2017-01-16 UTC
nitot, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks, nitot, tantek, Pierre-O, davidmead and wolftune joined the channel
animai_, wolftune and nitot joined the channel
# 06:31 GWG !tell miklb Connected the Bridgy Publish plugin to the Micropub Plugin. Want to give it a try?
# 06:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
# 06:40 GWG Goal for weekend achieved, Quill to Twitter via Micropub, WordPress, and Bridgy. Now, bed.
# 06:50 Loqi gwg has 181 karma in this channel (197 overall)
singpolyma, bttf, tantek, Pierre-O and cweiske joined the channel
# 07:29 Loqi gwg has 182 karma in this channel (198 overall)
Kamelreiter and jihaisse joined the channel
pindonga, KevinMarks, nitot, pindonga-, Pierre-O, j4y_funabashi and adactio joined the channel
# 11:27 sebsel Apparently you'll get magical extra hours when you do that :)
# 11:29 Loqi [Sebastiaan Andeweg] Day 1: fixing reposts
# 11:31 sebsel promised himself to let go of the Indieweb things for today now
friedcell and Kamelreiter joined the channel
marcthiele, Kamelreiter, hs0ucy, aegibsonme, j4y_funabashi, friedcell, mlncn and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 14:43 Loqi miklb: GWG left you a message 8 hours, 12 minutes ago: Connected the Bridgy Publish plugin to the Micropub Plugin. Want to give it a try?
# 14:43 miklb GWG yes, should I just pull down the latest version from GitHub?
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 14:51 miklb !tell GWG not seeing any options on the options page, just a save changes button
# 14:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
martymcguire[m] joined the channel
# 14:59 miklb !tell GWG Bridgy_Class needs admin_init it seems
# 14:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:12 miklb !tell GWG I have a lot more feedback, where is best? Issue in GitHub?
# 15:12 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
M-rongladney, jcgregorio[m], prtksxna, plindner, JulianFoad[m], M-hotzeplotz, SpEcHiDe, mindB, TheGillies, Guest112299[m], Guest86807[m], crasch[m] and nitot joined the channel
mlncn, hs0ucy, mlncn_, nitot, EHLOVader, leg, funwhile_ and jmelesky joined the channel
# 17:03 GWG miklb, forgot to push the main file to the repo, so it isn't loading the setup screen. Will try in a bit from my phone
# 17:03 Loqi GWG: miklb left you a message 2 hours, 11 minutes ago: not seeing any options on the options page, just a save changes button
# 17:03 Loqi GWG: miklb left you a message 2 hours, 4 minutes ago: Bridgy_Class needs admin_init it seems
# 17:03 Loqi GWG: miklb left you a message 1 hour, 51 minutes ago: I have a lot more feedback, where is best? Issue in GitHub?
tantek joined the channel
# 17:08 miklb GWG oh, when I added admin_init, the settings screen worked.
KartikPrabhu, DanC and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 17:28 [jeremycherfas] I have quite a few domains for various projects of mine. Currently only one of them is where I experiment with indieweb things. Another is what I would call my “personal” domain. I’m wondering, is there a “best” way to arrange things? For example, should my personal site be my main "this is me” site and if so, how do I indicate that the others are also me, sort of? Grateful for pointers to things that might help me think this thr
# 17:31 aaronpk are the other domains definitely more like projects rather than alternate identities?
moredhel and keithjgrant joined the channel
# 17:42 tantek jeremycherfas, if you have any social media / silo accounts, put your "personal" domain as the "website" on those accounts
# 17:43 tantek and then, if any of your other domains also represent you, other facets etc., link to them from your main personal site with rel=me
# 17:43 tantek however no rel=me on any links to any domains that are personal projects,
raretrack and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 17:51 [jeremycherfas] Thanks aaronpk and tantek. Maybe the best thing I could do would be to expand on what the various domains are for and then link to that from here. That will probably be easier. It will also help me to sharpen my questions.
# 17:52 tantek definitely. making use of your domains first will help you figure out how you want them to fit together
wolftune and guest175 joined the channel
# 18:31 Loqi sebsel has 9 karma in this channel (10 overall)
# 18:31 Loqi [Sebastiaan Andeweg] Day 1: fixing reposts
# 18:31 tantek and the 100daysofindieweb attempt in general!
# 18:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
EHLOVader, tolerablyjake and guest175 joined the channel
# 19:27 sebsel (just noticed that I can login with only 'seblog.nl' too! no https://, that saves!)
jmelesky and mlncn joined the channel
# 19:52 gRegorLove Actually, it makes me want to try the 100 Words in 100 Days again.
KevinMarks joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 20:20 GWG !tell miklb Uploaded missing change from my phone
# 20:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:22 Loqi [gRegor Morrill] I think I’m going to try the 100 Words in 100 Days challenge again. I only finished 13 non-contiguous days last time. I also didn’t fill in the missed days. This time I want to be more rigorous about it.
