tantek.comedited /IRC (+250) "add kevinmarks irc activity as joy division graphic linked to his post as yet another cool thing re: IRC that's been done" (view diff)
tantek!tell shaners the need to confirm the existence and venue for an event is more a social/reminder problem than an App/UI problem. In our current "tool" of the individual pages, all an organizer typically has to do is remove the <!-- --> comments around their "usual" venue. Trivial for all of them. Yet nearly every Thursday I have to explicitly ask for this. I'd be asking in any system, fancy UI or not. not a UI problem. just a data point.
tantek!tell shaners that being said, obviously that's a minor part of all the event stuff that could be better, RSVPing, reminders, map of location etc. etc. etc.
gRegorLove!tell shaners I tried to edit my h-card profile to add location and bday (mm-yyyy). Said it was updated successfully but doesn't show up on the profile or subsequent edit page.
Loqi[shaners]: tantek left you a message 31 minutes ago: the need to confirm the existence and venue for an event is more a social/reminder problem than an App/UI problem. In our current "tool" of the individual pages, all an organizer typically has to do is remove the <!-- --> comments around their "usual" venue. Trivial for all of them. Yet nearly every Thursday I have to explicitly ask for this. I'd be asking in any system, fancy UI or not. not a UI problem. just a data point. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-30/line/1467333671437
Loqi[shaners]: tantek left you a message 27 minutes ago: that being said, obviously that's a minor part of all the event stuff that could be better, RSVPing, reminders, map of location etc. etc. etc. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-30/line/1467333902745
Loqi[shaners]: gRegorLove left you a message 13 minutes ago: I tried to edit my h-card profile to add location and bday (mm-yyyy). Said it was updated successfully but doesn't show up on the profile or subsequent edit page. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-30/line/1467334752185
[shaners]tantek: agreed. Not all of our problems / process around events are a technical / design problems. Some are though. The ones that are fixable/improvable by software or design, we should. :+1::skin-tone-2:
tantekBTW I find it easier to add to /posts_about on the wiki than post to news.indiewebcamp. If I did something like say, add an h-entry / h-cite autogenerating template for /posts_about links to articles, could new items from that "feed" be auto-parsed/picked-up by "this week"?
aaronpk[shaners]: I tried updating the mailchimp template last week but it didn't work for some reason. just now I tried "pause and edit" the campaign, and then re-enabling it, so hopefully it picks up the new template now.
colintedfordFive tildes gives a timestamp in the wiki, which could be handy for adding "date added" to entries on /posts_about. It's not ISO 8601 format, but maybe there's a setting to change that?
aaronpkthe way assembling the newsletter works is it's given a date range (last friday to this friday) and looks at a bunch of pages and pulls entries from the pages with a date within that range
gRegorLovetantek: I added the next couple HWCs to events. Wasn't sure if I should list all locations or not. Can you double check so whatever's appropriate goes out in this-week?
Loqi[indieweb] "Liked this tweet: Kevin Marks on Twitter: “looks like the #dwebsummit article on @FastCompany by @dangillmor and me got translated into chinese: https://t.co/PQWrpkyQ3U #indieweb”" by Scott Kingery http://techlifeweb.com/14526-2/
LoqiDomain privacy refers to privacy concerns around the contact information that is publicly available with each domain name registration https://indiewebcamp.com/domain_privacy
petermolnaranyway, we realized .eu is not the best domain for a photographer portfolio - for business - at the moment in the UK, that's why I had to look for .com
petermolnarsorry for the noise; I decided to do a looong postponed main domain change from .eu to .net; the .eu always was awkward to tell people, as it never really caught up, and while it took a few years, I eventually got tired of it
snarfedGWG: conflicts are expected! they don't mean you did something wrong. :P don't try to avoid them with different commands. just resolve them, git add ..., and git commit.
tantek.comedited /Falcon (+2104) "/* Working On */ better post creation UI - apparently these were only in local txt files. so add some off the top of my head" (view diff)
tantekkylewm or like a hot tub means limited capacity and at some point anyone new getting in makes everyone else a bit more uncomfortable? until discomfort reaches a threshold which makes nearly everyone leave
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 2pm Pacific time. http://indiewebcamp.com/this-week/2016-07-01.html
tantek.comcreated /Template:photosrcalt (+517) "new photosrcalt template that takes two parameters, first the src, and second (optional, but highly recommended) the alt" (view diff)
tantek!tell gRegorLove could review this new photo template to help make sure we actually get nicer looking photos with u-photo markup for the newsletter etc: https://indiewebcamp.com/Template:photosrcalt
tantek.comedited /People_App_Proposal (+240) "/* Problems */ fix typo, note to solve "easily gets stale or out of sync with their current information", people app itself needs to auto-update info" (view diff)
[shaners]Can you 1. remove your note about solutioning from the problems section, 2. move it to somewhere else in the doc, and 3. at least, sign your {{name}} at the end of it, so readers know who is saying what
tantekthe staleness issue is the biggest problem IMO that I've seen (in the longterm). copy/pasting duplicates is trivial in comparison (even if tedious)
tantekmiklb - I actually see a lot of opportunity in replacing mediawiki with something better, which is why I myself have written up most of the brainstorming about designing/building a better wiki - on the wiki itself
[shaners]tantek: nothing about this proposal (or the other larger one /indieweb.org) is about markdown. i even reiterated that several times to you in personal after hwc. i said the same thing that my preference/taste is toward markdown where as yours is mediawiki. and i’m not trying to fight that battle anymore.
