#tantekcame up with an entire shorthand naming system for CSS test suite tests back in day, you may be able to search/dig for it and find it.
#aaronpkeventually i'm going to add webmention *sending* tests, but that's a whole different story
#aaronpkwhere webmention.rocks will send you test mentions
#kylewmtantek: could you explain your comment about "your password has changed" in an email notification? I'm not following at all, is there a bug?
#tanteknot saying you should, just saying if you were curious about web history trivia etc.
#tantekkylewm: point was that's a bit of a "scare phrase" (having just seen it in an actual email) and thus I could see it being an attack vector of sorts (people sending/making a comment that is designed to look like a password reset / recovery email message)
#tantekthat's as far as I got - I don't know if there is an actual vulnerability there, just potentially another phishing attack surface
#tantekfor any system that automatically puts 'web comments' into email messages
#tantekinstead of looking for the correct value later
#aaronpkthere's another one which is when a page advertises an endpoint using all three methods (HTTP Link, html link, a link), the sender is supposed to send to only the first one, so I need to show if it ends up sending to the wrong endpoint
#tantekheck put a false rel value / endpoint like that both before and after
#bearodd - test/2 returned a status code of 200 but it's not showing
#tantekaaronpk: please consider pure HTML source order for rel discovery rather than preferring LINK over A. I'm fairly certain that other (previous?) rel discovery mechanisms did that.
#tantekcould file an issue to track it - got to run to dinner though
#aaronpkbear: yay! also hooray for finding fun edge cases in my markup
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: doesn't mean its perfect; more like I haven't had the time
mblaney and gRegorLove joined the channel
#gRegorLoveRegarding wm discovery, my code doesn't differentiate between 'a rel' and 'link rel' currently, so I think it would just use whichever one it found first in the HTML.
#LoqigRegorLove: aaronpk left you a message 21 hours, 7 minutes ago: interesting point. however the authorship algorithm results in an author h-card, not an author URL, so the xmpp URL in that test case could still be used to match that h-card. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-10/line/1460274782358
#LoqigRegorLove: aaronpk left you a message 21 hours, 1 minute ago: XRay in particular looks for http/https URLs and will ignore anything else, so that's why the test is looking for that URL and not the xmpp one http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-10/line/1460275152669
#pfefferleacegiak I will add the changes also to my fork... perhaps we should discuss how to handle/implement the salmention in a good way, to unify both versions.
#acegiakPfefferle, yes! Except I'm super busy all the time at the moment. Maybe over email? It just !tell me your thoughts and I'll get back to you when I can?
#acegiakReally I'm all about the hack that gets things working to start with. I'm not so much the person that implements things properly for the long term
j12t, sanduhrs and nitot joined the channel
#pfefferleacegiak perhaps we start it as a independent plugin and merge it, when it is finished...
#acegiakPfefferle would require a lot of interhooking with the semantic linkbacks plugin
tantek, hs0ucy and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#miklbwould it be prudent to have an h-card on every page? my project has one on home page, but wondering if I should add one to footer on non-home pages.
#singpolymamiklb: I do on non-home pages, but that doesn't necessarily meant you need to ;)
#tantekmiklb - "h-card on every page" is a plumbing-first way of looking at it
#tantekyou have a page, from a user perspective that page was likely created on a certain date (dtpublished), it likely has a name (title, p-name), and content, thus it makes sense to mark it up with h-entry
#tantekthe page likely has an author as well (p-author), who likely has their own URL (even if another page on the same site), thus it makes sense to hyperlink the author name from a UX perspective and then once you have that, it makes sense to mark *that* up with h-card
#miklbtantek I have all of that marked up. So that would be sufficient?
#tantekthe h-entry markup I quoted above was just one way of doing it - whatever makes sense for your CMS / publishing tool
#GWGSo, if you have information about yourself on every page... Isn't this the minimal hcard linking to full scenario that is coming up?
#miklbjekyll is just HTML so I can markup however I want. Currently I'm adding the author info in the article footer, but if I understand correctly, I should consider moving that above the e-content
#tantekGWG see above where I said "the page likely has an author as well (p-author), who likely has their own URL (even if another page on the same site)"
#KartikPrabhumiklb: above/below does not matter. It should be a child of the h-entry element
#aaronpktantek: hm, but it works in reverse, since once you've defined how to find author info, someone can look at that as what to expect consumers to be able to find
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: people not familiar with /authorship. The easier thing to understand is that the h-card is child of the h-entry. If you know /authorship inside-out you could do many other things
#miklbjust to be clear, I'm only questioning for my own edification and to be able to share with other Jekyll users (or anyone else looking for markup examples)
#KartikPrabhukylewm: I don't know why it is a challenge. my webmention endpoint just ignores it if there is no photo
#tantekaaronpk: no it does not. just because browsers support tables for layout does not mean you should seriously consider tables for layout as an option
#tantekKartikPrabhu: right, publishers should really not have to care nor know about /authorship
#aaronpkis on the train to Seattle, with a less than great wifi connection, and is taking this opportunity to build an authorization endpoint into p3k so that he doesn't have to rely on indieauth.com when signing in to local apps
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
#GWGaaronpk, if you used WordPress I'd have everything I wanted built already.