I’m planning to start on February 1. I...
# 20:37 Loqi gregorlove has 75 karma in this channel (99 overall)
# 20:44 gRegorLove They would appear as text fields in Firefox, yeah. They're type-date fields. Haven't added a polyfill for them yet.
# 20:44 tantek also - is there a agreed upon (hash)tag for that?
# 20:45 gRegorLove adactio tagged his posts "100words" so #100words probably works
# 20:45 tantek gRegorLove: I was confused because I was expecting before/after to be buttons to nav to previous/next posts
# 20:46 gRegorLove next / prev post links are further up, right under the published date and my name
# 20:49 Zegnat sebsel is actually also doing 500 words / 100 days, next to the indieweb stuff.
# 20:50 sebsel I do, but they are Dutch words. Still wondering wether 500 is too much, but I think I can do it.
miklb_ joined the channel
# 20:53 sebsel And not really proud of it yet, but hey, it's the writing that counts. My 100daysofindieweb for tomorrow might very well be a new way of presenting all this stuff on my homepage :)
# 20:53 Loqi sebsel has 10 karma in this channel (11 overall)
# 20:55 tantek gRegorLove: yeah, I keep documenting ideas, not having the confidence to start a 100 days project (yet)
# 20:55 tantek I've been trying to do practice 100 days of positive photos since the 1st, but I think I already missed a day or two so I'm trying to figure out a good rhythm for it
# 20:56 aaronpk 100 days is a lot! my end date is March 30th and that seems so far away
# 20:57 sebsel aaronpk yeah but also: it seems like yesterday that you started, and you're over 25% now!
hs0ucy joined the channel
# 21:21 sebsel oh, I just saw that one when filing an issue for dt-updated in XRay :D
# 21:21 Loqi aaronpk has 455 karma in this channel (1179 overall)
# 21:22 aaronpk nice, what do you do with it on the consuming side?
# 21:22 sebsel I just fixed some typo's and grammarthings in my English post--
# 21:23 sebsel Well, I thought I should resend mentions with an updated dt-published.
# 21:23 sebsel But I don't actually do that, I just update the date for now.
# 21:23 sebsel Sorry, will try and internalise this question :)
# 21:24 aaronpk i suspect there is a need for it with readers, but readers are still a relatively unexplored area here.
# 21:24 sebsel yeah, I'm building one myself, because I noticed it was an unexplored area
# 21:25 sebsel Documenting that one can be a 100days I guess.
# 21:26 tantek I like the mobile web display of Woodwind quite a bit
# 21:26 tantek it's such a calm way to read people I'm following!
userXYZ joined the channel
# 21:29 aaronpk Interesting, it keeps track of which things you've seen?
# 21:29 sebsel yeah new things come in at 'New', where I can view them 10 at a time
# 21:29 aaronpk Is that "mark as read" button just for the indented things or for the whole page?
# 21:30 sebsel they have a checkbox, when I tick that they don't get marked at read, but as 'want-to-read'.
CherryPuffs joined the channel
# 21:30 sebsel also: it displays oldest posts first, so I don't miss a thing.
# 21:32 sebsel I follow Twitter via Granary and then a lot of hfeeds. I want RSS/Atom support too though.
# 21:32 sebsel okay that's it for me. I need to get back in my own time zone :D
acegiak joined the channel
hs0ucy and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
# 21:38 [keithjgrant] Hey all... Looks like something already syndicated some of my tweets here :)
# 21:38 aaronpk hi [keithjgrant]! yep when you mention "indieweb" on twitter it'll show up here!
# 21:53 [keithjgrant] I discovered the W3C social web specs, and have wondered why I haven't seen them before now. Been wanting an open studio protocol for years
# 22:03 tantek welcome keithjgrant! do you have your own website?
# 22:07 [keithjgrant] Statically generated. Just starting on a redesign, figure that's a good time to start adding social features :)
# 22:10 tantek you're in good company. plenty of static sites folks here!
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 23:16 KevinMarks Mine is static too, but handles webmention receiving via voxpelli's handy service
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
# 23:20 [keithjgrant] Also, what things should I be thinking about beyond webmentions? I like the W3C approach to things like subscriptions & tracking followers, but it looks like that stuff is less commonly implemented at this point (?)
# 23:23 tantek keithjgrant re: easier to implement, there are tradeoffs between different things
# 23:23 tantek keithjgrant - beyond webmentions, you should consider user-centric features. Webmentions are only interesting in that they help you implement peer-to-peer commenting, liking, reposting from and to your own site