmation mail has a delivery delay
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#gRegorLovematrrix: There's no username/password login to the wiki by design, AFAIK
#tantekit worked! https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantek/23995162453/ all the tags there were automatically added by Bridgy Publish based on the p-category markup it found in the original post which was all added automatically from recognizing the #-hasthtags in the text :)
#Jeena"A Modeling Language for Customizable User Interface Designs" never heard of it, sounds interesting
#LoqiCASSIS, short for Client And Server Scripting Implementation Subset, is an intersection of the syntaxes of Javascript and PHP, as well as an open source library, cassis.js, that enables writing code once, and having it natively execute in both JS and PHP https://indiewebcamp.com/CASSIS
#voxpelliproblem with many wordpress widget approaches is that they are added on all pages and thus creates rel-me links on non-profile pages which is pretty bad :P
#voxpelli"rel="me" is used on hyperlinks from one page about a person to other pages about that same person. "
#pfefferlepetermolnar a blog might have more than one user/author
#petermolnarvoxpelli on the very page you've linked the example of tantek is present on all of his pages...
#voxpellion non-profile pages one has to use something like rel-author instead to indicate an author relation between a content page and a profile page
#petermolnarpfefferle true, but my page is my page only
#voxpellipetermolnar: can't find a better wiki page reference right now, but I would suggest checking with someone like tantek or aaronpk – as far as I've understood a rel-me on a page always indicates that it's a profile page
#pfefferlethe OpenID link for example prints all relevant headers to a blogs profile page, for example http://notizblog.org/author/matthias-pfefferle/ and there is a global setting, where I can set the blog as a singleuser blog... this setting adds the headers also to the root url...
#pfefferleperhaps we can re-use this functionality
#voxpellipetermolnar: yes, the front-page is most often the profile page, but not eg. article pages
#voxpelliand in eg. my case both my front-page and my about-page are profile pages and they are linked together with rel-me to indicate that they represent the same user
#voxpelliand the home page only if it's a single user site, otherwise only author pages
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#petermolnarI don't think I can stand behind this; rel-me for me is contact information, and displaying them in the footer removes the need of at least on click for the visitor
#voxpellinope, rel-me is _not_ for contact information – it's for identity consolidation
#Zegnatfor what it is worth, tantek uses rel-author to link to his profile page (homepage in his case) from subpages
#voxpelliand the mechanisms behind RelMeAuth / IndieAuth becomes somewhat weird when one can suddenly log in to a page through any URL, even blog articles and the likes
#voxpelliyeah, what tantek does there is the right way, thanks Zegnat :)
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#GWGpetermolnar: Saw the PR and merge. Going to have to look at that. Might bring over some stuff from the version I wrote and then remove it from Syndication Links.
#JeenaI often have people interested in a HWC who don't have facebook, nor do they have a website wich implements webmentions yet, do you guys also invite automatically via email or something like that?
#Jeenaperhaps one should couple it to some instance of a caldav calendar where people can rsvp via gmail/outlook too?
#snarfedinstagram permissions review update: oauth-dropins got rejected too :(
#snarfed"Still in Development: Your app is still in development. Please resubmit only when your app is ready to go live and no longer in development.
#snarfedInvalid Use Case: The use case described in your submission notes, screencast and website is not a valid use case that we allow on our Platform."
#petermolnarsnarfed I missed the updates on bridgy, was that rejected too?
#GWGpetermolnar: Location is a side box that has the Lat/Lon right now, and two buttons. One that pops up this dialog box, the other that pulls the location using HTML5 Geolocation...although it is completely wrong about where I am.
#petermolnartip: postal code + house number lookup for exact address is a thing in the UK, so postal code is vital here
#petermolnar( a read from exif would also be brilliant, but that's hilariously complicated )
#GWGThe behavior I'm contemplating is having this box pop up, where the location information can be saved as a venue...which is in reality a custom taxonomy...or as post-meta for posts with abstract locations.
#GWGI don't want to add an open/closed field. I think a venue moving is just a new venue.
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#GWGGetting that box to work though is going to be more Javascript then I have done up to this point. I need to be able to save the venue using AJAX.
#petermolnarwhen the lat/long is filled and you press the details, does it try to look up possible choices from somewhere?