#aaronpki mean I do have an offline version of indieauth.com too, but it's annoying to have to run that app when i just want to sign in to my dev copy of quill
#snarfedeh, depends on how many separate services you want to be able to talk to each other locally
#voxpellimiklb: it's a bit odd btw that the rel-author and p-author h-card has different URL:s?
#tantekaaronpk: have you considered having Micropub officially supersede RFC 5023 "The Atom Publishing Protocol"? Pretty sure Micropub handles everything better
#voxpelli+1 on Snarfed, my local apps, like my WebMention endpoint skips auth locally
#voxpellialthough a local auth endpoint sounds like a good thing as well (as do a WP-based one)
#snarfedaaronpk: yup, i definitely haven't tried following it to its extreme like you'd need to. probably still doable though. but the local indieauth alternative is also good and maybe easier for you
#aaronpktantek: interesting. I should read through that to see if there's anything in there not yet covered by Micropub. I suspect it has a few more things, especially around collections/lists.
#miklbvoxpelli I think I need to revisit that part after this conversation
#voxpelliI realize that embarrassingly enough I have forgotten rel-author (which I have been a fairly vocal advocate for and built some tools that consumes :P)
#GWGsnarfed, I think the WordPress community, with all the webmention articles of late, needs to see those plugins being updated.
#kylewmaaronpk: I always have to bypass auth for unit tests, wouldn't imagine it's too much extra work beyond that
#voxpellimiklb: btw, to keep the schema focused and minimal as well, perhaps remove the Schema.org stuff? so that one can get a good example of a pure IndieWeb-theme?
#snarfedGWG: maybe? i dunno. i'm a bit skeptical of the trending idea that recent updates are such an important measure of a project's health, esp for small projects.
#snarfedi mean, i get that it's *a* measure, but especially for smaller things that work and are well tested (which wp-micropub isn't, granted), it doesn't make as much sense to condemn projects that haven't changed much in a year, or three
#miklbvoxpelli I debated that myself. When I was going through the html 5 spec, it was using schema markup. That was a bit self serving as this will eventually be a starting point for my own redesign and wanted to use it.
#snarfed(if they're *abandoned*, then maybe, sure, but that's a bit different)
#GWGsnarfed, there have been a lot of changes in webmentions since the plugin was written
#aaronpkkylewm: it's more like how do I then get a session on Quill that posts to my micropub endpoint
#aaronpkit just sounds like more work and more extra code paths to maintain
#GWGFor example, the current plugin ignores a 404 on a source link.
#voxpellimiklb: can maybe be a bit confusing to see mixed metadata formats – also not sure the Schema.org parts add much, I haven't really felt an urge to add them to my theme
#GWGSo a lot of little things that will set up for features like Vouch, Salmentions, delete, etc.
#miklbvoxpelli I could certainly remove them now and archive the markup for my own uses later.
#aaronpkGWG: I would prioritize supporting updates and deletes over extensions like vouch, if that helps at all
#GWGI didn't write an asynchronous handler, but I changed the code so someone could drop one in more easily.
#GWGI'm not adding features till the new code is merged in to support it.
#GWGBasically, the hooks I can add new functionality into without disrupting existing functionality
tantek joined the channel
#miklbvoxpelli I'm impatient by nature so wanted to get this out there, plus, this is my my first true attempt at a solo project intended for others vs just throwing some of my own code up on GitHub
#GWGThe same applies to Semantic Linkbacks. I'm trying to fix update functionality there.
#miklba wise man once told me "release early, release often" :-)
#voxpellimiklb: +1, release early, release often is a good thing :) will try to give it a better look and some more feedback later on + look at whether our themes can converge somewhat
#GWGI broke it trying to get the webmention enhanced before the notification went out about it.
#miklbvoxpelli I waited on the micropub stuff since I'm not 100% sure of how it all connects. Figured once I could test it personally, would make more sense to me to add.
#miklbvoxpelli also, you might be happy to know that GitHub is working https
#tantekmiklb not sure how the schema nonsense made it into that HTML5 draft - I'll look into it from a W3C perspective, as schema is a Google thing (with some MS/Y!/Yandex input) - not really a "standard" in terms of openly developed as we typically expect
#voxpellimiklb: sounds like a good idea, the micropub endpoint should probably be my main focus for at least the first iwc, I should probably try to make it a simple service to sign up to
#aaronpki've gotten better about writing more complete tests since I wrote that library
#miklbtantek to be clear, I think the example in the draft uses a slight variation from schema.org. This was simply my attempt at incorporating. Perhaps better documentation there would help novices like me
#tantekmiklb indeed - it goes to show the power of examples, even if they are informative / "non-normative"
#tantekI think KevinMarks was working on adding an h-entry example right next to it (before it preferably) so not too many people would be led astray by the schema stuff
#kylewm.comedited /2016 (+26) "/* Assistance */ update with aaronpk's email instead of benwerd" (view diff)
#voxpellitantek: couldn't find a page on the IWC wiki regarding schema.org, surely there must be such a page, right?