[shaners]in fact, the people app is an attempt to away from syntax altogether. no markdown, no mediawiki, no html. just fill out a form. which is pre-populated from your h-card.
tantekshaners, elemental GUI aspects: GUIs tend to work better because a user can plainly *see* (graphically) and thus *discover* the things they can do.
[shaners]so, back to miklb’s question about your resistance to proposed solutions to very real problems. when that solution isn’t somehow inside of mediawiki, why are you resistant to it. namely, the people app.
tantek.comedited /People_App_Proposal (+1029) "move expansion of update problem to a feedback section, note +1 on solving that, and -1 on replacing User: pages (much more work than is being assumed by this proposal)" (view diff)
tantekmiklb, "getting information out of" is a problem for nearly every project and community, because it can almost always be improved, and most people in a community are not copy-editors
[shaners]but I think his original question still stands about your general resistance to using anything other than the wiki. even when the wiki is not great at it. profiles, events.
tantekshaners, already answered. people mistaking changing tools for actually addressing the real problem (e.g. content about getting started in this instance)
[shaners]i said to you many times over after hwc sf (and i thought you agreed with me) that the wiki is great at free form site structure and free form content within a page. ie, it’s great at a community built resource / encyclopedia.
[shaners]i said that the wiki is emphatically not good at other things. three examples of which: people, events, homepage *design* (which is hugely important).
[shaners]why are you being this way, tantek? you have people telling you that there are these pain points with the website. and you are repeatedly resistant, pedantic and sometimes hostile to their opinions.
tantekand yes, "show don't tell" has been a core part of what made indiewebcamp indiewebcamp in the first place as an escape from the talking-centric communities of past
tantekshaners you said "channel is easy to use for me and wiki is not. full stop.", so I said "if you don't like mediawiki then use etherpad, or heck google docs"
[shaners]Tantek: this is coming from a long time member of this community and a friend, the way you talk to me (and others) in the channel is why I don’t participate more.
tantekshaners, I have zero interest in repeating arguments in chat/email other conversational mediums, and yes that's a deliberate discouragement in contrast to encouragement to use community collaborative documenting mediums (whether wiki or etherpad or other things)
tantekas a friend I'm telling you to please reconsider your bias towards chat - it's not productive, and it turns people off when they're trying to *collaborate* to build something
tantekbecause trying to figure out where something ended up from a mailing list is so ridiculously a high barrier that communities often keep having the same arguments there
miklbtantek that's a perfect example. I didn't know where to put those thoughts. Now there are discussion pages,which I have used in the past, but prior to switching to the default theme, it was confusing and I almost didn't share them
tantekin essence the https://indiewebcamp.com/WordPress page should be what you're looking for, and if it's not, that's a problem that needs a good writer (and someone that understands WordPress) to fix
tantekthose aspects (needs a good writer that understands WordPress) is independent of whatever document editing tool (mediawiki, etherpad, google docs)
miklbbut it also requires someone comfortable with mediawiki. I've seen "incoming" pages created for a topic where a volunteer who was good with MW could collect and organize. Or the discussion page
tantekI'm happy to help with the "how to properly collect and organize" question in general as well and adapt/change it based on suggestions / feedback
tantekthe wiki is just a set of collaborative document editing tools, that happens to have better persistence / search discovery than alternatives that are equivalently community accessible (etherpad, gdocs)
miklbI have nothing else to offer to that discussion that hasn't already been said. I was truly just offering my own experiences in general and confusions I experienced with just a wiki. And I'm someone who's been around building websites not as long as some around here, but > 10 years
miklbbut they have numerous places to find info and get help. It's just a starting point, and IW isn't quite like a software project, so its not a fair comparision.
tantekmiklb - it's still useful to get an idea, even if it's not a "fair comparison". and per that concern I added a note saying it's a project-specific home page.
tantekhence why I asked if you had seen any such, as you said as "someone who's been around building websites not as long as some around here, but > 10 years" :)
miklbthat was a community decision. We also tried a forum, we had IRC (including a plugin that allowed you to access IRC from the admin of your install). Any time someone wanted to try a new avenue, we encouraged them to try.
tantek.comedited /2016/homepage (+177) "note still looking for good examples of Community website home pages vs project-specifc, add habariproject per miklb suggestion" (view diff)
tantekmiklb I suppose by that "Community" link comment I meant specifically that a Google Groups list archives page is a very poor "Community" home page IMO
tantekturns out that "talker trolls" (i.e. folks that never/rarely actually build anything) have FAR more time (and preference) to write long emails than collaborate on documents (wiki or otherwise) or any open source
tantekso they tend to "win" in email lists, and drain folks that are the core value of a creative community, the folks actually designing and building things
tantekeventually mailing lists end up dominated by just such talkers, and none of who will actually ever build anything, so it turns into a purely virtual social thing, rather than anything productive
tantekthe *hope* with IRC is that it's harder to write essays, and so hopefully harder for talkers to waste time, or rather, we can usually redirect them to attempting to do productive things, like signing in with their own website to the website etc. (which then walks them through improving their website)