#GWGDetails right now pops up the box in the screenshot. The Lookup Address from Provider is currently pulling the address. I considered combining those, but that would eliminate putting in an address manually.
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#GWGI have some reverse geolocation code which is written to allow for additional providers if I ever write them
#petermolnarjust adding the potential candidates in a 'select' automatically would be enough
#petermolnarand would probably be a good user experience
#tantekJeena - that modeling language - I've never heard of it, and their publication date is 2014! CASSIS (as I created it) has been around much longer.
#tantekgoing to manually catch up (for the year) before I add automatic POSSEing
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#tanteksnarfed, minor UI nit, when after I manually publish one photo, when I preview the next, the web UI should remove the "Done! Click here to view" yellow popup thing.
#tantekooh just got a 500 back from Bridgy! that's a rare thing :)
#tantekjust the plain 500 page: "500 Internal Server Error / The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation."
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#bunnywabbit_I'd like to be able to post stuff to my wordpress blog, and have it "autopost" to a facebook article, linkedin article, medium. Is there already code for that (or a plugin?) or is this something I need to put together with my little fingers?
#bunnywabbit_I get the idea of POSSE but right now the actual implementation is really fuzzy for me
#tantekbunnywabbit_: I believe there is a WordPress plugin that can automate POSSE for you - GWG can likely help you out
#tantekare you using wordpress.com or wordpress on your own server?
#GWGThere are many WordPress POSSE plugins. I'm not sure about POSSE to Medium. That I have to check.
#GWGFacebook and LinkedIn I have some recommendations
#GWGMedium seems to have a POSSE plugin for WordPress, but the notes seem to suggest it is more of a beta. Might be worth trying
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+315) "/* auto POSSE photos to Flickr */ implemented auto_tag hashtag hack in Falcon, thus other approaches (improve auto_link, or get Bridgy to detect it) become nice improvements, not critical path" (view diff)
#tantekGWG, is there a section on the WordPress Plugins page for "Might be worth trying" ? E.g. the Owark plugin could fit there too
#tantekso when you find such plugins, we can collect them there and others in the community can help try them too and evaluate them
#tanteksnarfed, to add to minor UI nit, similarly when you publish a video and it says "Note that videos take time to process before they're visible." in a yellow bg popup at the top, when you then preview another post (like a photo), it should remove that that yellow bg popup.
#bunnywabbit_tantek: wordpress plugin sounds dreamy -- wordpress.org multisite on my own server (with all the anguish of runaway apache processes that goes with it)
#aaronpkweird idea: privately POSSE all my photos to flickr, wait for the auto-tags to be entered, copy those tags back to my site, then delete the photo from flickr.
#bunnywabbit_GWG: seems to me that what Social Networks Auto Poster plugin does is create a status update in FB with a link to the post, is that correct? It won't create an "Article" in FB, will it?
#snarfedi think it was just an hr or so, but i'll take it :P
#GWGIt will optionally take the full post and post it to Facebook.
#snarfedsurprised the video tag fix didn't work for you, it didn't for me. i'm looking
#bunnywabbit_GWG: but as a status update or as an article?
#tanteksnarfed: perhaps because it was inside a hyperlink inside a video tag?
#petermolnarbunnywabbit_ you have various options. SNAP (Social Networks Auto Poster) used to be my personal preference; it works as expected and has many options; as for creating an article: you post on your site, SNAP creates and entry on FB; the type of that entry depends on what options you select for the plugin, at the post creation
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#tantekaaronpk: if Bridgy backfeed sent Flickr tag-of replies back to you, you wouldn't have to delete it
#tantekor at least you wouldn't have to manually wait for the auto-tags
#GWGbunnywabbit_: As petermolnar said...although I've never tried LinkedIn.
#petermolnarbunnywabbit_ so it can be a share, a full text entry, a photo, etc.