#tantekby "adding" I mean submitting a pull request
#tantekvoxpelli: no because it has no relevance for the indieweb
#voxpellitantek: I was thinking a page saying exactly that :)
#aaronpkwhat's worse though is when someone submits a PR with both whitespace and functionality change, cause then it makesi t super hard to figure out what the actual change is
#aaronpksome editors use that to provide autocomplete and inline docs about functions
#tantekkylewm: I kind of see that kind of GitHub formatting-only commit as GitHub activity inflation
#bearif the language has a standard lint setup, and the project is open source -- IMO it is worthwhile to document that the project follows (or not) the standard
#bearwarns about speaking to the why/reason-behind someone submitted a PR and focus on the reason it's not a good reason to merge
#tantekbear, given how many more steps it takes to "save" something in github rather than just "Save", I'm suspicious of such activity
#tantekin my experience, the more you code, the more you get allergic to "ceremony"
#tantek(which is what all the command line extra mumbojumbo is)
#kylewmthere is a guy on wikipedia that just changes every instance of "comprised of" to "composed of", people are irritated by surprising things. mix tabs and spaces is not that weird of a peeve
#miklbvoxpelli ah, I see now what you meant about different URLs. I'm still grokking how GitHub pages handles urls, i.e. site.github.url vs site.baseurl/site.url
#bearmy point is this - sometimes a PR like that is nothing but "oh, hey, easy github juice" but often it's someone who is trying to become an opensource dev and thinks "hey, this helped me grok the project, let me share"
#voxpellireally wishes Jekyll would get an alternative non-ruby implementation, would benefit static sites a lot
#miklbvoxpelli I pinged benbalter on a question about code review of a jekyll gem/plugin (archives) and stated themes as gems & https were current priorities
#voxpellitantek: then you install eg. jslint as an additional dev dependency and add it to the test command of your package.json, then it will run on each commit and PR when you activate the repo on the Travis site
#bearCircleCI has the same policy basically as travis - everyone can get a single build container and open source projects can apply for free 4 build containers
#singpolymaoh interesting. I didn't know Circle had that option
#bear_webvoxpelli - phpcs requires an xml file to configure what it checks for - is there a default one someplace?
#voxpellibear_web: it should contain some defaults
#bear_webI have no idea why i'm online as bear_web* also
#bear_webah, so I can just add phpcs to the composer json
#voxpellibear_web: one can see a list by running "phpcs -i" and the most modern standard of them are the "PSR2"
#voxpellibear_web: yep, installing it through composer is simplest, doing a pear dance or something is having PHP showing it's no that very nice side of things :P
#tantekperhaps the webmentionrocks copy should suggest commenting with what publishing tool and/or any HTTP/HTML link header/rel libraries people are using
#bear_webgrabs some food while phpcs chews on things
#bear_webok, my cassis fork now has a circleci config file that runs phpcs, phpunit and npm test - you can see the results (including the failed tests) here - https://circleci.com/gh/bear/cassis/5
#bear_webgoes to lunch (will add eslint to the mix after lunch)
#aaronpkokay now i'm at least storing the response data on disk for archival purposes
#aaronpkand I extended the timeout to 2 weeks for now
bear joined the channel
#aaronpkoh dear. embedly thinks bear's photo is the main photo for the page
#LoqiIndieWebCamp code of conduct tl;dr: Be respectful of other people, respectfully ask people to stop if you are bothered, and if you can't resolve an issue contact staff. If you are being a problem, it will be apparent and you'll be asked to leave https://indiewebcamp.com/code-of-conduct
#[shaners]"lots of projects are moving to it” => list all of the reasons why this one is good. good enough for lots of projects big and small by people I respect and agree with.
#[shaners]aaronpk: To be clear, I don’t have a strong opinion about which OSS license you should use on your repos. I was just curious. And had forgotten if we had talked about it.
#tantekaaronpk: wish I'd heard about it then, I could have perhaps helped with pointing to some lawyerly resources, e.g. wiki.mozilla.org/Standards/licensing
#tantekshaners++ for pointing out stuff we need to explicitly add to the IndieWebCamp code-of-conduct
#tantekshaners - good point about the snarkinitions, I'll work on suggesting some explicit paths for improvement so anyone that comes across them can take a crack
#aaronpkI know of CONTRIBUTING.md but hadn't heard of the code of conduct one yet
#kylewmI've been converted to CC0 for writing Known plugins, with the hope that they could be integrated into core without any additional effort/attribution
#kylewm(whereas I think it's cool that Mf2 et al are in that list)
#[shaners]aaronpk tantek: I think I was conflating CONTRIBUTING.md being an actual feature that GH recognizes and CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md just being an emerging convention.
#kylewmaaronpk: do you have any intention of publishing XRay as a library? (as opposed to as a service). like I'm looking at XRay/Formats/Mf2, seems useful