aaronpkas we speak, just got another connect error from a random domain, since they mapped their domain to blogger. so yeah i'm gonna have to do something more complicated than a whitelist
aaronpki'm actually looking at the number of requests to XRay, not actually looking a webmention.io, but it does a request to XRay for every incoming webmention (after it rate limits a little)
aaronpkfun fact: if you encountered any HTTP redirects when fetching a page, don't forget to use the last URL as the reference URL when dealing with the page afterwards
aaronpke.g. if you fetch aaron.pk/4Zn5 then make sure you use the resulting URL on aaronparecki.com when passing to the microformats parser otherwise all the relative URLs in the parsed result will be wrong
acegiakGWG: Trying to work out how to make it so that when I post from the wordpress app which doesn't specify a kind, obviously, posts get auto-marked as the "note" kind
GWGPlease. I've been laid up the last week and a half with a respiratory thing. I'm on vacation after tomorrow for a few days. Was planning on doing some minor tweaks.
GWGBasically, moving rel-me and h-card basic functionality into the Indieweb plugin so installing/configuring it helps you establish your identity online
acegiakat some point I should really just redo whisperfollow the fact that the code is so messy I'm not sure how I'd make it a thing other people could use easily
acegiakI hope my lastfm and youtube scrobbling doesn't spam anyone's feed too much. I've specifically got them categorised so that it should be easy to filter them out
jasikpark, sammachin, begriffs, loic_m, snarfed and dogada joined the channel
bearaaronpk - I spent about an hour trying to write words explaining how to submit articles to the aggregator i'm writing and to be honest, yours are so much better - so i'm going to be borrowing chunks of your how-to page
begriffsThinking about breaking out of silos like Slack, I'd like to host a chat server for some coworkers. What's best: running an irc server or xmpp (or something else)?
begriffsSuppose people are happy to use swift.im and I'm running eJabberd on digitalocean...I would have to create accounts for each user, right? Would they be able to change their own passwords?
rMdesabout xmpp/irc selfhosting earlier : https://github.com/YunoHost this nice tool help you get a nice dashboard with all your apps users@yourdomain.tld
rMdesplayed both with prosody & openfire ended up with jappix for what I needed it was great, mostly because i needed a single sign on solution to switch between apps
petermolnarI used to do a lot of the preinstalled os thing, or the web interface os editor ( like eBox or Virtualmin ) but it always leads to misunderstanding / not getting how things really work
rMdesthat's true also for yunohost, i had to digg a bit under the rublles to get how they make it work, in the end it's bash scripting adapted to each platform/os so it was easy to learn & see where things go
rMdesyunohost is helping a lot of people get into the real of selfhosting and self managing your own shit, it's very good, because when they get frustrared by it's limitations, they either participate with solution, or move on to real self hosted without on-click solution, but it's too late, they are already on the journey to never go back to hotmail or gmail
petermolnaracegiak you're misunderstanding me: those who "I just want it to work" should not host their own, internet facing _server_. It's dangerous, not for them, but for anyone else using the internet.
petermolnarcweiske when the router and the server is separated, the approach of having security on the router is usually enough, unless there is upnp on the box, or a forwarded port
rMdesi started from just wanting my own VPS with my own tools running, its only after that that i went yunohost for some cases and I learned a lot just by doing this journey with a few people, it's really great !
acegiakIf my sister wants to set up yunohost on a raspberry pi, what bad things are going to happen that are not going to happen on a service where she's payed a third party?
petermolnarI am well aware that this argument is problematic and sounds offensive; I was trying to phrase it as nice as I could. Currently there are billions of devices out there, actually participating as a botnet element, and they are mostly the maintained, outdated things that someone once installed and never really cared about, because "I just want it to work"
acegiakI don't think that's the fault of projects like yunohost, I think that's the fault of paid consumer products that claim to just work in a disposable society
rMdeshaving all these nice apps easy to install, you still have to learn how to maintain your OS and have it patched at system level for security issues etc...so it's really a process, something you get to do more along the road
acegiakhonestly, right now, I'm looking at how to set up yunohost and migrate my personal blog because I've done way more damage to my own security trying to work out SSO on my own than any prepackaged solution could ever create
acegiak"just click here" should exist, but it should exist with appropriately conservative development and support. then there are a thousand degrees of control all the way up to writing your own OS for your host system
petermolnarso, is anyone aware of a self-hosted OS, which is, similarly to Rasberry, trying to teach and push towards learning the rest behind it? Yunohost is not a bad start, but for me, their website is advocating and "it's just one click, anyone can do it" approach, not the "this is how you start, and click here to learn more"
petermolnarthat is what docker is used for these days, which is even a worse security nightmare ( here, download this container image and run in, first pipe this bash from the internets to install prerequisites )
rMdes& its also a nice "indieweb" gift to give out there: hey here's is your domain, your site, your data and your contacts/emails/agenda in one box, have fun !
petermolnarlooking back on my long deleted tweets, trying to identify the first time I tried POSSE; it looks like Aug 2011. It didn't know the term and was referring to it as cross-posting, only to Twitter, and that idea failed miserably. I'm glad I've found indiewebcamp ~3 years after that :) ( why: I'm looking at /timeline which got me wondering how much behind I'd been with the same idea )
petermolnarI've hit an interesting wall that time: most of the people following me at silo X were following me elsewhere as well ( or my site itself ), thus POSSE was generating redundancy and noise; now I remember I never got to the bottom of this issue
petermolnar!tell tantek if I load your page with 3rd party content blocked, it fries Firefox with a script timeout message as chrome://global/content/bindings/videocontrols.xml:1523
snarfedacegiak: re posse to G+, i've seen code that opens the G+ share box with your content pre-filled. still have to click "post" manually, but still mostly automated.
[jgarber]aaronpk snarfed The source was directly from xnxx.com (VERY NSFW) and it was native. I have a form on my post pages where someone can paste a URL so it could very well have come in that way than from, say, the command line or someone else's posting interface.
[jgarber]@voxpelli: My validation method still has some kinks in it, so I don’t delete non-validated webmentions. They stay unvalidated and don’t show up on the public side of my site.
[jgarber]tantek: I’d say FrancisCMS is of moderate difficulty for someone familiar with Rails. The documentation is _pretty_ thorough but does require some specific knowledge. shaners works with Rails (I believe) and might be a good judge of my “moderate difficulty” assessment and/or the quality of the documentation.
petermolnarI know the spam problem was addressed with the idea of vouch, but has anyone came up with anything against the ddos/dos that could happen because there is too much remote data to process?
voxpelliand I do know how to scale up my fetching + parsing to handle probably a couple of hundred submissions a second – tried and tested in the real world
KevinMarkslol at Orkut emphasising ex-google engineers as the orignal orkut was running on windows on a box under his desk and it took ages to get it onto gogole infrastucture
sknebel_once something wordpress-related discusses webmentions or something like them is included in wordpress, there are going to be "SEO experts" raving about it
LoqiOrkut was a silo from Google that existed from 2004 to 2014 (see site-deaths) and was very popular in Brazil and India https://indiewebcamp.com/orkut
gRegorLoveWow, in the Medium export (from wiki) "they replace external links with a redirect to a /r/?url= link that obviously doesn't work locally or on a server without you adding code"
tantek.comedited /projects (+347) "move FrancisCMS to Get Inspired per jgarber note about moderate difficulty, cite IRC. Also noted what dobrado requires." (view diff)