#aaronpkof course between this and also potentially accepting tags from other people, I may need to find a way to indicate *who* added each tag to my post
#petermolnartantek, aaronpk auto-tag on flickr is not always immediate
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#snarfed1tantek: nested html shouldn't matter, but we'll see
#snarfedalso singpolyma i tried to see if granary (and therefore bridgy) converted it to an activitystreams tag, but your site 403s granary-demo for some reason :/ https://granary-demo.appspot.com/?input=html
#voxpellitantek: did you see the rel-me discussion from earlier today? thinking it should probably be clarified somewhere on some wiki that rel-me should _only_ be added to pages representing a user/profile
#tantekre: page-scoped kylewm etc., yes, some legacy rels are attempted to be entry-scoped, however HTML5 spec kind of did away with that. so in practice we can only use rels when the page is the thing, e.g. permalink pages for h-entry items
#singpolymasince in this case the whole page is really just the hentry, the whole page is tagged anyway, in effect
#kylewmtantek: OK, for what it's worth, we added entry-scoped rel=bookmarks to mf2py with the wide world of wordpress themes
#singpolymasnarfed: I whitelisted the granary-demo user agent now
#Loqikylewm meant to say: tantek: OK, for what it's worth, we added entry-scoped rel=bookmarks to mf2py for compatibility with the wide world of wordpress themes
#tantek" parsers should look for rel=tag hyperlinks inside an hentry, and take the last path segment of their "href" value as a value for a p-category property"
#kodfabrik.seedited /rel-me (+450) "/* FAQ */ Adding section about adding rel="me" on non-profile pages" (view diff)
#voxpelliwould love it if tantek or someone else gave that answer a second look and perhaps added a reason of "why" one shouldn't in addition to my answer
#tantekkylewm: while you're here, I'm curious how Bridgy Publish to POSSE person-tags work
#KevinMarksthis happened with Chris Messina and Tara Hunt in the Google Social Graph API, because they both rel=me'd to the coworking space they founded and back
#gRegorLoveBut it doesn't cause problems for single-author sites at least.
#tantekdo I have to (or does it *help* if I) link to people's specific Flickr profile URLs? by name? by Flickr ID?
#aaronpkI suppose I could remove the rel=me attribute from my links, but I do want them in the footer of every page
#GWGKevinMarks, I plan to use a post configuration more suited to the journey for that.
#voxpelligRegorLove: Google did for a long time and when they shut down their Social Graph API I started working on my own and some other in the community has done the same
#GWGBut there is nothing in my implementation that assumes that it can't move. It just wouldn't have coordinates.
#gRegorLoveI dunno. So far for me, it ain't broke so I don't think I'll try to fix it.
#GWGOf course, my implementation is nowhere near done.
#voxpelligRegorLove: metadata is never broke for a publisher, only for a consumer ;)
#gRegorLoveEvery time I delve into rels I get confused for a while. Not sure why; they seem pretty straightforward, heh
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#tantekmore specific Flickr person-tagging question
#KevinMarksin html4 rels were vaguer, and were often interpreted for a subset of the page; in html5 they are defined as page-scoped so we have conformed to that
#KevinMarkswhich makes rel-tag, rel-bookmark and the rev- based microformats trickier to use
#tanteknot worth clustering/confusing with that issue
#KevinMarksthere is a case for legacy parsing, as a lot of blogs have the markup
#kylewmtantek: it's best if you include a link to the person's flickr page, but it can be their profile or photostream, and can use ids or usernames; it shouldn't matter
#tantekwhoa: Bridgy Publish error: "Error: message=User cannot add this person to photos, flickr code=3 HTTP Error 400: message=User cannot add this person to photos, flickr code=3"
#aaronpkthat seems like a good feature for webmention.io
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#kylewmlooks like it's a Service Worker thing, which makes sense
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#cweiske.. and it makes you dependent on browser vendor push servers
#aaronpkoh interesting, and google's implementation for Chrome uses Google Cloud Messaging
#aaronpkit seems like in theory the browser could let you point to your own push subscription service, like how you can use a different bookmark sync service
#aaronpkif I wanted to run my own push subscription service, then the browser could always register with it, and the endpoint that it gives out to websites that want to send me a push would always be using my service
#aaronpkit would still be one connection from my browser, just to my own server instead of mozilla's
#aaronpkat least we're taking one step in the right direction with the browsers all exposing the same push API to websites, so at least we won't need to worry about the differences between browser push services from that side
#matrrixaaronpk: is it possible to register with indieauth and have it create an account not named after the domain? like using the h-card on the page or something?
#matrrixas much as I want to be known as "notes.whatthefuck.computer" for the rest of my IWC days...
#aaronpki suppose, but it's kind of nice that the wiki user accounts double as a way for people to find your website